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# CaaS
CaaS is a Python library which provides Compression as a Service. CaaS offers reasonable and high speed compression by taking advantage of the Serverless Technology. CaaS mainly performs effective compression on Image, Audio and Video files and effective lossless compression/decompression on text files. CaaS library uses custom file compression algorithms which are deployed on Openwhisk Serverless Framework.
## Installation
CaaS can be installed by running ` pip3 install CaaS `. It requires ` Python 3.6.0 and above ` to run.
## Abstract Usage
The detailed usage of each interface is given under the section Interfaces. Here is the abstract usage of the CaaS library.
`from CaaS import interface` <br />
`response = interface("filename_of_file_to_compress","filename_of_compressed_file","authorization_key")`
` interface `: interface for compressing image, video, audio and text files. It is discussed in detail for each type of file in Interfaces section.
` response `: stores HTTP status code returned for your request.
## Interfaces
### CaaS::image_compression
- `image_compression` is the interface for Image Compression.
- It uses Semantic Perceptual Image Compression algorithm to compress the image files.
- Semantic Perceptual Image Compression algorithm is implemented and deployed on the Openwhisk Serverless Framework.
- CaaS provides support for compression of JPEG and PNG image files.
#### Usage:
`from CaaS import image_compression` <br />
### CaaS::video_compression
- `video_compression` is the interface for Video Compression.
- It uses Semantic Perceptual Compression algorithm to compress the video files.
- Semantic Perceptual Compression algorithm is implemented and deployed on the Openwhisk Serverless Framework.
- CaaS provides support for compression of MP4 video files.
#### Usage:
`from CaaS import video_compression` <br />
`response = video_compression("video_file_to_compress","filename_of_compressed_video_file","authorization_key")`
### CaaS::audio_compression
- `audio_compression` is the interface for Audio Compression.
- It uses Principal Component Analysis algorithm to compress the audio files.
- Principal Component Analysis algorithm is implemented and deployed on the Openwhisk Serverless Framework.
- CaaS provides support for compression of WAV and MP3 audio files.
#### Usage:
`from CaaS import audio_compression` <br />
`response = audio_compression("audio_file_to_compress","filename_of_compressed_audio_file","authorization_key")`
### CaaS::text_compression
- `text_compression` is the interface for Text Compression.
- It uses Adaptive Huffman Compression algorithm to compress the text files.
- Adaptive Huffman Compression algorithm is implemented and deployed on the Openwhisk Serverless Framework.
- CaaS provides support for compression of TXT Files and Programming Files(e.g.: .cpp, .py, .java, .js, etc).
#### Usage:
`from CaaS import text_compression` <br />
`response = text_compression("text_file_to_compress","filename_of_compressed_file","authorization_key")`
### CaaS::text_decompression
- `text_decompression` is the interface for Text Decompression.
- It uses Adaptive Huffman Decompression algorithm to decompress the text files.
- Adaptive Huffman Decompression algorithm is implemented and deployed on the Openwhisk Serverless Framework.
- CaaS provides support for decompression of TXT Files and Programming Files(e.g.: .cpp, .py, .java, .js, etc).
##### NOTE: As the implemented Text Compression and Decompression is lossless, the input to the `text_decompression` interface must be the text file compressed with the `text_compression` interface.
#### Usage:
`from CaaS import text_decompression` <br />
`response = text_decompression("file_to_decompress","filename_of_decompressed_text_file","authorization_key")`