# CTkMessagebox
**A modern and fully customizable messagebox for [customtkinter](https://github.com/TomSchimansky/CustomTkinter)**
### Features:
- Customize all elements inside the messagebox
- Add custom icons or images
- Add multiple options according to your wish
- No ugly looking header or borders
- Comes with **5 default icons**
- Spawns at center of the screen/app
- Draggable window
- Fade-in/Fade-out window effect
## Installation
pip install CTkMessagebox
[<img alt="GitHub repo size" src="https://img.shields.io/github/repo-size/Akascape/CTkMessagebox?&color=green&label=Source%20Code&logo=Python&logoColor=yellow&style=for-the-badge" width="300">](https://github.com/Akascape/CTkMessagebox/archive/refs/heads/main.zip)
## How it looks?

## Example
from CTkMessagebox import CTkMessagebox
import customtkinter
def show_info():
# Default messagebox for showing some information
CTkMessagebox(title="Info", message="This is a CTkMessagebox!")
def show_checkmark():
# Show some positive message with the checkmark icon
CTkMessagebox(message="CTkMessagebox is successfully installed.",
icon="check", option_1="Thanks")
def show_error():
# Show some error message
CTkMessagebox(title="Error", message="Something went wrong!!!", icon="cancel")
def show_warning():
# Show some retry/cancel warnings
msg = CTkMessagebox(title="Warning Message!", message="Unable to connect!",
icon="warning", option_1="Cancel", option_2="Retry")
if msg.get()=="Retry":
def ask_question():
# get yes/no answers
msg = CTkMessagebox(title="Exit?", message="Do you want to close the program?",
icon="question", option_1="Cancel", option_2="No", option_3="Yes")
response = msg.get()
if response=="Yes":
print("Click 'Yes' to exit!")
app = customtkinter.CTk()
app.rowconfigure((0,1,2,3,4,5), weight=1)
app.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
customtkinter.CTkLabel(app, text="CTk Messagebox Examples").grid(padx=20)
customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text="Check CTkMessagebox", command=show_checkmark).grid(padx=20, pady=10, sticky="news")
customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text="Show Info", command=show_info).grid(padx=20, pady=10, sticky="news")
customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text="Show Error", command=show_error).grid(padx=20, pady=10, sticky="news")
customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text="Show Warning", command=show_warning).grid(padx=20, pady=10, sticky="news")
customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text="Ask Question", command=ask_question).grid(padx=20, pady=(10,20), sticky="news")
| Parameters | Description |
| -------- | ----------- |
| _master_ | set parent window (optional), the box will spawn at center of the parent window |
| _width_ | width of the window in px (optional) |
| _height_ | height of the window in px (optional) |
| _fg_color_ | forground color of the messagebox [middle portion] |
| _bg_color_ | background color of the messagebox |
| **_title_** | title of the messagebox |
| **_message_** | main message of the messagebox which will be shown at the center |
| **_option_1_** | the text on the first button [Default is 'OK'] |
| **_option_2_** | the text on the second button |
| **_option_3_** | the text on the last button |
| _button_color_ | color of the buttons |
| _text_color_ | color of the message-text |
| _title_color_ | color of the title-text |
| _button_text_color_ | color of the button-text |
| _button_hover_color_ | hover color of the buttons |
| _button_width_ | width of the buttons in px |
| _button_height_ | height of the buttons in px |
| _border_width_ | width of the border around the main frame [Default is 1] |
| _border_color_ | color of the frame border |
| _cancel_button_color_ | color of the **close** button, **set it to 'transparent' if you want to hide it** |
| **_icon_** | icon that will be shown in the messagebox [Default is the 'info' icon] |
| _icon_size_ | define the size of the icon image manually (tuple) |
| _corner_radius_ | corner roundness of the messagebox window [**not applicable in linux**] |
| _font_ | font of the messagebox text (tuple) |
| _header_ | add the original header back if you don't like **overrideredirect** (bool) |
| _topmost_ | disable the topmost window outside the app (bool) |
| **_fade_in_duration_** | enable a fade-in and fade-out animation (int, default is 0) |
### Icons
**Default icons:**

(*These icons are created using Paint.NET, free to use!*)
**For custom images, just use `icon="path_to_the_image.png"`**
## That's all, hope it will help in UI development!