CAPTCHA Middleware
CAPTCHAmiddleware is a WSGI middleware python packages for putting
CAPTCHAs on forms for unauthorized users (those that haven't logged in
yet). If you aren't authorized -- in python terms, if remote_user is
not set on the request -- then CAPTCHAs and a hidden key will be added
to forms with ``method=POST``. You will be required to correctly
solve the CAPTCHA in order to submit the POST request. Otherwise, the
CAPTCHAmiddleware will stop your request and redirect you back to
the form.
What are CAPTCHAs? -or- I hate those things
CAPTCHAs are admittedly imperfect ways of telling humans and computers
apart. Presumedly if you are already identified (logged in), then the
computer is satisfied that you are you. But what if you want to make
an anonymous comment on someone's blog post? In a perfect world,
there would be no CAPTCHAs. In the real world, there is SPAM. So if
I want to protect my blog from SPAM-bots, I need to do something.
Again, CAPTCHAs aren't perfect, but they're at least something.
Why SkimpyGimpy?
I used SkimpyGimpy because it is free, open souce, and has an easy to
use API. People complain that the CAPTCHAs are hard to read. I'm
sorry about that. If you really want to help, I'm sure the
SkimpyGimpy developers would be more than glad for a hand.
Why not reCAPTCHA?
reCAPTCHA is annoying because it uses an API key and is not open
source. I have no idea why either of those things are true. If
someone wanted to help include reCAPTCHA support in this package, I'd be happy
to help. But because my opposition to closed source software (yes,
even if they are web services) and API keys, its not a priority for
Why do this with middleware instead of in an app?
This is a long debate and the subject of many blog posts. In short, both
approaches are valid. If you want to integrated with application
logic, you shouldn't use middleware for something like this. If you
just want this functionality and don't care about tight integration,
then this approach might work for you.
Why does CAPTCHAmiddleware look half done?
Because it is. This is very much a work in progress. Its target
audience is clearly developers who want to get their hands dirty. So,
as per the usual disclaimer, sorry for the mess, am working on it.