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[Orange] is a component-based data mining software. It includes a range of data
visualization, exploration, preprocessing and modeling techniques. It can be
used through a nice and intuitive user interface or, for more advanced users,
as a module for the Python programming language.
This is a development version of Orange 3. The stable version 2.7 is still
available ([binaries] and [sources]).
Orange requires Python 3.4 or newer. To build it and install
it in a development environment, run:
# Install some build requirements via your system's package manager
sudo apt install virtualenv git build-essential python3-dev
# Create a separate Python environment for Orange and its dependencies ...
virtualenv --python=python3 --system-site-packages orange3venv
# ... and make it the active one
source orange3venv/bin/activate
# Clone the repository and move into it
git clone
cd orange3
# Install Qt dependencies for the GUI
pip install PyQt5
# Of if Python <= 3.4 and/or with package manager
# sudo apt install python3-pyqt4
# Install other minimum required dependencies
pip install -r requirements-core.txt # For Orange Python library
pip install -r requirements-gui.txt # For Orange GUI
pip install -r requirements-sql.txt # To use SQL support
pip install -r requirements-opt.txt # Optional dependencies, may fail
# Finally install Orange in editable/development mode.
pip install -e .
Installation of SciPy and qt-graph-helpers is sometimes challenging because of
their non-python dependencies that have to be installed manually. More
detailed, if mostly obsolete, guides for some platforms can be found in
the [wiki].
Anaconda Installation
First, install [Anaconda] for your OS (Python version 3.5+). Create virtual environment for Orange:
conda create python=3 --name orange3
In your Anaconda Prompt add conda-forge to your channels:
conda config --add channels conda-forge
This will enable access to the latest Orange release. Then install Orange3:
conda install orange3
Starting Orange GUI
Orange GUI requires PyQt, which is not pip-installable in Python 3. You
have to download and install it system-wide. Make sure that the virtual
environment for orange is created with `--system-site-packages`, so it will
have access to the installed PyQt4.
To start Orange GUI from the command line, assuming it was successfully
installed, run:
# or
python3 -m Orange.canvas
Append `--help` for a list of program options.
If you're running Orange with PyQt5 or if you have multiple PyQt versions
available, set the environmental variable `QT_API` to the PyQt version to use,
export QT_API=pyqt5
Compiling on Windows
Get appropriate wheels for missing libraries. You will need [numpy+mkl] and [scipy].
Install them with
pip install some-wheel.whl
Install [Visual Studio compiler]. Then go to Orange3 folder and run:
[Visual Studio compiler]:
python build_ext -i --compiler=msvc install