# Beehive method
pip install BeeHiveOptimization
Implementation of **beehive method** (*particle swarm optimization*) for global optimization of multidimentional functions. It's rewrite of [my C#-implementation](https://github.com/PasaOpasen/MathClasses#swarm-algorithm)
- [Beehive method](#beehive-method)
- [Steps of algorithm](#steps-of-algorithm)
- [0 step: creating a function](#0-step-creating-a-function)
- [1st step: creating bees](#1st-step-creating-bees)
- [2nd step: create hive and get result](#2nd-step-create-hive-and-get-result)
- [Ways to get best solution](#ways-to-get-best-solution)
- [Animations of working](#animations-of-working)
- [See also](#see-also)
## Steps of algorithm
### 0 step: creating a function
Your target function should get a numpy array and return float number.
f1 = lambda arr: arr[0]+arr[1]/(1+arr[0])+arr[2]*arr[3]
# convertion to numpy->float function
def target(x,y,z,q):
return x**2+y**2*z/q
f2 = lambda arr: target(arr[0], arr[1], arr[2], arr[3])
The method seeks the global minimum of target function. If u want to find global maximum, use this idea:
f_tmp = lambda arr: -target(arr)
# ... find global min
tagret_result = -global_min
### 1st step: creating bees
U should create random bees (points) on the scope of the function definition. There are several ways:
from BeeHiveOptimization import Bees, Hive, BeeHive, TestFunctions, RandomPuts
import numpy as np
# 1st step is to create bees
# it's just numpy array with shape bees_count_x_dim
arr = np.random.uniform(low = -3, high = 5, size = (10,3))
# width parameter means the maximum range of random begging speeds
bees = Bees(arr, width = 0.2)
#Current bees' positions:
#[[ 0.33617604 2.76259595 -2.999085 ]
# [-0.58133942 -1.82595287 -2.26129124]
# [-1.50991831 -0.23551418 0.17413979]
# [ 1.31053387 0.35355612 2.481756 ]
# [-1.364382 4.02493949 -2.78089925]
# [ 2.36374008 0.33843842 1.46951863]
# [-1.87690449 -1.41518809 3.40595655]
# [ 4.74609261 -0.49260657 2.53858093]
# [ 4.01111322 4.15685331 -2.31964631]
# [-2.68756173 -1.64135664 4.02514003]]
#Current bees' speeds:
#[[-0.08033063 -0.01577847 0.09157791]
# [ 0.00663306 0.03837542 -0.03689687]
# [ 0.03730019 0.06692513 -0.09634234]
# [ 0.05002886 0.09777222 0.04963313]
# [-0.0439112 0.05785587 -0.0793548 ]
# [-0.01042129 0.0817191 -0.04127717]
# [-0.04244493 -0.07399429 -0.09612661]
# [ 0.03576711 -0.05767438 -0.04689067]
# [-0.00168537 -0.08932749 0.01482352]
# [-0.07065429 0.01786111 0.03995167]]
# u aslo can create bees by random generator like () --> random numpy array (point)
bees = Bees.get_Bees_from_randomputs(count = 10, random_gen = RandomPuts.Normal(mean = 1, std = 0.1, size = 2), width = 0.3)
#Current bees' positions:
#[[0.98081644 0.9112371 ]
# [0.92528417 1.16924546]
# [1.00508078 0.93630044]
# [1.01909155 1.21002551]
# [1.0120159 1.06172031]
# [1.03001703 0.96477502]
# [0.88574818 0.96506573]
# [0.97911058 1.05866232]
# [1.08389834 1.09311021]
# [1.02855873 1.08851412]]
#Current bees' speeds:
#[[ 0.07528273 -0.0453305 ]
# [-0.06902163 0.11876587]
# [-0.02157264 0.13945201]
# [ 0.04903245 0.03650872]
# [-0.11557621 0.13484678]
# [-0.01502636 0.02351688]
# [-0.02755896 -0.07889191]
# [ 0.12101386 0.02210385]
# [-0.1491389 0.03514347]
# [-0.05200653 0.00811743]]
### 2nd step: create hive and get result
bees = Bees(np.random.normal(loc = 2, scale = 2, size = (100,3)), width = 3)
func = lambda arr: TestFunctions.Parabol(arr-3)
hive = Hive(bees,
parallel = False, # use parallel evaluating of functions values for each bee? (recommented for heavy functions, f. e. integtals)
verbose = True) # show info about hive
#total bees: 100
#best value (at beggining): 0.45406041997965585
# getting result
best_result, best_position = hive.get_result(max_step_count = 25, # maximun count of iteraions
max_fall_count = 6, # maximum count of continious iterations without better result
w = 0.3, fp = 2, fg = 5, # parameters of algorithm
latency = 1e-9, # if new_result/old_result > 1-latency then it was the iteration without better result
verbose = True, # show the progress
max_time_seconds = None # max seconds of working
#new best value = 0.22369081290807669 after 4 iteration
#new best value = 0.20481778141411794 after 5 iteration
#new best value = 0.2036698385729661 after 6 iteration
#new best value = 0.15570778532180615 after 7 iteration
#new best value = 0.06772538042802272 after 8 iteration
#new best value = 0.06060365350244633 after 9 iteration
#new best value = 0.048967304902866424 after 10 iteration
#new best value = 0.035531597911666886 after 11 iteration
#new best value = 0.018238258030885895 after 12 iteration
#new best value = 0.007999184438461721 after 13 iteration
#new best value = 0.007095161331114254 after 14 iteration
#new best value = 0.006010424290536399 after 15 iteration
#new best value = 0.0054592185233458875 after 16 iteration
#new best value = 0.003526411943370142 after 17 iteration
#new best value = 0.003212115031845861 after 18 iteration
#new best value = 0.001246361699255375 after 19 iteration
#new best value = 0.0011705559906451679 after 20 iteration
#new best value = 0.0010476941319986334 after 21 iteration
#new best value = 0.0006265651258711051 after 22 iteration
#new best value = 0.00041912821521993736 after 23 iteration
#new best value = 0.0003037094325696652 after 24 iteration
#new best value = 0.0002523002561426299 after 25 iteration
# u also can use this code (without creating a hive)
best_result, best_position = BeeHive.Minimize(func, bees,
max_step_count = 100, max_fall_count = 30,
w = 0.3, fp = 2, fg = 5, latency = 1e-9,
verbose = False, parallel = False)
## Ways to get best solution
To get real global minimum u should use this algorithm with more bees, bigger ```max_step_count```, bigger ``` max_fall_count``` several parameters ```w, fp, fg```:
# to get best solution
func = lambda arr: TestFunctions.Rastrigin(arr) + TestFunctions.Shvel(arr) + 1 / (1 + np.sum(np.abs(arr)))
for w in (0.1,0.3,0.5,0.8):
for fp in (1, 2, 3, 4.5):
for fg in (3, 5, 8, 15):
# 200 bees, 10 dimentions
bees = Bees(np.random.uniform(low = -100, high = 100, size = (200, 10) ))
best_val, _ = BeeHive.Minimize(func, bees,
max_step_count = 200, max_fall_count = 70,
w = 2, fp = fp, fg = fg, latency = 1e-9,
verbose = False, parallel = False)
print(f'best val by w = {w}, fp = {fp}, fg = {fg} is {best_val}')
#best val by w = 0.1, fp = 1, fg = 3 is 6428.695769232477
#best val by w = 0.1, fp = 1, fg = 5 is 32.52712233771301
#best val by w = 0.1, fp = 1, fg = 8 is 160.08392341144406
#best val by w = 0.1, fp = 1, fg = 15 is 687.6266727861189
#best val by w = 0.1, fp = 2, fg = 3 is 24.21891968781912
#best val by w = 0.1, fp = 2, fg = 5 is 49.44330907798958
#best val by w = 0.1, fp = 2, fg = 8 is 184.83187118199487
#best val by w = 0.1, fp = 2, fg = 15 is 185.51770584709303
#best val by w = 0.1, fp = 3, fg = 3 is 79.76934143653314
#best val by w = 0.1, fp = 3, fg = 5 is 47.26493469211696
#best val by w = 0.1, fp = 3, fg = 8 is 184.8646381092168
#best val by w = 0.1, fp = 3, fg = 15 is 160.27503370261758
#best val by w = 0.1, fp = 4.5, fg = 3 is 85.60089227083901
#best val by w = 0.1, fp = 4.5, fg = 5 is 108.62418480388155
#best val by w = 0.1, fp = 4.5, fg = 8 is 171.2798284181892
#best val by w = 0.1, fp = 4.5, fg = 15 is 551.7224618400166
#best val by w = 0.3, fp = 1, fg = 3 is 6483.765801924292
#best val by w = 0.3, fp = 1, fg = 5 is 8.002321991449135
#best val by w = 0.3, fp = 1, fg = 8 is 108.94659371003644
#best val by w = 0.3, fp = 1, fg = 15 is 47.079602126734684
#best val by w = 0.3, fp = 2, fg = 3 is 26.014123389174156
#best val by w = 0.3, fp = 2, fg = 5 is 18.29385998055267
#best val by w = 0.3, fp = 2, fg = 8 is 166.411456895688
#best val by w = 0.3, fp = 2, fg = 15 is 250.8512847429756
#best val by w = 0.3, fp = 3, fg = 3 is 212.89122853639924
#best val by w = 0.3, fp = 3, fg = 5 is 282.19775766847954
#best val by w = 0.3, fp = 3, fg = 8 is 78.26449685551408
#best val by w = 0.3, fp = 3, fg = 15 is 201.77855256657307
#best val by w = 0.3, fp = 4.5, fg = 3 is 101.7205867717656
#best val by w = 0.3, fp = 4.5, fg = 5 is 39.181243373144405
#best val by w = 0.3, fp = 4.5, fg = 8 is 31.339807579184082
#best val by w = 0.3, fp = 4.5, fg = 15 is 136.71496136204559
#best val by w = 0.5, fp = 1, fg = 3 is 7966.104488676415
#best val by w = 0.5, fp = 1, fg = 5 is 31.85174765332643
#best val by w = 0.5, fp = 1, fg = 8 is 119.51737439099381
#best val by w = 0.5, fp = 1, fg = 15 is 343.21190707573186
#best val by w = 0.5, fp = 2, fg = 3 is 19.69118760870259
#best val by w = 0.5, fp = 2, fg = 5 is 355.5573149722314
#best val by w = 0.5, fp = 2, fg = 8 is 124.35986298683065
#best val by w = 0.5, fp = 2, fg = 15 is 159.73058691572118
#best val by w = 0.5, fp = 3, fg = 3 is 91.73431812681028
#best val by w = 0.5, fp = 3, fg = 5 is 348.8643367168582
#best val by w = 0.5, fp = 3, fg = 8 is 103.67897134960793
#best val by w = 0.5, fp = 3, fg = 15 is 239.28420706187788
#best val by w = 0.5, fp = 4.5, fg = 3 is 128.31342837632542
#best val by w = 0.5, fp = 4.5, fg = 5 is 184.85393346379036
#best val by w = 0.5, fp = 4.5, fg = 8 is 24.808161917042987
#best val by w = 0.5, fp = 4.5, fg = 15 is 151.67171420308466
#best val by w = 0.8, fp = 1, fg = 3 is 11473.562212656598
#best val by w = 0.8, fp = 1, fg = 5 is 60.83786609973994
#best val by w = 0.8, fp = 1, fg = 8 is 136.37066252443586
#best val by w = 0.8, fp = 1, fg = 15 is 384.96175871884816
#best val by w = 0.8, fp = 2, fg = 3 is 12.05219722035246
#best val by w = 0.8, fp = 2, fg = 5 is 157.38773631834732
#best val by w = 0.8, fp = 2, fg = 8 is 480.3721790650163
#best val by w = 0.8, fp = 2, fg = 15 is 122.24297005195243
#best val by w = 0.8, fp = 3, fg = 3 is 94.49827014281807
#best val by w = 0.8, fp = 3, fg = 5 is 227.97483895242695
#best val by w = 0.8, fp = 3, fg = 8 is 155.60665206056973
#best val by w = 0.8, fp = 3, fg = 15 is 253.34803362736002
#best val by w = 0.8, fp = 4.5, fg = 3 is 64.920748391647
#best val by w = 0.8, fp = 4.5, fg = 5 is 73.96529195451255
#best val by w = 0.8, fp = 4.5, fg = 8 is 28.47149810229648
#best val by w = 0.8, fp = 4.5, fg = 15 is 130.0584088063038
## Animations of working
# See also
It can be very useful to use also:
* [OppOpPopInit](https://github.com/PasaOpasen/opp-op-pop-init#population-initializers) package for initialize population and using opposition learning strategy
* [OptimizationTestFunctions](https://github.com/PasaOpasen/OptimizationTestFunctions) package for handle several classic test functions