# BRACoD: Bayesian Regression Analysis of Compositional Data
### Installation
Installation in python:
pip install BRACoD
There is also an R interface, which depends on the python version being installed. There is a helper function that will do it for you, but it might be easier to do it with pip. You can install via CRAN.
Or you can install via github.
### Python Walkthrough
1. Simulate some data and normalize it
import BRACoD
import numpy as np
sim_counts, sim_y, contributions = BRACoD.simulate_microbiome_counts(BRACoD.df_counts_obesity)
sim_relab = BRACoD.scale_counts(sim_counts)
2. Run BRACoD
trace = BRACoD.run_bracod(sim_relab, sim_y, n_sample = 1000, n_burn=1000, njobs=4)
3. Examine the diagnostics
BRACoD.convergence_tests(trace, sim_relab)
4. Examine the results
df_results = BRACoD.summarize_trace(trace, sim_counts.columns, 0.3)
5. Compare the results to the simulated truth
taxon_identified = df_results["taxon_num"].values
taxon_actual = np.where(contributions != 0)[0]
precision, recall, f1 = BRACoD.score(taxon_identified, taxon_actual)
print("Precision: {}, Recall: {}, F1: {}".format(precision, recall, f1))
6. Try with your real data. We have included some functions to help you threshold and process your data
df_counts = BRACoD.threshold_count_data(BRACoD.df_counts_obesity)
df_rel = BRACoD.scale_counts(df_counts)
df_rel, Y = BRACoD.remove_null(df_rel, BRACoD.df_scfa_obesity["butyric"].values)
trace = BRACoD.run_bracod(df_rel, Y, n_sample = 1000, n_burn=1000, njobs=4)
df_results = BRACoD.summarize_trace(trace, df_rel.columns, 0.3)
The taxonomy information for these OTUs is available at ```BRACoD.df_taxonomy```
### R Walkthrough
1. Simulate some data and normalize it
r <- simulate_microbiome_counts(df_counts_obesity)
sim_counts <- r$sim_counts
sim_y <- r$sim_y
contributions <- r$contributions
sim_relab <- scale_counts(sim_counts)
2. Run BRACoD
trace <- run_bracod(sim_relab, sim_y, n_sample = 1000, n_burn=1000, njobs=4)
3. Examine the diagnostics
convergence_tests(trace, sim_relab)
4. Examine the results
df_results <- summarize_trace(trace, colnames(sim_counts))
5. Compare the results to the simulated truth
taxon_identified <- df_results$taxon_num
taxon_actual <- which(contributions != 0)
r <- score(taxon_identified, taxon_actual)
print(sprintf("Precision: %.2f, Recall: %.2f, F1: %.2f", r$precision, r$recall, r$f1))
6. Try with your real data. We have included some functions to help you threshold and process your data
df_counts_obesity_sub <- threshold_count_data(df_counts_obesity)
df_rel <- scale_counts(df_counts_obesity_sub)
r <- remove_null(df_rel, df_scfa$butyric)
df_rel <- r$df_rel
Y <- r$Y
trace <- run_bracod(df_rel, Y, n_sample = 1000, n_burn=1000, njobs=4)
df_results <- summarize_trace(trace, colnames(df_counts_obesity_sub), 0.3)