# AutoDataCleaner
Simple and automatic data cleaning in one line of code! It performs **one-hot encoding**, **converts columns to numeric dtype**, **cleaning dirty/empty values**, **normalizes values** and **removes unwanted columns** all in one line of code.
Get your data ready for model training and fitting quickly.
# Features
0. **Uses Pandas DataFrames** (no need to learn new syntax)
1. **One-hot encoding**: encodes non-numeric values to one-hot encoding columns
2. **Converts columns to numeric dtypes**: converts text numbers to numeric dtypes **see [1] below**
3. **Auto detects binary columns**: any column that has two unique values, these values will be replaced with 0 and 1 (e.g.: `['looser', 'winner'] => [0,1]`)
4. **Normalization**: performs normalization to columns (excludes binary [1/0] columns)
5. **Cleans Dirty/None/NA/Empty values**: replace None values with mean or mode of a column, delete row that has None cell or substitute None values with pre-defined value
6. **Delete Unwanted Columns**: drop and remove unwanted columns (usually this will be the 'id' column)
7. **Converts date, time or datetime columns to datetime dtype**
# Installation
#### Using pip
`pip install AutoDataCleaner`
#### Cloning repo:
Clone repository and run `pip install -e .` inside the repository directory
#### Install from repo directly
Install from repository directly using `pip install git+git://github.com/sinkingtitanic/AutoDataCleaner.git#egg=AutoDataCleaner`
# Quick One-line Usage:
import AutoDataCleaner.AutoDataCleaner as adc
# Example
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import AutoDataCleaner.AutoDataCleaner as adc
>>> df = pd.DataFrame([
... [1, "Male", "white", 3, "2018/11/20"],
... [2, "Female", "blue", "4", "2014/01/12"],
... [3, "Male", "white", 15, "2020/09/02"],
... [4, "Male", "blue", "5", "2020/09/02"],
... [5, "Male", "green", None, "2020/12/30"]
... ], columns=['id', 'gender', 'color', 'weight', 'created_on'])
>>> adc.clean_me(df,
... detect_binary=True,
... numeric_dtype=True,
... one_hot=True,
... na_cleaner_mode="mode",
... normalize=True,
... datetime_columns=["created_on"],
... remove_columns=["id"],
... verbose=True)
+++++++++++++++ AUTO DATA CLEANING STARTED ++++++++++++++++
= AutoDataCleaner: Casting datetime columns to datetime dtype...
+ converted column created_on to datetime dtype
= AutoDataCleaner: Performing removal of unwanted columns...
+ removed 1 columns successfully.
= AutoDataCleaner: Performing One-Hot encoding...
+ detected 1 binary columns [['gender']], cells cleaned: 5 cells
= AutoDataCleaner: Converting columns to numeric dtypes when possible...
+ 1 minority (minority means < %25 of 'weight' entries) values that cannot be converted to numeric dtype in column 'weight' have been set to NaN, nan cleaner function will deal with them
+ converted 5 cells to numeric dtypes
= AutoDataCleaner: Performing One-Hot encoding...
+ one-hot encoding done, added 2 new columns
= AutoDataCleaner: Performing None/NA/Empty values cleaning...
+ cleaned the following NaN values: {'weight NaN Values': 1}
= AutoDataCleaner: Performing dataset normalization...
+ normalized 5 cells
+++++++++++++++ AUTO DATA CLEANING FINISHED +++++++++++++++
gender weight created_on color_blue color_green color_white
0 1 -0.588348 2018-11-20 0 0 1
1 0 -0.392232 2014-01-12 1 0 0
2 1 1.765045 2020-09-02 0 0 1
3 1 -0.196116 2020-09-02 1 0 0
4 1 -0.588348 2020-12-30 0 1 0
**If you want to pick and choose with more customization, please go to `AutoDataCleaner.py` (the code is highly documented for your convenience)**
# Explaining Parameters
`adc.clean_me(dataframe, detect_binary=True, one_hot=True, na_cleaner_mode="mean", normalize=True, remove_columns=[], verbose=True)`
Parameters & what do they mean
_Call the help function `adc.help()` to output the below instructions_
* `dataframe`: input Pandas DataFrame on which the cleaning will be performed <br />
* `detect_binary`: if True, any column that has two unique values, these values will be replaced with 0 and 1 (e.g.: ['looser', 'winner'] => [0,1]) <br />
* `numeric_dtype`: if True, columns will be converted to numeric dtypes when possible **see [1] below**
* `one_hot`: if True, all non-numeric columns will be encoded to one-hot columns <br />
* `na_cleaner_mode`: what technique to use when dealing with None/NA/Empty values. Modes: <br />
* `False`: do not consider cleaning na values <br />
* `'remove row'`: removes rows with a cell that has NA value<br />
* `'mean'`: substitues empty NA cells with the mean of that column <br />
* `'mode'`: substitues empty NA cells with the mode of that column<br />
* `'*'`: any other value will substitute empty NA cells with that particular value passed here <br />
* `normalize`: if True, all non-binray (columns with values 0 or 1 are excluded) columns will be normalized. <br />
* `datetime_columns`: a list of columns which contains date or time or datetime entries (important to be announced in this list, otherwise `normalize_df` and `convert_numeric_df` functions will mess up these columns)
* `remove_columns`: list of columns to remove, this is usually non-related featues such as the ID column <br />
* `verbose`: print progress in terminal/cmd<br />
* `returns`: processed and clean Pandas DataFrame <br />
[1] When `numeric_dtype` is set to True, columns that have strings of numbers (e.g.: "123" instead of 123) will be converted to numeric dtype.
if in a particular column, the values that cannot be converted to numeric dtypes are minority in that column (< 25% of total entries in that column), these
minority non-numeric values in that column will be converted to NaN; then, the NaN cleaner function will handle them according to your settings. See `convert_numeric_df()` function in `AutoDataCleaner.py` file for more documentation.
# Prediction
In prediction phase, put the examples to be predicted in Pandas DataFrame and run them through `adc.clean_me()` function **with the same parameters you
used during training**.
# Contribution & Maintenance
This repository is seriously commented for your convenience; please feel free to send me feedback on "ofcourse7878@gmail.com", submit an issue or make a pull request!