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<h3 align="center">
<strong>A lib for update files written in Python.</strong>
## Made with
* [**async-timeout**](https://pypi.org/project/async-timeout/)
* [**aiofiles**](https://pypi.org/project/aiofiles/)
* [**aiohttp**](https://pypi.org/project/aiohttp/)
## Install
Execute the command:
pip3 install AsthoUpdater
## Examples
### Simple Update
By default, the verification algorithm is sha512, you can choose another one with the `algorithm` parameter, available: sha256, sha512, crc32, md5.
If you want to use another one you can contact me.
from astho_updater import AsthoUpdater
async with AsthoUpdater("jsonUrl", "pathToUpdate") as a:
await a.download()
### AsthoUpdater args
json_url: Your json url, required (str)
download_path: The download path, required (str)
download_timeout: The timeout to download file, optionnal, 12 at default (int)
overwrite_files: If you want re-download all files, optionnal, False at default (bool)
file_deleter: If you want dl older files, optionnal, False at default (bool)
logger_status: If you want enable/disable the logger, optionnal, True at default (bool)
logger_name: If you want set the logger name, optionnal, 'astho_updater' at default (str)
logger_date_format: If you want set the logger name format, optionnal, '%H:%M:%S - %d/%m/%Y' at default (str)
algorithm: If you want set the used algorithm, optionnal, 'sha512' at default (str)
download_limit: Limit the number of files that can be downloaded simultaneously, optionnal, 10 at default (int)
### AsthoUpdater properties
get_total_files_to_download: Return total file to download (int)
get_total_files_downloaded: Return total files downloaded (int)
### AsthoUpdater json example
"maintenance": "off",
"files": [
"checksum": "theChecksum",
"name": "filename",
"url": "linkOfFile",
"path": "pathOfFile"
"checksum": "theChecksum",
"name": "filename",
"url": "linkOfFile",
"path": "pathOfFile"
## Author
[<img width="45" src="https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/59535754?s=400&u=48aecdd175dd2dd8867ae063f1973b64d298220b&v=4" alt="Asthowen">](https://github.com/Asthowen)
## License
**[AsthoUpdater](https://github.com/Asthowen/AsthoUpdater) | [GNU General Public License v3.0](https://github.com/Asthowen/AsthoUpdater/blob/main/LICENSE)**