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[![API Logic Server Intro](https://github.com/valhuber/apilogicserver/wiki/images/hero-banner.png?raw=true)](https://valhuber.github.io/ApiLogicServer/ "Single command creates executable, customizable projects")
Find the [documentation here](https://valhuber.github.io/ApiLogicServer/).
# Welcome to API Logic Server
API Logic Server creates __customizable database web app projects:__
* __Creation is Instant:__ create projects with a single command
* __Projects are Highly Functional:__
* __API:__ an endpoint for each table, with filtering, sorting, pagination and related data access
* __Admin UI:__ multi-page / multi-table apps, with page navigations and automatic joins
* __Projects are Customizable, using _your IDE_:__ such as VSCode, PyCharm, etc, for familiar edit/debug services
* __Business Logic Automation:__ using unique rules, extensible with Python
# Background
A brief look at why we built it, and what it is.<br><br>
### Motivation - not instant, propietary IDE, no logic automation
We looked at approaches for building database systems:
* __Frameworks:__ Frameworks like Flask or Django enable you to build a single endpoint or _Hello World_ page, but a __multi-endpoint__ API and __multi-page__ application would take __weeks__ or more.
* __Low Code Tools:__ these are great for building great UIs, but
* Want a multi-page app -- __no screen painting__
* Want to __preserve dev tools__ - VSCode, PyCharm, git, etc
* Need an answer for __backend logic__ (it's nearly half the effort)<br><br>
### Our Approach: Instant, Customizable, Logic Automation
API Logic Server is an open source Python project, consisting of:
* a set of runtimes (SAFRS API, Flask, SQLAlchemy ORM, rule engine) for project execution, plus
* a CLI (Command Language Interface) to create executable projects, which can be customized in an IDE such as VSCode or PyCharm
It runs as a standard pip install, or under Docker. After installation, you use the CLI create a project like this:
ApiLogicServer create --project_name=ApiLogicProject db_url=
> API Logic Server reads your schema, and creates an executable, customizable project providing the features listed below. Check it out - __zero install__ - [here, in Codespaces](https://github.com/ApiLogicServer/ApiLogicProject#readme).
# Feature Summary
| | Feature | Providing | Why it Matters |
| __Instant__ | 1. [**Admin App**](Admin-Tour) | Instant **multi-page, multi-table** app [(running here on PythonAnywhere)](http://apilogicserver.pythonanywhere.com/admin-app/index.html#/Home) | Engage Business Users<br>Back-office Admin |
| | 2. [JSON:**API** and Swagger](API) | Endpoint for each table, with... <br>Filtering, pagination, related data | Unblock custom App Dev<br>Application Integration |
| | 3. Data Model Class Creation | Classes for Python-friendly ORM | Custom Data Access<br>Used by API |
| __Customizable__ | 4. [**Customizable Project**](Project-Structure) | Custom Endpoints, Logic <br>Use Python and your IDE |Customize and run <br>Re-creation *not* required |
| __Unique Logic__ | 5. [Spreadsheet-like Business Rules](Logic-Rules-plus-Python) :trophy: | **40X more concise** - compare [legacy code](https://github.com/valhuber/LogicBank/wiki/by-code) | Unique backend automation <br> ... nearly half the system |
| | Extensible with Python | Familiar Event Model | Eg., Send messages, email |
| Testing | 6. [Behave **Test Framework**](Behave) | Test Suite Automation<br/>Behave Logic Report<br/>Drive Automation with Agile | Optimize Automation to get it fast<br/>Agile Collaboration to get it right |
# Instant -- Single Command
Use the CLI to create the sample API and Admin App project, with a single command.
### Create With Docker
Execute the following commands (Windows, use Powershell):
```bash title="Run API Logic Server in Docker"
# Start the API Logic Server docker container
docker run -it --name api_logic_server --rm -p 5656:5656 -p 5002:5002 -v ${PWD}:/localhost apilogicserver/api_logic_server
ApiLogicServer create-and-run --project_name=/localhost/ApiLogicProject --db_url=
### Or, Create With Local Install
Presuming Python 3.7+ [is installed](Install), it's typically:
```bash title="Run API Logic Server from a local pip install"
python -m venv venv # may require python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate # windows venv\Scripts\activate
venv\Scripts\activate # mac/linux: source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install ApiLogicServer
ApiLogicServer create # create, or create-and-run; accept defaults
## Execute
Your system is running - explore the data and api at [localhost:5656](http://localhost:5656). Using the defaults provided above, you have started the [Tutorial](Tutorial/), the recommended quick start for API Logic Server.
# Customize in IDE
VSCode and PyCharm users can customize and run/debug within their IDE with [these steps](IDE-Execute). Created projects include Launch and Docker configurations.
<figure><img src="https://github.com/valhuber/apilogicserver/wiki/images/generated-project.png?raw=true"></figure>
[Rebuild services](https://valhuber.github.io/ApiLogicServer/Project-Rebuild/) are provided to accomodate changes to database structure or ORM classes.
# Overview Video
Project creation is based on database schema introspection as shown below: identify a database, and the ```ApiLogicServer create``` commands creates an executable, customomizable project.
Click for a video tutorial, showing complete project creation, execution, customization and debugging.
[![Using VS Code](https://github.com/valhuber/apilogicserver/wiki/images/creates-and-runs-video.png?raw=true?raw=true)](https://youtu.be/tOojjEAct4M "Using VS Code with the ApiLogicServer container")
# Getting Started
### Quick Evaluation - _no install_
You can avoid install hassles by exploring the [Sample Project in Codespaces](https://github.com/ApiLogicServer/ApiLogicProject#readme). This will enable you to use VSCode - _in your Browser, zero install_ - to:
* see the created project
* use the Tutorial to run, customize and debug it
We think you'll find Codespaces pretty amazing - check it out!
### Local Install
API Logic Server is designed to make it easy to get started:
* **Install and run Tutorial** -
[install](https://valhuber.github.io/ApiLogicServer/Install-Express/), and explore the [tutorial](https://valhuber.github.io/ApiLogicServer/Tutorial/). You'll create a complete project using the pre-installed sample database, explore its features, and support for customization and debugging.
* **Dockerized Test Databases** -
then, you might like to try out some of our [dockerized test databases](https://valhuber.github.io/ApiLogicServer/Database-Connectivity/).
* **Your Database** -
finally, try your own database.
# Project Information
### Tutorials
There are a number of facilities that will quickly enable you to get familiar with API Logic Server:
* [Tutorial](Tutorial) walks you through the steps of creating a server
* [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVTdu6c0iSI) shows the steps of creating a server
### Making Contributions
This is an open source project. We are open to suggestions. Some of our ideas include:
| Component | Provides | Consider Adding |
| 1. [JSON:**API** and Swagger](#jsonapi---related-data-filtering-sorting-pagination-swagger) | API Execution | Security, Serverless, Kubernetes |
| 2. [Transactional **Logic**](#logic) | Rule Enforcement | New rule types |
| 3. This project | API Logic Project Creation | Support for features described above |
To get started, please see the [Architecture.](Internals)
### Status
We have tested several databases - see [status here.](Database-Connectivity)
We are tracking [issues in git](https://github.com/valhuber/ApiLogicServer/issues).
We have introduced several renames to clarify operation.
These do not affect existing projects. However, we've not updated all the docs to reflect these changes:
* `logic/declare_logic.py` replaces `logic_bank.py`
* `api/customize_api.py` replaces `expose_services.py`
* `database/customize_models.py` replaces `models_ext.py`
### Acknowledgements
Many thanks to
- [Thomas Pollet](https://www.linkedin.com/in/pollet/), for SAFRS, SAFRS-react-admin, and invaluable design partnership
- [Marelab](https://marmelab.com/en/), for [react-admin](https://marmelab.com/react-admin/)
- Armin Ronacher, for Flask
- Mike Bayer, for SQLAlchemy
- Alex Grönholm, for Sqlacodegen
- [Meera Datey](https://www.linkedin.com/in/meeradatey/), for React Admin prototyping
- Denny McKinney, for Tutorial review
- Achim Götz, for design collaboration and testing
- Max Tardiveau, for testing and help with Docker
- Michael Holleran, for design collaboration and testing
- Nishanth Shyamsundar, for review and testing
- Thomas Peters, for review and testing
- Daniel Gaspar, for Flask AppBuilder
- Gloria Huber and Denny McKinney, for doc review
### Articles
There are a few articles that provide some orientation to API Logic Server:
* [How Automation Activates Agile](https://modeling-languages.com/logic-model-automation/)
* [How Automation Activates Agile](https://dzone.com/articles/automation-activates-agile) - providing working software rapidly drives agile collaboration to define systems that meet actual needs, reducing requirements risk
* [How to create application systems in moments](https://dzone.com/articles/create-customizable-database-app-systems-with-1-command)
* [Stop coding database backends…Declare them with one command.](https://medium.com/@valjhuber/stop-coding-database-backends-declare-them-with-one-command-938cbd877f6d)
* [Instant Database Backends](https://dzone.com/articles/instant-api-backends)
* [Extensible Rules](https://dzone.com/articles/logic-bank-now-extensible-drive-95-automation-even) - defining new rule types, using Python
* [Declarative](https://dzone.com/articles/agile-design-automation-how-are-rules-different-fr) - exploring _multi-statement_ declarative technology
* [Automate Business Logic With Logic Bank](https://dzone.com/articles/automate-business-logic-with-logic-bank) - general introduction, discussions of extensibility, manageability and scalability
* [Agile Design Automation With Logic Bank](https://dzone.com/articles/logical-data-indendence) - focuses on automation, design flexibility and agile iterations
* [Instant Web Apps](https://dzone.com/articles/instant-db-web-apps)
See the [FAQ for Low Code](FAQ-Low-Code)
### Change Log
10/02/2022 - 06.02.00: Option infer_primary_key, Oct1 SRA (issue 49), cleanup db/api setup, restore postgres dvr
09/15/2022 - 06.01.00: Multi-app Projects
08/28/2022 - 06.00.00: Admin App show_when, cascade add. Simplify Codespaces swagger url & use default config
08/15/2022 - 05.03.33: Remove Postgres driver from local install, Fix ApiLogicServer run fails (Issue 45)
06/27/2022 - 05.03.06: nw-, with perform_customizations docker
06/22/2022 - 05.03.00: Docker support to load/run project (env or sh), create ApiLogicProject image
06/16/2022 - 05.02.23: Support nw- (sample, no customization) for evaluation
06/12/2022 - 05.02.22: No pyodbc by default, model customizations simplified, better logging
05/30/2022 - 05.02.16: Python 3.10, Dockerfile include, start info
05/25/2022 - 05.02.12: Verified for Python 3.10, improved support for configuring `venv`
05/04/2022 - 05.02.03: alembic for database migrations, admin-merge.yaml
04/24/2022 - 05.01.01: copy_children, with support for nesting (children and grandchildren, etc.)
03/27/2022 - 05.00.06: Introducing [Behave test framework](https://valhuber.github.io/ApiLogicServer/Logic-Tutorial/), LogicBank bugfix
02/18/2022 - 04.02.03: SqlServer fixes, rebuild creates '-created' versions for data model repair
01/18/2022 - 04.01.01: fix [startup failure](https://github.com/valhuber/ApiLogicServer/issues/32) on created app (windows pip-install version only)
01/14/2022 - 04.01.00: add info_disp/show, attribute info, performance, date fix
12/26/2021 - 04.00.05: Introducing the Admin app, with Readme Tutorial
11/13/2021 - 03.50.00: rebuild-from-database/model, improved relationship support
11/04/2021 - 03.40.01: Per macOS Monterey, default ports to 5001, 5002
10/18/2021 - 03.20.11: Readme Tutorial for IDE users
10/16/2021 - 03.20.07: dev-network no longer required (see Releases)
10/03/2021 - 03.10.17: default db_url
10/02/2021 - 03.01.16: bugfix improper run arg for VSCode launch configuration
09/29/2021 - 03.01.15: run (now just runs without create), added create-and-run
09/25/2021 - 03.01.10: enable run command for Docker execution, pyodbc, fab create-by-copy
09/15/2021 - 03.00.09: auto-create .devcontainer for vscode, configure network, python & debug
09/10/2021 - 03.00.02: rename logic_bank to declare_logic, improved logging