A helper library for writing `Alfred 2, 3 and 4`_ workflows.
Supports macOS 10.7+ and Python 2.7 (Alfred 3 is 10.9+/2.7 only).
Alfred-Workflow is designed to take the grunt work out of writing a workflow.
It gives you the tools to create a fast and featureful Alfred workflow from an
API, application or library in minutes.
* Catches and logs workflow errors for easier development and support
* "Magic" arguments to help development/debugging
* Auto-saves settings
* Super-simple data caching
* Fuzzy, Alfred-like search/filtering with diacritic folding
* Keychain support for secure storage (and syncing) of passwords, API keys etc.
* Simple generation of Alfred feedback (XML output)
* Input/output decoding for handling non-ASCII text
* Lightweight web API with modelled on `requests`_
* Pre-configured logging
* Painlessly add directories to ``sys.path``
* Easily launch background tasks (daemons) to keep your workflow responsive
* Check for new versions and update workflows hosted on GitHub.
* Post notifications via Notification Center.
Alfred 3-only features
* Set `workflow variables`_ from code
* Advanced modifiers
* Alfred 3-only updates (won't break Alfred 2 installs)
* Re-running Script Filters
Quick Example
Here's how to show recent `Pinboard.in <https://pinboard.in/>`_ posts
in Alfred.
Create a new workflow in Alfred's preferences. Add a **Script Filter** with
Language ``/usr/bin/python`` and paste the following into the **Script**
field (changing ``API_KEY``):
.. code-block:: python
import sys
from workflow import Workflow, ICON_WEB, web
API_KEY = 'your-pinboard-api-key'
def main(wf):
url = 'https://api.pinboard.in/v1/posts/recent'
params = dict(auth_token=API_KEY, count=20, format='json')
r = web.get(url, params)
for post in r.json()['posts']:
wf.add_item(post['description'], post['href'], arg=post['href'],
uid=post['hash'], valid=True, icon=ICON_WEB)
if __name__ == u"__main__":
wf = Workflow()
Add an **Open URL** action to your workflow with ``{query}`` as the **URL**,
connect your **Script Filter** to it, and you can now hit **ENTER** on a
Pinboard item in Alfred to open it in your browser.
**Note**: If you intend to distribute your workflow to other users, you
should include Alfred-Workflow (and other Python libraries your workflow
requires) within your workflow's directory as described below. **Do not**
ask users to install anything into their system Python. Python installations
cannot support multiple versions of the same library, so if you rely on
globally-installed libraries, the chances are very good that your workflow
will sooner or later break—or be broken by—some other software doing the
same naughty thing.
With pip
You can install Alfred-Workflow directly into your workflow with::
# from within your workflow directory
pip install --target=. Alfred-Workflow
You can install any other library available on the `Cheese Shop`_ the
same way. See the `pip documentation`_ for more information.
From source
Download the ``alfred-workflow-X.X.X.zip`` file from the `GitHub releases`_
page and extract the ZIP to the root directory of your workflow (where
``info.plist`` is).
Alternatively, you can download `the source code`_ from the
`GitHub repository`_ and copy the ``workflow`` subfolder to the root
directory of your workflow.
Your workflow directory should look something like this (where
``yourscript.py`` contains your workflow code and ``info.plist`` is
the workflow information file generated by Alfred)::
Your Workflow/
Detailed documentation, including a tutorial, is available at
.. _v2 branch: https://github.com/deanishe/alfred-workflow/tree/v2
.. _requests: http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/
.. _Alfred 2, 3 and 4: http://www.alfredapp.com/
.. _GitHub releases: https://github.com/deanishe/alfred-workflow/releases
.. _the source code: https://github.com/deanishe/alfred-workflow/archive/master.zip
.. _GitHub repository: https://github.com/deanishe/alfred-workflow
.. _Cheese Shop: https://pypi.python.org/pypi
.. _pip documentation: https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/
.. _workflow variables: http://www.deanishe.net/alfred-workflow/user-manual/workflow-variables.html