<div align="center">
<h1>Agrothon Client</h1>
<h3>A Client for Agrothon Running in Raspberry Pi</h3>
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## Installation
- First Install the dependencies
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-opencv python3-rpi.gpio
- from Pypi
pip3 install AgroClient
- From git
pip3 install -U git+https://github.com/viswanathbalusu/Agrothon-Client
- Using Docker
- First install docker
curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sudo sh
sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
- Get the `docker-compose.yml` and `agrothonclient.env` to a local directory
wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/viswanathbalusu/Agrothon-Client/main/docker-compose.yml
wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/viswanathbalusu/Agrothon-Client/main/agroclient-sample.env -O agroclient.env
- Edit the Variables in agroclient.env and start docker container
pip3 -q install docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
- Docker method only works one `arm-v7` host OS
## Usage
usage: AgroClient [-h] -y HOSTNAME -a APIKEY [-u USB] [-p1 PIR1] [-p2 PIR2]
[-p3 PIR3] [-p4 PIR4] [-br BAUDRATE] [-r RELAY]
optional arguments:
-h, --help, show this help message and exit
-y, --hostname HOSTNAME, API Server host name
-a, --apikey APIKEY, API Key of host
-u, --usb USB, USB Port of Arduino
-p1, --pir1 PIR1, GPIO Pin of PIR1
-p2, --pir2 PIR2, GPIO Pin of PIR2
-p3, --pir3 PIR3, GPIO Pin of PIR3
-p4, --pir4 PIR4, GPIO Pin of PIR4
-br, --baudrate BAUDRATE, Baud rate of USB Port to read sensor data
-r, --relay RELAY, Relay Signalling GPIO pin
## Circuit Diagram
## Hardware
## Pin Configuration (Default)
- **Raspberry Pi**
| GPIO | Device | Use | Mode |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| `12` | Relay | To Switch on/off Relay | OUT |
| `25` | PIR1 | Motion Detection | IN |
| `8` | PIR2 | Motion Detection | IN |
| `7` | PIR3 | Motion Detection | IN |
| `1` | PIR3 | Motion Detection | IN |
- **Arduino nano**
| Pin | Device | Device pin | Mode |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| `A0` | Moisture Sensor* | Analog Out | IN |
| `D12` | DHT11 | Signal | IN |
```* For multiple sensors use differnet Analog pins```
- Connect the Pi camera to CSI Port
- Use SSH to access the terminal and run the Python Code
- Connect all the `Vdd's` and `GND's` to 5V and GND (or as per instructions given in spec sheet)
## Note
- To get the USB Device ID, Use
ls /dev/tty*
Most Probably the Value will be `/dev/ttyUSB0`
- Sensor data should be sent in the following pattern
mositure1,moisture2,moisture3, .... ,moistureN, Temperature,Humidity
ex : 55.29,52.59,32.5,65.26