# Adafruit Beaglebone I/O Python API
[![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/adafruit-beaglebone-io-python/badge/?version=latest)](http://adafruit-beaglebone-io-python.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest)
[![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/Adafruit_BBIO.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/py/Adafruit_BBIO)
[![PyPI pyversions](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/Adafruit_BBIO.svg)](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Adafruit_BBIO/)
Adafruit BBIO is an API to enable [GPIO](README.md#gpio-setup), [PWM](README.md#pwm), [ADC](README.md#adc), [UART](README.md#uart), [SPI](README.md#spi) and [eQEP](README.md#eqep) (Quadrature Encoder) hardware access from Python applications running on the Beaglebone.
* It is recommended to use an [official BeagleBoard.org Debian image](https://beagleboard.org/latest-images)
* **Currently recommended image: [Debian 10.3 "Buster" IoT (2020-04-06)](http://beagleboard.org/latest-images)** _(default kernel is 4.19.x-ti)_
* Adafruit_BBIO supports Linux kernels 3.8 through 4.19
* New versions of Adafruit_BBIO may break backwards compatibility. Please read the [changelog](CHANGELOG.md).
* It is recommended to use Python 3
## Installation on Debian
Note: Follow the instructions on BeagleBoard.org to [get connected to the Internet](https://beagleboard.org/upgrade#connect)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential python3-dev python3-pip -y
sudo pip3 install Adafruit_BBIO
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential python3-dev python3-pip -y
git clone git://github.com/adafruit/adafruit-beaglebone-io-python.git
cd adafruit-beaglebone-io-python
sudo python3 setup.py install
Upgrade Adafruit_BBIO to latest version on [PyPI](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Adafruit_BBIO):
sudo pip3 install --upgrade Adafruit_BBIO
## Usage
Using the library is very similar to the excellent RPi.GPIO library used on the Raspberry Pi. Below are some examples.
### Pin Numbers
Please note that there is no '0' prefix for the pin numbers. For example, pin 7 on header P8 is `P8_7`.
GPIO.setup("P8_7", OUT )
GPIO.setup("P8_07", OUT )
Refer to `pins_t table[]` in [common.c](https://github.com/adafruit/adafruit-beaglebone-io-python/blob/master/source/common.c#L73) all the pin labels.
### config-pin
[config-pin](https://github.com/beagleboard/bb.org-overlays/tree/master/tools/beaglebone-universal-io) is now used on the official BeagleBoard.org Debian Jessie and Stretch images to control pin mode (e.g. pin mux).
debian@beaglebone:~$ config-pin -q P9_14
P9_14 Mode: pwm
debian@beaglebone:~$ config-pin -l P9_14
default gpio gpio_pu gpio_pd pwm
debian@beaglebone:~$ config-pin P9_14 gpio
debian@beaglebone:~$ config-pin -q P9_14
P9_14 Mode: gpio Direction: in Value: 0
debian@beaglebone:~$ config-pin P9_14 pwm
debian@beaglebone:~$ config-pin -q P9_14
P9_14 Mode: pwm
### GPIO Setup
Import the library, and setup as GPIO.OUT or GPIO.IN::
import Adafruit_BBIO.GPIO as GPIO
GPIO.setup("P8_14", GPIO.OUT)
You can also refer to the pin names::
GPIO.setup("GPIO0_26", GPIO.OUT)
### GPIO Output
Setup the pin for output, and write GPIO.HIGH or GPIO.LOW. Or you can use 1 or 0.::
import Adafruit_BBIO.GPIO as GPIO
GPIO.setup("P8_14", GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.output("P8_14", GPIO.HIGH)
### On-Board LEDs
On-board LEDs (USR0-USR3) are handled by LED class driver rather than the GPIO pin driver.
They have a different path in the /sys/ filesystem.
Setup the pin for output and write GPIO.HIGH or GPIO.LOW::
import Adafruit_BBIO.GPIO as GPIO
import time
for i in range(4):
GPIO.setup("USR%d" % i, GPIO.OUT)
while True:
for i in range(4):
GPIO.output("USR%d" % i, GPIO.HIGH)
for i in range(4):
GPIO.output("USR%d" % i, GPIO.LOW)
### GPIO Input
Inputs work similarly to outputs.:
import Adafruit_BBIO.GPIO as GPIO
GPIO.setup("P8_14", GPIO.IN)
Polling inputs:
if GPIO.input("P8_14"):
Waiting for an edge (GPIO.RISING, GPIO.FALLING, or GPIO.BOTH:
GPIO.wait_for_edge(channel, GPIO.RISING)
GPIO.wait_for_edge(channel, GPIO.RISING, timeout)
Detecting events:
GPIO.add_event_detect("P9_12", GPIO.FALLING)
#your amazing code here
#detect wherever:
if GPIO.event_detected("P9_12"):
print("event detected!")
### PWM
**The PWM Duty Cycle range was reversed in 0.0.15 from 100(off)-0(on) to 0(off)-100(on). Please update your code accordingly.**
import Adafruit_BBIO.PWM as PWM
#PWM.start(channel, duty, freq=2000, polarity=0)
#duty values are valid 0 (off) to 100 (on)
PWM.start("P9_14", 50)
PWM.set_duty_cycle("P9_14", 25.5)
PWM.set_frequency("P9_14", 10)
#set polarity to 1 on start:
PWM.start("P9_14", 50, 2000, 1)
### ADC
import Adafruit_BBIO.ADC as ADC
#read returns values 0-1.0
value = ADC.read("P9_40")
#read_raw returns non-normalized value
value = ADC.read_raw("P9_40")
### [UART](https://learn.adafruit.com/setting-up-io-python-library-on-beaglebone-black/uart)
* Use [`config-pin` to set pin mode](https://github.com/beagleboard/bb.org-overlays/tree/master/tools/beaglebone-universal-io) for [UART1 and UART2 pins](http://beagleboard.org/static/images/cape-headers-serial.png)
config-pin P9.21 uart # UART2_TXD
config-pin P9.22 uart # UART2_RXD
config-pin P9.24 uart # UART1_TXD
config-pin P9.26 uart # UART1_RXD
* [Install pyserial](https://learn.adafruit.com/setting-up-io-python-library-on-beaglebone-black/uart#using-uart-with-python)
sudo pip install pyserial
* [Test UART1](https://learn.adafruit.com/setting-up-io-python-library-on-beaglebone-black/uart#using-uart-with-python)
import Adafruit_BBIO.UART as UART
import serial
with serial.Serial(port = "/dev/ttyO1", baudrate=9600) as ser:
print("Serial is open!")
ser.write(b"Hello World!")
* Available UART names on BeagleBone
* `UART1`: /dev/ttyO1, Rx: P9_26, Tx: P9_24
* `UART2`: /dev/ttyO2, Rx: P9_22, Tx: P9_21
* `UART4`: /dev/ttyO4, Rx: P9_11, Tx: P9_13
* `UART5`: /dev/ttyO5, Rx: P8_38, Tx: P8_37
* note: `UART5` requires `disable_uboot_overlay_video=1` in `/boot/uEnv.txt`
* Available UART names on PocketBeagle
* `PB-UART0`: /dev/ttyO0, Rx: P1_30, Tx: P1_32
* `PB-UART1`: /dev/ttyO1, Rx: P2_11, Tx: P2_09
* `PB-UART2`: /dev/ttyO2, Rx: P1_08, Tx: P1_10
* [Loopback test with UART1 and UART2](https://learn.adafruit.com/setting-up-io-python-library-on-beaglebone-black/uart#testing-and-using-the-uart)
### [SPI](https://learn.adafruit.com/setting-up-io-python-library-on-beaglebone-black/spi)
* Use [`config-pin` to set pin mode](https://github.com/beagleboard/bb.org-overlays/tree/master/tools/beaglebone-universal-io) for [SPI pins](http://beagleboard.org/static/images/cape-headers-spi.png)
* SPI0
* SPI0_CS0: `config-pin p9.17 spi_cs`
* SPI0_D0: `config-pin p9.21 spi`
* SPI0_D1: `config-pin p9.18 spi`
* SPI0_SCLK: `config-pin p9.22 spi_sclk`
* SPI1
* SPI1_CS0: `config-pin p9.20 spi_cs`
* SPI1_CS0: `config-pin p9.28 spi_cs`
* SPI1_CS1: `config-pin p9.19 spi_cs`
* SPI1_CS1: `config-pin p9.42 spi_cs`
* SPI1_D0: `config-pin p9.29 spi`
* SPI1_D1: `config-pin p9.30 spi`
* SPI1_SCLK: `config-pin p9.31 spi_sclk`
* Example:
from Adafruit_BBIO.SPI import SPI
#spi = SPI(bus, device) #/dev/spidev<bus>.<device>
# /dev/spidev0.0
spi = SPI(1,0)
print(spi.xfer2([32, 11, 110, 22, 220]))
# /dev/spidev0.1
spi = SPI(1,1)
print(spi.xfer2([32, 11, 110, 22, 220]))
# /dev/spidev1.0
spi = SPI(2,0)
print(spi.xfer2([32, 11, 110, 22, 220]))
# /dev/spidev1.1
spi = SPI(2,1)
print(spi.xfer2([32, 11, 110, 22, 220]))
### eQEP
To use the enhanced Quadrature Encoder Pulse (eQEP) module, please refer to the [`Encoder` module's documentation](https://github.com/adafruit/adafruit-beaglebone-io-python/tree/master/Adafruit_BBIO#usage).
## Running tests
Install py.test to run the tests. You'll also need the python compiler package for pytest:
sudo pip3 install pytest
Execute the following in the root of the project:
NOTE: `sudo` should not be required as udev configures group ownership and permission for [GPIO](https://github.com/rcn-ee/repos/blob/master/bb-customizations/suite/stretch/debian/80-gpio-noroot.rules) and [PWM](https://github.com/rcn-ee/repos/blob/master/bb-customizations/suite/stretch/debian/81-pwm-noroot.rules)
## Reporting issues
When reporting issues, plesae run the following script which will print the system configuration:
sudo /opt/scripts/tools/version.sh
and paste the output in a reply.
This script should be present for any Debian or Ubunut image downloaded from:
https://beagleboard.org/ or https://rcn-ee.com/
## Credits
The BeagleBone IO Python library was originally forked from the excellent MIT Licensed [RPi.GPIO](https://code.google.com/p/raspberry-gpio-python) library written by Ben Croston.
## License
Written by Justin Cooper, Adafruit Industries. BeagleBone IO Python library is released under the MIT License.
Daniel Nguyen (2):
Update common.c
Update common.c
Drew Fustini (28):
upload to PyPI againt to resolve #293
do not set pinmux on the beaglebone blue
remove deug output
Fix dead link to bone.js #296
force Encoder period to be an integer #299
Ignore new compiler warnings in gcc 8.2.0
Update setup.py
do not set pin mode for built-in USRn LEDs
Change name of P1_3 to match bone.js
Fix warning about casting incompatible function types #308
Fix warning print format strings being truncated #308
Fix warning about casting incompatible function types #308
Fix warnings on format truncation and sizeof in strncpy #308
Fix warning about casting incompatible function types #308
Update travis config to specify Python 3.6
Update tox.ini to Python 3.6
Merge pull request #321 from adafruit/issue308
Update README.md
Update README.md
Merge pull request #327 from zer0cod3r/master
Merge pull request #337 from SamPovilus/docfix
Update README.md
Update README.md
Update README.md
remove -Werror from CFLAGS
Remove suppression of gcc warnings in CFLAGS #336
Update version in setup.py to v1.2
Sam Povilus (1):
fixing document locaiton and version as current location dosn't load
Attempt upload to PyPI again to avoid
error reported in issue #293
Aaron Marburg (1):
* Added usleep after successfully enabling PWM via udev.
Drew Fustini (16):
* Merge pull request #233 from zsserg/fixed_segfault_in_event_detection
* Merge pull request #257 from zsserg/develop
* Merge pull request #251 from amarburg/master
* Merge pull request #271 from fcooper/documentation-updates
* Update ADC.rst
* Update Encoder.rst
* Update ADC.rst
* Add UART entries for the PocketBeagle (issue #242)
* update install and test shell scripts
* update UART section in README
* Merge pull request #282 from erikwelsh/master
* do not load overlays for the beaglebone blue #283
* Merge pull request #284 from sam-bristow/py3-docs
* Merge pull request #285 from sam-bristow/bugfix/uart-error-reporting
* fix pwm on pocketbeagle and beaglebone blue #286
* remove debug logging
Erik Welsh (1):
* Fixed GPIO export problem; Leaves GPIO in bad state on latest BeagleBone image on PocketBeagle
Franklin S Cooper Jr (3):
* docs/SPI.rst: Fix bus numbering in examples
* docs/GPIO.rst: Add information on blinking led
* docs/GPIO.rst Make documentation a bit newbie friendly
Sam Bristow (3):
* Use print() function in all code and docs
* Use new python-serial API
* Return error-code for failing interface
zserg (5):
* Fixed SEGFAULT when calling remove_event_detect() inside python callback function.
* Fixed SEGFAULT when calling remove_event_detect() inside python callback function.
* Fixed SEGFAULT in event_gpio,c run_callbacks() * Added more elaborate epoll() error logging
* Minor style fixes
* automatically set pin modes for UART (PR #158)
* Encoder: README.md: added note about eqep group change (PR #214)
* deprecate out of date Adafruit_I2C.py (PR #215)
* Add Encoder module info to main README.md (PR #217)
* Add automatic API documentation generation (PR #219)
* Separate API docs into modules (PR #221)
* David Planella (46):
* Encoder: README.md: added note about eqep group change
* Add Encoder module info to main README.md
* Added docstrings using Google syntax and Sphinx support to generate the API documentation for the Encoder and PWM modules for now.
* Made kernel version check to happen only if running on a beaglebone. The readthedocs builders that import the Encoder module have an old 3.3 kernel and the autodoc build fails
* Use the default readthedocs theme
* Use readthedocs theme if building docs there, remove redundand search link
* Readthedocs theme tweaks
* Removed redundant TOC, added global description
* Added UART documentation
* Added documentation badge
* Added ADC API docs, fixed UART module definition
* API docs: added SPI module
* Added SPI module attribute docs
* Added Python badges to README file
* Added SPI pins table and first shot at GPIO module. Functions still need to be documented
* Merge branch 'readthedocs' of https://github.com/dplanella/adafruit-beaglebone-io-python into readthedocs
* Documented the API docs build process
* Added docstrings using Google syntax and Sphinx support to generate the API documentation for the Encoder and PWM modules for now.
* Made kernel version check to happen only if running on a beaglebone. The readthedocs builders that import the Encoder module have an old 3.3 kernel and the autodoc build fails
* Use the default readthedocs theme
* Use readthedocs theme if building docs there, remove redundand search link
* Readthedocs theme tweaks
* Removed redundant TOC, added global description
* Added UART documentation
* Added documentation badge
* Added ADC API docs, fixed UART module definition
* API docs: added SPI module
* Added SPI module attribute docs
* Added Python badges to README file
* Added SPI pins table and first shot at GPIO module. Functions still need to be documented
* Documented the API docs build process
* Merge branch 'readthedocs' of https://github.com/dplanella/adafruit-beaglebone-io-python into readthedocs
* Update README.md
* Added some more API doc content
* Sync from upstream master
* Minor documentation and configuration improvements
* Finished documenting GPIO
* rST fixes
* Update README.md
* Minor API doc improvements
* Merge branch 'readthedocs' of https://github.com/dplanella/adafruit-beaglebone-io-python into readthedocs
* Generate the API documentation from a master index and a separate file for each module
* Sync from upstream master
* Improvements to the API docs output config
* Update docs generation description to reflect new separate modules
* Updated ADC API docs
* Drew Fustini (10):
* use set_pin_mode() to set uart pinmux (#158)
* Add SPI instructions to README (#158)
* Update README.md
* Fix spidev path mismatch (#216)
* Merge pull request #217 from dplanella/patch-2
* Merge pull request #214 from dplanella/patch-1
* Deprecate Adafruit_BBIO.I2C in favor of Adafruit_GPIO.I2C (#215)
* Merge pull request #219 from dplanella/readthedocs
* relocate doc dir to avoid confusion (#218)
* Merge pull request #221 from dplanella/readthedocs
* Issue #194: Encoder position cannot be set
* PR #205: Encoder: add support for reading/writing sysfs attributes
* Issue #198: use https for DEFAULT_URL in distribute_setup.py
* Issue #197: Fix leak of pwm enable file descriptor
* Issue #189: Fix seg fault of PWM in Python 3.6
* Issue #180: Clarify there is no 0 prefix for pin lables
* PR #201: Encoder: do kernel check, PEP8 cleanup
* PR #202: Encoder: corrected kernel check logic
* PR #207: Encoder: improved usage documentation
* PR #210: Encoder: fix sysfs import, make code Python 3 compatible
* PR #212: Encoder: fix Python 3 compatibility
* PR #213: Encoder: fix frequency calculation from period
* David Planella (18):
* Encoder: initialize only the given channel
* Sync from master
* Encoder: do kernel check, PEP8 cleanup
* Encoder: added sysfs module
* Encoder: use sysfs to write QEP attributes
* Encoder: corrected kernel check logic
* Merge pull request #2 from adafruit/master
* Encoder: convert get/set methods to properties, update apidoc strings
* Encoder: updated README
* Encoder: add README apt install clarification
* Encoder: copyright assignment note, updated comments
* Encoder: added usage notes
* Encoder: improved usage documentation
* Encoder: minor fix to usage example
* Encoder: added a note about permissions
* Encoder: switched sysfs to be a relative import compatible with Python 2 and 3
* Encoder: use items() instead of iteritems() to be Python 3 compatible
* Encoder: fix frequency getter
* Drew Fustini (18):
* use https for DEFAULT_URL in distribute_setup.py (#198)
* fix except syntax for Python 3
* use dict.items() instead of dict.iteritems() for Python 3
* fix error in set_brightness()
* close enable_fd when stopping PWM output (#197)
* Merge pull request #199 from dplanella/patch-1
* Fix leak of pwm enable file descriptor (#197)
* Merge pull request #201 from dplanella/encoder-cleanup
* remove test_rotary.py as not valid for pytest
* Fix seg fault of PWM in Python 3.6 (#189)
* Merge pull request #202 from dplanella/patch-2
* Clarify there is no 0 prefix for pin lables (#180)
* Merge pull request #205 from dplanella/encoder-sysfs
* assign copyright for new file to Adafruit Industries
* Add bash scripts to help install and test
* Merge pull request #212 from dplanella/patch-4
* Merge pull request #207 from dplanella/patch-3
* Merge pull request #213 from dplanella/fix-encoder-frequency
* Issue #196: cache board type to avoid poor performance
* Issue #192: fix PocketBeagle PWM pin typo
* Issue #191: turn off RotaryEncoder's debug output by default
* Issue #188: GPIO is extremely slow (20ms to toggle)
* Issue #186: problems with UART
* David Planella (12):
* Copy Encoder module comments to README.md
* Formatted Encoder README in markdown
* Fixed Encoder README formatting
* Removed QEP instructions from Encoder module
* Fixes to Encoder README
* Updated Encoder README
* Encoder README: added info on dedicated overlays
* Encoder README: updated info on pre-requisites
* Encoder README update
* Encoder README update
* Add logging support, turn off unconditional debug output
* Encoder: remove unused logging code
* Drew Fustini (3):
* Merge pull request #195 from dplanella/master
* Fix PocketBeagle PWM pin typo (#192)
* cache board type to avoid poor performance (#196)
* Issue #188: GPIO is extremely slow (20ms to toggle)
* Drew Fustini (4):
* Update README.md
* add config-pin example to README
* Filter DEBUG syslog to avoid poor performance #188
* Change log level from INFO to DEBUG #188
* Currently recommended image: [Debian 9.2 "Stretch" iot (2017-10-29)](https://elinux.org/Beagleboard:BeagleBoneBlack_Debian#microSD.2FStandalone:_.28stretch-iot.29_.28All_BeagleBone_Variants_.26_PocketBeagle.29)
* Install [Linux kernel](https://elinux.org/Beagleboard:BeagleBoneBlack_Debian#Kernel_Options) [4.14.x](https://elinux.org/Beagleboard:BeagleBoneBlack_Debian#Mainline_.284.14.x_lts.29) to enable [non-root control of GPIO](https://github.com/rcn-ee/repos/blob/master/bb-customizations/suite/stretch/debian/80-gpio-noroot.rules) and [PWM](https://github.com/rcn-ee/repos/blob/master/bb-customizations/suite/stretch/debian/81-pwm-noroot.rules) [_(commit)_](https://github.com/adafruit/adafruit-beaglebone-io-python/commit/b65cbf8e41b444bad7c4ef6cfd4f88a30210fd78)
* Add support for Linux 4.14 kernel including new "udev" style for PWM entries in /sys
* Fix GPIO regression due to BeagleBone Blue LED support (issue #178)
* Add support for the PocketBeagle (issue #172)
* Drew Fustini (39):
* Add -Wno-unit_address_vs_reg to avoid dtc warning
* check if board is BeagleBone Blue or PocketBeagle
* check if BeagleBone Blue before accessing non-standard LEDs
* Add test for GPIO regression #178
* change syslog mask level to DEBUG
* add "Adafruit_BBIO" to syslog()
* update test for issue #178
* remove polarity "hack" for PWM #170
* move pwm_set_polarity() after period is set
* add test for issue #170
* only check kernel overlays if u-boot overlays are not being used
* Attempt to use udev ecap path for pwm path
* add test script for all BeagleBone PWM outputs
* update PWM test for 4.14 kernel udev paths
* minor change to pwm debug logging
* sleep to avoid udev race condition #185
* Mark A. Yoder (1):
* Added BAT25, BAT50, BAT75, BAT100 and WIFI LEDs
* Peter Lawler (1):
* Missing CR/LF
* Robert Nelson (10):
* source/common.c: add initial PocketBeagle values
* source/common.c: PocketBeagle, no slots file, everything built-in
* source/common.c: PocketBeagle, no slots file disable here too
* source/c_pwm.c: HACK: U-Boot pre-setup everything, dont search for specific overlay
* source/c_pwm.c: HACK: PocketBeagle: v4.14.x
* source/c_pwm.c: debug pwm_path/pwm_path_udev
* source/c_pwm.c: pwm: add support for pwmchipX/pwm-X:Y syntax
* source/c_pwm.c: disable pwm_set_polarity (broken in v4.9.x/v4.14.x)
* source/common.c: Blue Fix GP0_3 id
* source/common.c: PocketBeagle Fix P2.24
* @pdp7 (5):
* Merge pull request #153 from MarkAYoder/master
* Fix print syntax to avoid python3 errors
* Merge pull request #160 from MarkAYoder/master
* document how to read QEP1
* Update rotary-encoder-eqep-test.md
* @MarkAYoder (20):
* Have GP0_1 working
* Removed --force to speed things up
* Added GP0 1, 2 and 3
* Flashes 4 LEDs
* Works with button
* Blinks red and gree LEDs
* Blinks all 6 GPIOs
* Added red and green LEDs
* i2c works
* PWD isn't working, yet
* Added port setup
* Switched to apt install
* Added tmp101 to name
* Added LED matrix example
* Removed newline from print
* Added fade
* Adding GPIO defs for uart1
* Testing UT1_0, not working yet
* Switched GP0_0 to GP0_3, etc.
* Added PAUSE and MODE buttons.
* @djsutton (1):
* fix TypeError: function takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given) from wait_for_edge
* @pdp7 (29):
* Instruct users to open GitHub issue instead email
* add udev rules and script for non-root access to gpio
* fix file descriptor leak in gpio_set_value()
* document how to test read and write to all GPIO pins
* reduce ADC reads in pytest from 10,000 to 1,000
* close file descriptor to avoid leak
* remove conditional logic for ctrl_dir and ocp_dir size
* increase size of ctrl_dir and ocp_dir for future use
* Document how to run config-pin at boot
* Document how to test eQEP with Rotary Encoder
* Add skeleton for Encoder module to read eQEP
* Add code to Encoder.QEP from PyBBIO.RotaryEncoder
* Adapt code from PyBBIO.RotaryEncoder
* add test for rotary encoder
* read from eqep position file
* return position from getPosition()
* document howo to enable all the eqep pins
* Document how to test eqep pins with rotary encoder
* run config-pin to set pin mux for qep
* update QEP test
* update QEP test for issue #122
* Test if kernel booted wit u-boot overlays
* check if kernel cmdline for uboot overlay
* Add documentation about u-boot overlays
* Return BBIO_OK when u-boot overlays ared enabled
* remove debug printing
* Skip check for device tree loaded if u-boot overlays enabled
* Sleep after loading ADC overlay to allow driver load
* Workaround test failure until TIMERn bug is fixed
* @ltjax (3):
* Use lookup table to prevent duplicate pin export
* Handle already exported pins
* Fix build_path memory leak
* @Vadim-Stupakov (1):
* Fixed issue #145 GPIO library doesn't free GPIO file descriptor. File descriptor leak. Made a little bit refactoring
* @cocasema (8):
* Declare PHONY targets in root Makefile
* Extract BBIO_err into a separate header
* Add syslog and debugging messages
* Add libadafruit-bbio with C++ wrappers for PWM/GPIO
* Add 2 versions of library with c++98 and c++11 abi
* Install header files properly
* Add default values to pwm::start() method.
* Add PWM c++ tests
* @zsserg (2):
* Added error checking for setting pin direction in gpio.setup() (Python)
* Added debug output to set_pin_mode()
* Add -Wno-strict-aliasing to CFLAGS to ignore gcc warning
* Resolves GitHub issue #133 by @archey
* Merge pull request #130 from adafruit/issue129-usr-leds [1439133]
* Add support for alternate USR LED labels
* Merge pull request #131 from adafruit/fix-gcc-warnings [f0ee018]
* Fix gcc warnings
* Merge pull request #132 from buckket/setup_unicode_fix [4c67dfc]
* Make use of io.open() with explicit file encoding in setup.py
* Merge pull request #124 from jpbarraca/master [cf9771a]
* Timeout support for wait_for_edge (replaces PR #62)
* Merge pull request #123 from bubbapizza/master [8b4f7f2]
* Added a delay parameter for GPIO.setup() for udev permissions
* Merge pull request #121 from dengber/master [50e8883]
* ADC.read() returns wrong value
* Merge pull request #64 from olegantonyan/master [d1e8dc1]
* Wait until GPIO file appears on the /sys filesystem (issue #36)
* Merge pull request #106 from cocasema/master [12b79d7]
* Treat warnings as errors
* Merge pull request #119 from JesseMcL/pr [e7e987a]
* Add GPIO pullup configurations and fix PWM Segfault on kernel 4.1+
* Merge pull request #116 from kozga/master [1b04cdf]
* Fix SPI: IOError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument in xfer and xfer2 funct…
* Merge pull request #108 from MatthewWest for PWM support in Linux kernel 4.1+
* Merge pull request #96 from PeteLawler for ADC support in Linux kernel 4.1+
* Finally publish new version to PyPi
* Bump major version number to signify long duration since last release
* Merge Python 3 compatibility fixes from Github user westphahl.
* Moved old Angstrom build fix for missing py_compile from setup.py to separate file.
* Fix for SPI not loading spidevX.X correctly based on load order
* Initialize ctrl_dir in unload_device_tree #63
* Clean up unused/dead code
* Fix for SPI.xfer crashes python after 3 calls
* Added a retry to reading for the analog inputs to avoid a bug where reading back and forth between two analog inputs would cause the resource to be unavailable every 16 scans (zthorson)
* Updated the build_path to be more selective over what paths it chooses (zthorson)
* Update Debian installation instructions in README (justinledwards)
* Increase the size of the buffer used for storing device tree names (SaintGimp)
* UART - Include UART overlays, and compile upon installation
* UART - Rename UART overlays
* Adafruit_I2C - Remove readU16Rev and readS16Rev
* Adafruit_I2C - Updated readU16/readS16 for correct 16-bit reads
* Fix SPI memory leaks
* Clean up of PWM code (bit-hacker, jwcooper)
* Remove UART debug statements
* Add polarity as optional fourth parameter to PWM.start(). Valid values are 0 and 1. Default is still 0.
* Fix for actually setting the polarity in start.
* Add new unit tests to check that the polarity is being set properly, and valid values passed in.
* Fix PWM duty cycle so 0 is off and 100 is on. Set polarity to 0 by default.
* Give extra buffer space in export, and unexport functions for gpio that are more than 2 digits (Chris Desjardins)
* Add new test case for 3 digit gpio (Chris Desjardins)
* Fix for test_direction_readback. gpio_get_direction wasn't properly null terminating the direction string (Chris Desjardins)
* Fix GPIO.gpio_function to work with the IO name (zthorson)
* Fix IOErrors not getting raised when fopen fails while loading overlays into device tree (bradfordboyle, jwcooper)
* Add new UART tests
* Remove the gpio parameter from callbacks (cdesjardins)
* Bump version due to pypi issues
* New UART module to export UART overlays
* Alpha support for SPI
* Add small delay after loading any device tree overlays
* Fix direction for event detection code
* Fix for segmentation faults on add_event_detect
* Fix for ADC Segmentation Faults
* Temp remove overlay compilation. Ubuntu failures.
* Refactor and clean up adc and pwm
* Fix tests for Adafruit_BBIO rename
* Include Adafruit_I2C.py as top-level module
* Rename from BBIO to Adafruit_BBIO to reduce library conflicts and confusion.
* Support for pip and easy_install
* ADC enabled
* PWM enabled
* Initial Commit
* GPIO mostly working
* Initial GPIO unit tests
* PWM in progress