Binaural Beats and Monaural Beats with Python
``AccelBrainBeat`` is a Python library for creating the binaural beats
or monaural beats. You can play these beats and generate wav files. The
frequencys can be optionally selected.
This Python script enables you to handle your mind state by a kind of
"Brain-Wave Controller" which is generally known as Biaural beat or
Monauarl beats in a simplified method.
Full documentation is available on
. This document contains information on functionally reusability,
functional scalability and functional extensibility.
Demonstration IN Movie
- `Drive to design the brain's level
upper <>`__
Install using pip:
.. code:: bash
pip install AccelBrainBeat
Source code
The source code is currently hosted on GitHub.
- `Binaural-Beat-and-Monaural-Beat-with-python <>`__
Python package index(PyPI)
Binary installers for the latest released version are available at the
Python package index.
- `AccelBrainBeat: Python Package
Index <>`__
- `NumPy <>`__: v1.7.0 or higher
To play the beats on console
If you want to not only output wav files but also play the beats on
console, `PyAudio <>`__
(v0.2.9 or higher) must be installed.
Use-case on console
You can study or work while listening to the Binaural or Monauarl beats.
Before starting your job, run a batch program on console.
Create "Binaural Beat" and output wav file
Run the batch program:
`save\_binaural\ <>`__.
.. code:: bash
python bat/ -o binaural_beat.wav -l 400 -r 430 -t 60 -v 0.01
The command line arguments is as follows.
.. code:: bash
python bat/ -h
usage: [-h] [-o OUTPUT_FILE_NAME] [-l LEFT] [-r RIGHT]
[-t TIME] [-v VOLUME]
Create the Binaural Beat and save wav file.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, --output_file_name OUTPUT_FILE_NAME
Output file name.
-l LEFT, --left LEFT Left frequencys (Hz).
-r RIGHT, --right RIGHT
Right frequencys (Hz).
-t TIME, --time TIME Play time. This is per seconds.
-v VOLUME, --volume VOLUME
Sound volume.
Create "Monaural Beat" and output wav file
Run the batch program:
`save\_monaural\ <>`__.
.. code:: bash
python bat/ -o monaural_beat.wav -l 400 -r 430 -t 60 -v 0.01
The command line arguments is as follows.
.. code:: bash
python bat/ -h
usage: [-h] [-o OUTPUT_FILE_NAME] [-l LEFT] [-r RIGHT]
[-t TIME] [-v VOLUME]
Create the Monaural Beat and save wav file.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, --output_file_name OUTPUT_FILE_NAME
Output file name.
-l LEFT, --left LEFT Left frequencys (Hz).
-r RIGHT, --right RIGHT
Right frequencys (Hz).
-t TIME, --time TIME Play time. This is per seconds.
-v VOLUME, --volume VOLUME
Sound volume.
Create and play "Binaural Beat" on console
Run the batch program:
`play\_binaural\ <>`__.
.. code:: bash
python -l 400 -r 430 -t 60 -v 0.01
The command line arguments is as follows.
.. code:: bash
python bat/ -h
usage: [-h] [-l LEFT] [-r RIGHT] [-t TIME] [-v VOLUME]
Create and play the Binaural Beat.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l LEFT, --left LEFT Left frequencys (Hz).
-r RIGHT, --right RIGHT
Right frequencys (Hz).
-t TIME, --time TIME Play time. This is per seconds.
-v VOLUME, --volume VOLUME
Sound volume.
Create and play "Monaural Beat" on console
Run the batch program:
`play\_monaural\ <>`__.
.. code:: bash
python bat/ -l 400 -r 430 -t 60 -v 0.01
The command line arguments is as follows.
.. code:: bash
python bat/ -h
usage: [-h] [-l LEFT] [-r RIGHT] [-t TIME] [-v VOLUME]
Create and play the Monaural Beat.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l LEFT, --left LEFT Left frequencys (Hz).
-r RIGHT, --right RIGHT
Right frequencys (Hz).
-t TIME, --time TIME Play time. This is per seconds.
-v VOLUME, --volume VOLUME
Sound volume.
Use-case for coding
You can use this library as a module by executing an import statement in
your Python source file.
Create wav file of "Binaural Beat"
Call the method.
.. code:: python
from AccelBrainBeat.brainbeat.binaural_beat import BinauralBeat
brain_beat = BinauralBeat() # for binaural beats.
frequencys=(400, 430),
- ``output_file_name`` is wav file name or path.
Create wav file of "Monaural Beat"
The interface of monaural beats is also same as the binaural beats.
.. code:: python
from AccelBrainBeat.brainbeat.monaural_beat import MonauralBeat
brain_beat = MonauralBeat() # for monaural beats.
frequencys=(400, 430),
Create and play "Binaural Beat"
For example, if ``400`` Hz was played in left ear and ``430`` Hz in the
right, then the binaural beats would have a frequency of 30 Hz.
Import Python and Cython modules.
.. code:: python
from AccelBrainBeat.brainbeat.binaural_beat import BinauralBeat
Instantiate objects and call the method.
.. code:: python
brain_beat = BinauralBeat()
frequencys=(400, 430),
- The type of ``frequencys`` is tuple. This is a pair of both
- ``play_time`` is playing times(per seconds).
- ``volume`` is the sound volume. It depends on your environment.
Create and play "Monaural Beat"
The interface of monaural beats is same as the binaural beats.
``MonoauralBeat`` is functionally equivalent to ``BinauralBeat``.
.. code:: python
from AccelBrainBeat.brainbeat.monaural_beat import MonauralBeat
brain_beat = MonauralBeat()
frequencys=(400, 430),
- `GPL2 <>`__
Related products
Binaural beats and Monauarl beats can be implemented by not only Python
but also Unity3D. I developed Unity3D package: `Immersive Brain's Level
Upper by Binaural Beat and Monaural
Beat. <!/content/66518>`__.
As the kind of "Brain-Wave Controller", this Unity3D package is
functionally equivalent to Python\`s library.
More detail
The function of this library is inducing you to be extreme immersive
mind state on the path to peak performance. You can handle your mind
state by using this library which is able to control your brain waves by
the binaural beats and the monaural beats.
Concept of Binaural beats and Monauarl beats
According to a popular theory, brain waves such as Delta, Theta, Alpha,
Beta, and Gamma rhythms tend to be correlated with mind states. The
delta waves(1-3 Hz) are regarded as the slowest brain waves that are
typically produced during the deep stages of sleep. The theta waves(4-7
Hz) are offen induced by the meditative state or focusing the mind. The
alpha waves(8-12 Hz) are associate with relaxed state. The beta
waves(13-29 Hz) are normal waking consciousness. The Gamma waves(30-100
Hz) are the fastest of the brain waves and associated with peak
concentration and the brain's optimal frequency for cognitive
By a theory of the binaural beats, signals of two different frequencies
from headphone or earphone are presented separately, one to each ear,
your brain detects the phase variation between the frequencies and tries
to reconcile that difference. The effect on the brain waves depends on
the difference in frequencies of each tone. For example, if 400 Hz was
played in one ear and 430 in the other, then the binaural beats would
have a frequency of 30 Hz.
The monaural beats are similar to the binaural beats. But they vary in
distinct ways. The binaural beats seem to be "created" or perceived by
cortical areas combining the two different frequencies. On the other
hand, the monaural beats are due to direct stimulation of the basilar
membrane. This makes it possible to hear the beats.
Please choose either binaural beets or monaural beats. If you set up 5
Hz, your brain waves and the frequency can be tuned and then you are
able to be the meditative state or focusing the mind. Or what you choose
to be relaxed state is the alpha waves(8-12 Hz).
Related PoC
- `仏教の社会構造とマインドフルネス瞑想の意味論 <>`__
- `プロトタイプの開発:バイノーラルビート <>`__
- chimera0(RUM)
Author's websites
- `Accel Brain <>`__ (Japanese)
- Brandy, Queen., et al., (2003) “Binaural Beat Induced Theta EEG
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- Green, Barry., Gallwey, W. Timothy., (1986) The Inner Game of Music,
- Kennerly, Richard Cauley., (1994) An empirical investigation into the
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- Kim, Jeansok J., Lee, Hongjoo J., Han, Jung-Soo., Packard, Mark G.
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- LeDoux, Joseph. (1998) The emotional brain : the mysterious
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- McEwen, Bruce S., Sapolsky, Robert M. (1995) “Stress and cognitive
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- Oster, Gerald., (1973) “Auditory Beats in the Brain,” Scientific
American, pp94-102.
- Radford, Benjamin., (2001) “Pokemon Contagion: Photosensitive
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Vol. 94, No. 2, pp197-204.
- Steward, Oswald., (2000) Functional neuroscience, Springer.
- Swann, R., et al. (1982) The Brain ? A User’s Manual, New York: G. P.
Putnam’s Sons.
- Takeo, Takahashi., et al., (1999) “Pokemon seizures,” Neurol J
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- Vollenweider., Franz X., Geyer., Mark A. (2001) “A systems model of
altered consciousness: Integrating natural and drug-induced
psychoses,” Brain Research Bulletin, Vol. 56, No. 5, pp495-507.
- Wahbeh, Helane., Calabrese, Carlo., Zwickey, Heather., (2007)
“Binaural Beat Technology in Humans : A Pilot Study to Assess
Psychologic and Physiologic Effects,” The Journal of Alternative and
Complementary Medicine, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp25-32.
- Westman, Jack C., Walters, James R. (1981) “Noise and Stress : A
Comprehensive Approach,” Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 41,