Provide *efficient* and useful **functions** to use colors, in a *HTML-tag style*.
Almost all ANSI Colors are defined with this tags-like style.
**This point is the main interest of this module,**
because many others define functions to print with some colors.
The **reset** tag is a special one to reinitialize all previously changed parameters.
You can choose one of the 8 basic ANSI colors: black, red, green, yellow, blue,
magenta, cyan, white.
The names beginning with a *lower-script* design **foreground** colors.
For example ::
ANSIColors.printc('<reset>this is default. <red>this is red<yellow> and yellow in foreground now<reset>').
You can choose one of the 8 basic ANSI colours: Black, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue,
Magenta, Cyan, White.
The names beginning with a *upper-script* design **background** colors.
For example ::
ANSIColors.printc('<Default>this is default. <Blue>this have a blue background<Black> and black in background now<reset>').
Other tags
The following tags are also available :
* ``italic``, ``Italic`` : to turn on and off the *italic* mode (not always supported),
* ``b``, ``B`` : to turn on and off the *bold* mode (not always supported),
* ``u``, ``U`` : to turn on and off the *underline* mode (not always supported),
* ``neg``, ``Neg`` : to turn on and off the *reverse video* mode,
* ``blink``, ``Blink`` : to turn on and off the *blink* mode (not always supported),
* ``el`` : to erase the current line,
* ``bell`` : to make the terminal's bell ring (not always supported).
Some macros are also provided, like the tags ``<ERROR>``, ``<INFO>`` or ``<WARNING>``.
And also ``<warning>`` and ``<question>``, which respectively gives a colored ``!`` and ``?``.
Writing to a file
This is possible with the ``writec`` function. For example ::
import sys
ANSIColors.writec('<ERROR><u><red>The computer is going to explode!<reset>', fn=sys.stderr)
# sys.stderr.flush()
# this is useless : writec flush itself.
Auto detection
Of course, the colors are disabled if the output doesn't support them (e.g. a file or a piped command).
It works perfectly on GNU/Linux (tested on Ubuntu, Arch-Linux, Debian, Fedora and Angstrom) and Windows (with OR without Cygwin),
and have *not* be tested on MAC OS X (but it should be alright).
Other features
Others functions
This module provides also the ``xtitle`` function, to change the title of the terminal.
It tries to use the command *xtitle*, and if not available, tries to use one *ANSI Code* to change the title.
This module provides a ``notify`` function to display a system notification (using ``notify-send`` on Debian-like, not working on Windows).
``ANSIColors.py`` is also a script.
You can have his description (or use it) directly with ::
python -m ANSIColors --help
For testing
It can be used to run some tests (with the --test option).
With GNU/Bash
It can be used to generate a GNU/Bash color profile
(with the ``--generate --file color.sh`` options).
This ``sh`` file can be imported with ``$ . color.sh`` in any GNU/Bash scripts,
or even in your ``~/.bashrc`` file.
An up-to-date version of this complete color profile can be found
`on my webpage <http://perso.crans.org/besson/bin/.color.sh>`_.
This module is licensed under the term of the **GNU Public License**, version 3 (*GPLv3*).
See the file *LICENSE* for more details.