ACIOps is a collection of my personal method/functions used in my programs. The module will return all the the requested
information for you unformatted. Within this module you will find the following
+ APIC Login
+ Subnet Finder
+ View Tenants
+ Vlans Pools
+ Encapsulation Finder
+ Access Policy Mappings
+ Tenant vrfs
+ Application Profiles
+ Endpoint Groups
+ Bridge Domains
+ Endpoint Finder
**Version 2.0 additions
+ Create Tenant
+ Create App Profile
+ Create EPG
+ Create BD (l3/l2)
+ Routing Scope
+ Create VRF
+ Enable Unicast
Depedency Modules
+ xml.etree.ElementTree
+ ipaddress
+ collections
+ json
+ warnings
+ request
+ re
>>>import ACIOperations.ACIOps as ops
Some method can be run without any argument and some dont. The seed method is always the login() which produces the session
**Example 1 (Authentication: )**
>>> call_class = ops.AciOps()
>>> login = call_class.login(apic="", username="JoeSmo", password="helpme!")
>>> print(call_class.session)
<requests.sessions.Session object at 0x00000253743CFB48>
**Example 2 (Fetch VLAN Pools: )**
defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {'Pool1': 'vlan-10-vlan-20', 'Pool2': 'vlan-1000-vlan-2000'}
>>> pools = call_class.vlan_pools()
>>> for k, v in pools.items():
print("Pool: {} Range: {}".format(k, v))
Pool: Pool1 Range: vlan-10-vlan-20
Pool: Pool2 Range: vlan-1000-vlan-2000
**Example 3 (Find Encap: )**
>>>find_encap = call_class.find_encap(vlan="2000")
* Output omitted due to length
This will produce all access policies associated with an external fabric encapsulation
**Example 4 (Policy Mappings:)**
>>> policy_maps = call_class.policy_mappings()
* Output omitted due to length
This will map vlan pools, AAEP, phydoms, routeddoms, vmmdoms and return to user.
**Example 5 (Infrastructure Info: )**
>>> infra = call_class.infr(pod=1)
>>> print(infra)
['Leaf101', 'N9K-C93180YC-EX', 'FDO21eddfrr', 'Leaf102', 'N9K-C93108TC-EX', 'FDO21rfeff', 'Spine101', 'N9K-C9336PQ', 'FDO2rffere']
**Example 6 (Find Subnet: )**
>>> find_subnet = call_class.subnet_finder(subnet="")
>>> print(find_subnet)
('', 'Customer1', 'BD-VL100', 'Customer1-VRF', 'Customer1-l3out', 'yes', 'public,shared', 'flood', ['ANP-Web'], ['EPG-WebServer'])
**Example 7 (View Tenants: )**
>>> tenants = call_class.view_tenants()
>>> print(tenants)
['infra', 'Customer-1', 'common', 'Customer-2']
**Example 8 (View Vrf: )**
>>> vrf = call_class.tenant_vrf(tenant="Customer-1")
>>> print(vrf)
defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {'vrf': ['Customer-1']})
**Example 9 (View Bridge Domains: )**
['L3BD', 'BDL3']
**Example 9 (View App Profiles: )**
['Web', 'None']
**Example 10 (View EPG: )**
>>>call_class.view_epgs(tenant="Example", app="Web")
**Example 11 (Endpoint Tracker: )**
>>> endpoint = call_class.enpoint_tracker(endpoint="")
>>> print(endpoint)
Name: 00:50:56:A0:77:88
EP: 00:50:56:A0:77:88
Encapsulation: vlan-200
Location: uni/tn-Customer-1/ap-ANP-WEB/epg-EPG-WEB/cep-00:50:56:A0:77:88
Send Operations
**The AciOpsSend class enables you to send configurations to ACI. You can run it from you own program or just use**
**the python console. Simple and easy methods inherited from our parent class in v1.0.0**
**Example 1 (Create Tenant: )**
>>> call_class = ops.AciOpsSend(apic="", username="JoeSmo", password="Help!")
>>> create_tenant = call_class.create_tenant(tenant="Example")
>>> call_class.view_tenants()
**Example 2 (Create App Profile: )**
>>> create_app = call_class.create_app_profile(tenant="Example", app="Web")
>>> call_class.create_app_profile()
>>> call_class.create_app_profile(tenant="Example")
(<Response [200]>, defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {'name': ['Web', 'None']}))
**Example 3 (Create EPG: )**
>>> call_class.create_epg(tenant="Example", app="Web", epg="Servers")
(<Response [200]>, defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {'name': ['Servers']}))
**Example 4 (Create BD: )**
>>> call_class.create_bd_l3(tenant="Example", bd="L3BD", subnet="")
(<Response [200]>, defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {'name': ['L3BD']}))
>>> call_class.subnet_finder(subnet="")
('', 'Example', 'L3BD', 'vrf', 'None', 'yes', 'private', 'proxy', 'None', 'None')
**Example 5 (Create vrf: )**
>>> call_class.create_vrf(tenant="Example", vrf="vrf-1")
(<Response [200]>, defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {'vrf': ['vrf-1']}))
**Example 6 (Enable Unicast Route: )**
>>> call_class.enable_unicast(tenant="Example", bd="L3BD", enable="no") **yes/no**
(<Response [200]>, '{"fvBD":{"attributes": {"name": "L3BD", "unicastRoute": "no"}}}')
**Example 7 (Assign Vrf to BridgeDomain: )**
>>>call_class.vrf_to_bd(tenant="Example", bd="BDL3", vrf="vrf-1")
(<Response [200]>, defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {'vrf': ['vrf-1']}))
**Example 8 (Routing Scope: )**
>>> call_class.routing_scope(tenant="Example", bd="BDL3", scope="private", subnet="") **share|public|shared***
(<Response [200]>, defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {'name': ['L3BD', 'BDL3']}), {'IP': 'uni/tn-Example/BD-BDL3/subnet-[]',
'Tenant': 'Example', 'BD': 'BDL3', 'vrf': 'vrf-1', 'L3Out': 'None', 'Route Enable': 'yes', 'Scope': 'private', 'Uni Flood': 'proxy',
'APs': 'None', 'EPGs': 'None'})