# Always Correct Correctness Compiler
Python implementation of a very basic langage compiler that never throw errors while compiling. (almost)
Its not a big and complex compiler, and its implementation is something like awful.
Some links are given below.
## Errors
The only errors releved by the compiler is :
- source code contains characters not present in provided alphabet;
- provided vocabulary don't follow conventions of writing;
If these conditions are respected, whatever you give to the __ACCC__, it will always return something valid.
(but it can be an empty code)
## Bias
If compiled source code is too short, or made of lots of repetitions,
some bias can appear:
- always same values in object code
- lots of neutral values
The bigger is the vocabulary and bigger is the list of lexems,
the less bias will appear.
## Interests
A compilable source code is a string of characters.
Valid characters are provided at Compiler instanciation.
For example, if you have the alphabet *'01'*,
any string exclusively composed of *'0'* and *'1'* is compilable and will produce something.
Any little modification of the string can lead to heavy or no modification of object code.
In fact, with ACCC you can generate mutation of a source code without problem of compilation error.
Write a code with lots of parameters is another way to do almost the same thing.
## Object code
Currently, current object langage is __very simple__: you can compare things, and do things.
That's all. No loops, variables, functions, objects,… Just conditions and actions.
This is an example of code, not totally illogic, created one time with a source code size of 60 and the alphabet '01':
(indentation can miss)
if parameter1 == parameter2 and haveThat:
if have_that:
if know_that and have_many_things:
if have_many_things:
Please have a look to docstring of *Compiler* class for more details about that. (notabily used vocabulary)
## I/O speaking
- iterable of characters (doublons are unexpected) that compose the source code
- vocabulary used for compiling
- a python compilable code, according to vocabulary
## Next improvements
In random-priority order:
- [ ] allow lexems to have arguments;
- [ ] create before convert in any langage;
- [ ] allow configuration of output langage;
- [ ] unit tests;
- [ ] usage example;
- [ ] base tables on source code instead of only vocabulary;
- [X] upload on pypi and github (see links below);
## Why don't you use…
Someone do the same thing ? Or better ?
Give me the link, i want to see that !
## Why do that ?
1. It's fun
2. I need it for test something in another project (an Evolution simulation named [EvolAcc](http://www.github.com/Aluriak/EvolAcc) ; no surprise)
## Links
- ACCC on [github](http://www.github.com/Aluriak/ACCC);
- ACCC on [pypi](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ACCC);