# 3ETool
__3ETool__ contains some useful tools developed by the [SERG research group](https://www.dief.unifi.it/vp-177-serg-group-english-version.html)
of the [University of Florence](https://www.unifi.it/changelang-eng.html) for performing exergo-economic and exergo environmental analysis. The __user manual__ can be downloaded [here](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/etapp-serggroup.appspot.com/o/3ETool_res%2FOther%2FUser%20Guide-eng.pdf?alt=media&token=db51ff1e-4c63-48b9-8b42-322a2eee44da). Moreover, some [youtube tutorials](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLj6A7PjCJLfa9xNOFwRc3D_XroWhKlptj) have been uploaded in order to help the user in compiling the excel file.
The beta version can be downloaded using __PIP__:
pip install 3ETool
Once the installation has been completed the user can import the tool, and paste to a desired location the __user manual__, the __components documentation__ or the __default excel file__, as in the _matlab version_ of the app.
import EEETools
Finally, once the excel file has been compiled, the calculation can be initialized trough this command:
calculation options and user defined excel path can be passed to the function as well (default values are _true_); in case user does not pass the path, the app will automatically open a filedialog window so that it can be selected manually
calculate_on_pf_diagram = True,
loss_cost_is_zero = True,
valve_is_dissipative = True,
condenser_is_dissipative = True)
Excel file can be debugged using a specific tool that can be launched using the following command (please select the
excel file that you want to debug on program request):
import EEETools
Topology can be displayed using:
import EEETools
Sankey diagram of the exergy flows can be plotted using the following command
import EEETools
the option _generate_on_pf_diagram_ can be omitted and is True by default, if False the connections are defined
according to the physical topology of the plant otherwise they are based on the product-fuel definition.
__The application code is divided into 3 main folders:__<br/><br/>
__MainModules__ directory contains Base modules such as _Block, Connection, ArrayHandler and Drawer Classes._<br/>
__Block Sublcasses__ contains a Block subclass for each component type (e.g. expander, compressor etc.)<br/>
__Tools__ contains different APIs needed for the program to run (e.g. the cost correlation handler,
the EES code generator, and the importer and exporter for both Excel and xml files)
__-------------------------- !!! THIS IS A BETA VERSION !!! --------------------------__
please report any bug or problems in the installation to _pietro.ungar@unifi.it_<br/>
for further information visit: https://tinyurl.com/SERG-3ETool
__-------------------------------- !!! HOW TO CITE !!! --------------------------------__
The following reference can be used to cite the tool in publications:
Fiaschi, D., Manfrida, G., Ungar, P., Talluri, L.
Development of an exergo-economic and exergo-environmental tool for power plant assessment:
evaluation of a geothermal case study.