pw_cli, a versatile tool for browsing PerfectWORK data
Download and install the latest release::
pip install -U pw_cli
.. contents::
:backlinks: top
Documentation and tutorial: http://pw_cli.readthedocs.org
CI tests: https://app.travis-ci.com/github/tinyerp/pw_cli
pw_cli carries three completing uses:
(1) with command line arguments
(2) as an interactive shell
(3) as a client library
Key features:
- provides an API very close to the Odoo API, through JSON-RPC and XML-RPC
- compatible with OpenERP 6.1 through Odoo 15.0
- single executable ``pw_cli.py``, no external dependency
- helpers for ``search``, for data model introspection, etc...
- simplified syntax for search ``domain`` and ``fields``
- full API accessible on the ``Client.env`` environment
- the module can be imported and used as a library: ``from pw_cli import Client``
- supports Python 3.5 and above, and Python 2.7
.. _command-line:
Command line arguments
There are few arguments to query Odoo models from the command line.
Although it is quite limited::
$ pw_cli --help
Usage: pw_cli.py [options] [search_term_or_id [search_term_or_id ...]]
Inspect data on Odoo objects. Use interactively or query a model (-m) and
pass search terms or ids as positional parameters after the options.
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l, --list list sections of the configuration
--env=ENV read connection settings from the given section
-c CONFIG, --config=CONFIG
specify alternate config file (default: 'pw_cli.ini')
--server=SERVER full URL of the server (default:
-d DB, --db=DB database
-u USER, --user=USER username
-p PASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD
password, or it will be requested on login
-m MODEL, --model=MODEL
the type of object to find
-f FIELDS, --fields=FIELDS
restrict the output to certain fields (multiple
-i, --interact use interactively; default when no model is queried
-v, --verbose verbose
$ #
$ pw_cli -d demo -m res.partner -f name -f lang 1
"Your Company","en_US"
$ pw_cli -d demo -m res.groups -f full_name 'id > 0'
"Administration / Access Rights"
"Administration / Configuration"
"Human Resources / Employee"
"Usability / Multi Companies"
"Usability / Extended View"
"Usability / Technical Features"
"Sales Management / User"
"Sales Management / Manager"
"Partner Manager"
.. _interactive-mode:
Interactive use
Edit ``pw_cli.ini`` and declare the environment(s)::
scheme = http
host = localhost
port = 8069
database = odoo
username = admin
username = demo
password = demo
protocol = xmlrpc
username = demo
password = demo
protocol = jsonrpc
scheme = local
options = -c /path/to/odoo-server.conf --without-demo all
Connect to the Odoo server::
pw_cli --list
pw_cli --env demo
This is a sample session::
>>> env['res.users']
<Model 'res.users'>
>>> env['res.users'].search_count()
>>> crons = env['ir.cron'].with_context(active_test=False).search([])
>>> crons.read('active name')
[{'active': True, 'id': 5, 'name': 'Calendar: Event Reminder'},
{'active': False, 'id': 4, 'name': 'Mail: Fetchmail Service'}]
>>> #
>>> env.modules('delivery')
{'uninstalled': ['delivery', 'website_sale_delivery']}
>>> env.upgrade('base')
1 module(s) selected
42 module(s) to process:
to upgrade account
to upgrade account_chart
to upgrade account_tax_include
to upgrade base
>>> #
.. note::
Use the ``--verbose`` switch to see what happens behind the scene.
Lines are truncated at 79 chars. Use ``-vv`` or ``-vvv`` to print
.. note::
To preserve the history of commands when closing the session, first
create an empty file in your home directory:
``touch ~/.pw_cli_history``