# API.AI Webhook 
API.AI Webhook is a fulfillment microframework for [API.AI](https://api.ai/) based on [Flask](http://flask.pocoo.org/) for getting started quickly with API.AI [webhooks](https://docs.api.ai/docs/webhook).
## Users' Guide
### Quick Start
Install the package with
pip install apiaiwebhook
A minimal api.ai Webhook application looks like this:
from apiaiwebhook import APIAIWebhook
app = APIAIWebhook(__name__)
def hello_world():
return app.make_response_apiai(speech="Hello World!")
if __name__ == '__main__':
To run the application, just execute the python file:
python hello_world.py
To test the application, you can use either the in-built api.ai test client
app.testing = True
res = app.test_client_apiai().webhook(action="hello-world"})
assert res.status_code == 200
assert ""Hello, World!" in res.data
Or you can use curl
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"result": {"action": "hello-world"}}'
### Parameters
The parameters are extracted from `results/parameters`.
This dictionary is passed to the fulfillment function via `**` operator (unpacked):
"results": {
"action": "hello-world",
"parameters": {
"parameter": "example value"
The fulfillment function declaration should look like this:
def hello_world(parameter = None, **kwargs):
return app.make_response_apiai(speech="Hello, %s!" % parameter)
The default value is required when the parameter can be empty.
Kwargs is useful when additional parameters are expected in the future.
### Response
The webhook dispatcher responses:
* HTTP 400 when `api_key_value` is defined but it the authentication header is not provided.
* HTTP 401 when `api_key_value` is defined but it is invalid.
* HTTP 404 when fulfillment function is not defined for the provided action.
Otherwise it returns a valid application/json content-type HTTP response.
The response can be create using the helper function of `make_response_apiai()`
def my_fulfillment_none():
return app.make_response_apiai(speech="Hello, World!"
display_text="Hello, World! I am please to meet you!")
The response will be like:
"speech": "Hello, World!",
"displayText": "Hello, World! I am please to meet you!",
"data": None,
"contextOut": [],
"source": <name of Flask application>,
"followupEvent": None
### Securing
The `APIAIWebhook` class defines the initialization parameters of `api_key_header` (default is `api-key`) and `api_key_value` (default is `None`) parameters.
In order to secure your webhook, define a shared secret:
from apiaiwebhook import APIAIWebhook
app = APIAIWebhook(__name__, api_key_value="secret")
Then configure the authentication header in your API.AI agent.
### Testing
The API.AI Webhook Client extends the Flask Client in order to post valid webhook messages.
app.testing = True
app.debug = True
r = app.test_client_apiai().webhook(action="hello-world",
parameters={"param": "value"})
### Flask
The `APIAIWebhook` class is derived from `Flask`. Visit the official [website](http://flask.pocoo.org/) to extend the functionality of API.AI Webhook
## Development
Before running or deploying this application, install the framework using
pip install -e .
To test the framework, execute the unit tests via:
python unit_tests.py