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# Kerko
[Kerko] is a web application component implemented in [Python] for the [Flask]
framework that provides a user-friendly search and browsing interface for
sharing a bibliography managed with the [Zotero] reference manager.
The combination of Kerko and Zotero gives you the best of both worlds: a rich
but easy to use web interface for end-users of the bibliography, and a
well-established and powerful bibliographic reference management tool for
individuals or teams working on the bibliography's content.
## Contents
- [Kerko](#kerko)
- [Contents](#contents)
- [How it works](#how-it-works)
- [Demo site](#demo-site)
- [Features](#features)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Dependencies](#dependencies)
- [Getting started](#getting-started)
- [Configuration variables](#configuration-variables)
- [Synchronization process](#synchronization-process)
- [Command line interface (CLI)](#command-line-interface-cli)
- [Known limitations](#known-limitations)
- [Design choices](#design-choices)
- [Kerko Recipes](#kerko-recipes)
- [Ensuring full-text indexing of your attachments in Zotero](#ensuring-full-text-indexing-of-your-attachments-in-zotero)
- [Providing _Cites_ and _Cited by_ relations](#providing-cites-and-cited-by-relations)
- [Translating Kerko](#translating-kerko)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Reporting issues](#reporting-issues)
- [Making code changes](#making-code-changes)
- [Running the tests](#running-the-tests)
- [Submitting code changes](#submitting-code-changes)
- [Submitting a translation](#submitting-a-translation)
- [Supporting the project](#supporting-the-project)
- [Changelog](#changelog)
- [Project background](#project-background)
- [Etymology](#etymology)
- [Powered by Kerko](#powered-by-kerko)
## How it works
A Kerko-powered bibliography is managed using Zotero, and stored in the cloud on
zotero.org, while Kerko itself is incorporated into an application which is
installed on a web server. The bibliographic references may reside in a Zotero
group library, where multiple users may collaborate to manage the content, or in
a Zotero private library. On the web server, Kerko maintains a search index,
which is a copy of the Zotero library that is optimized for search. When users
interact with the web application, Kerko gets all the required data from that
search index, without ever contacting zotero.org. It is through a scheduled
task, which runs at regular intervals, that Kerko automatically brings its
search index up to date by using the [Zotero Web API][Zotero_web_api] to
retrieve the latest data from zotero.org.
As a Flask [blueprint][Flask_blueprint] (a "blueprint" is Flask's term for an
application component, similar to what some other systems might call a plugin or
an extension), Kerko only works when incorporated into a Flask application.
However, a sample stand-alone application is available, [KerkoApp], which is
pre-built with Kerko and ready to be deployed on a web server. KerkoApp might
work for you if you like the default appearance and if the provided
configuration options are sufficient for your needs, otherwise you should
probably consider building a custom application. In a custom application, the
Kerko-powered bibliography might be just one section of a larger website.
## Demo site
A [KerkoApp]-based [demo site][KerkoApp_demo] is available for you to try. You
may also view the [Zotero library][Zotero_demo] that contains the source data
for the demo site.
## Features
The following features are implemented in Kerko:
* Faceted search interface: allows exploration of the bibliography both in
search mode and in browsing mode, potentially suiting different user needs,
behaviors and abilities. For example, users with a prior idea of the topic or
expected results are able to enter keywords or a more complex query in a
search field, while those who wish to become familiar with the content of the
bibliography or discover new topics may choose to navigate along the proposed
facets, to narrow or broaden their search. Since both modes are integrated
into a single interface, it is possible to combine them.
* Keyword search features:
* Boolean operators:
* `AND`: matches items that contain all specified terms. This is the default
relation between terms when no operator is specified, e.g., `a b` is the
same as `a AND b`.
* `OR`: matches items that contain any of the specified terms, e.g., `a OR
* `NOT`: excludes items that match the term, e.g., `NOT a`.
* Boolean operators must be specified in uppercase and may be translated in
other languages.
* Logical grouping (with parentheses), e.g., `(a OR b) AND c`.
* Sequence of words (with double quotes), e.g., `"a b c"`. The default
difference between word positions is 1, meaning that an item will match if
it contains the words next to each other, but a different maximum distance
may be selected (with the tilde character), e.g. `"web search"~2` allows up
to 1 word between `web` and `search`, meaning it could match `web site
search` as well as `web search`.
* Term boosting (with the caret), e.g., `faceted^2 search browsing^0.5`
specifies that `faceted` is twice as important as `search` when computing
the relevance score of results, while `browsing` is half as important.
Boosting may be applied to a logical grouping, e.g., `(a b)^3 c`.
* Keyword search is case-insensitive, accents are folded, and punctuation is
ignored. To further improve recall (albeit at the cost of precision),
stemming is also performed on terms from most text fields, e.g., title,
abstract, notes. Stemming relieves the user from having to specify all
variants of a word when searching, e.g., terms such as `search`, `searches`,
and `searching` all return the same results. The [Snowball] algorithm is
used for that purpose.
* Full-text search: the text content of PDF attachments can be searched.
* Scope of search: users may choose to search everywhere, in
author/contributor names, in titles, in all fields (i.e., in metadata and
notes), or in documents (i.e., in the text content of attachments).
Applications may provide additional choices.
* Faceted browsing: allows filtering by topic (Zotero tag), by resource type
(Zotero item type), by publication year. Moreover, an application may define
facets modeled on collections and subcollections; in such case, any collection
can be represented as a facet, and each subcollection as a value within that
facet. By taking advantage of Zotero's ability to assign any given item to
multiple collections, a faceted classification scheme can be modeled
(including hierarchies within facets).
* Relevance scoring: provided by the [Whoosh] library and based on the [BM25F]
algorithm, which determines how important a term is to a document in the
context of the whole collection of documents, while taking into account its
relation to document structure (in this regard most fields are neutral, but
the score is boosted when a term appears in specific fields, e.g., DOI, ISBN,
ISSN, title, author/contributor). Any keyword search asks the question "how
well does this document match this query clause?", which requires calculating
a relevance score for each document. Filtering with facets, on the other hand,
has no effect on the score because it asks "does this document match this
query clause?", which leads to a yes or no answer.
* Sort options: by relevance score (only applicable with keyword search), by
publication date, by author, by title.
* Citation styles: any from the [Zotero Style Repository][Zotero_styles], or
custom stylesheet defined in the [Citation Style Language][CSL] (stylesheet
must be accessible by URL).
* Language support: the default user interface is in English, but [some
translations][Kerko_translations] are provided. Additional translations may be
created using gettext-compatible tools; see [Translating
Kerko](#translating-kerko). Also to consider: locales supported by the [Zotero
Data Schema][Zotero_schema] (which provides the names of fields, item types
and author types displayed by Kerko); languages supported by Whoosh (which
provides the search capabilities), i.e., ar, da, nl, en, fi, fr, de, hu, it,
no, pt, ro, ru, es, sv, tr.
* Responsive design: the simple default implementation works on large monitors
as well as on small screens. It is based on [Bootstrap].
* Customizable front-end: applications may partly or fully replace the default
templates, scripts and stylesheets with their own.
* Semantic markup: pages generated by Kerko embed HTML markup that can be
detected by web crawlers (helping the indexing of your records by search
engines) or by web browsers (allowing users of reference management tools to
easily import metadata in their library). Supported schemes are:
* [OpenURL COinS][COinS], in search results pages and individual
bibliographic record pages. COinS is recognized by [many reference
management tools][COinS_clients], including the [Zotero
Connector][Zotero_Connector] browser extension.
* Highwire Press tags, in the individual bibliographic record pages of book,
conference paper, journal article, report or thesis items. These tags are
recommended for indexing by [Google Scholar][HighwirePress_Google], and
are recognized by many other databases and reference management tools,
including the [Zotero Connector][Zotero_Connector] browser extension.
* Exporting: users may export individual records as well as complete
bibliographies corresponding to search results. By default, download links are
provided for the RIS and BibTeX formats, but applications may be configured to
export [any format supported by the Zotero API][Zotero_export].
* Printing: stylesheets are provided for printing individual bibliographic
records as well as lists of search results. When printing search results, all
results get printed (not just the current page of results).
* Notes and attachments: notes, attached files, and attached links to URIs are
synchronized from zotero.org and made available to users of the bibliography.
Regular expressions may be used to include or exclude such child items from
the bibliography, based on their tags.
* DOI, ISBN and ISSN resolver: items that have such identifier in your library
can be referenced by appending their identifier to your Kerko site's base URL.
* Relations: bibliographic record pages show links to related items, if any. You
may define such relations using Zotero's _Related_ field. Moreover, Kerko adds
the _Cites_ and _Cited by_ relation types, which can be managed in Zotero
through notes (see [Kerko Recipes](#kerko-recipes). Custom applications
can add more types of relations if desired.
* Badges: icons can be displayed next to items, based on custom conditions.
* Integration: although a [standalone application][KerkoApp] is available, Kerko
itself is not an application, but it can be integrated into any Flask
* Command line interface: Kerko provides commands for synchronizing or deleting
its data. These can be invoked through the `flask` command (see [Command line
## Requirements
Kerko requires Python 3.7 or later.
### Dependencies
The following packages will be automatically installed when installing Kerko:
* [Babel]: utilities for internationalization and localization.
* [Bootstrap-Flask]: helper for integrating [Bootstrap].
* [Flask]: web application framework.
* [Flask-Babel]: helps Kerko provide its own translations, at the blueprint level.
* [Flask-WTF]: simple integration of Flask and WTForms.
* [Jinja2]: template engine.
* [Pyzotero]: Python client for the Zotero API.
* [w3lib]: URL and HTML manipulation utilities.
* [Werkzeug]: WSGI web application library (also required by Flask).
* [Whoosh]: pure Python full-text indexing and searching library.
* [WTForms]: web forms validation and rendering library.
The following front-end resources are loaded from CDNs by Kerko's default
templates (but could be completely removed or replaced by your application):
* [Bootstrap]: front-end component library for web applications.
* [FontAwesome]: beautiful open source icons.
* [jQuery]: JavaScript library (required by Bootstrap).
* [Popper.js]: JavaScript library for handling tooltips, popovers, etc. (used by Bootstrap).
## Getting started
This section only applies if you intend to integrate Kerko into your own
application. If you are more interested into the standalone KerkoApp
application, please refer to its [installation instructions][KerkoApp].
We'll assume that you have some familiarity with Flask and suggest steps for
building a minimal app, let's call it `hello_kerko.py`, to get you started.
1. The first step is to install Kerko. As with any Python library, it is highly
recommended to install Kerko within a [virtual environment][venv].
Once the virtual environment is set and active, use the following command:
pip install kerko
2. In `hello_kerko.py`, configure variables required by Kerko and create your
`app` object, as in the example below:
import pathlib
from flask import Flask
from kerko.composer import Composer
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = '_5#y2L"F4Q8z\n\xec]/' # Replace this value.
app.config['KERKO_ZOTERO_API_KEY'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' # Replace this value.
app.config['KERKO_ZOTERO_LIBRARY_ID'] = '9999999' # Replace this value.
app.config['KERKO_ZOTERO_LIBRARY_TYPE'] = 'group' # Replace this value if necessary.
app.config['KERKO_DATA_DIR'] = str(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / 'data' / 'kerko')
app.config['KERKO_COMPOSER'] = Composer()
* `SECRET_KEY`: This variable is required for generating secure tokens in web
forms. It should have a secure, random value and it really has to be
secret. It is usually set in an environment variable rather than in Python
code, to make sure it never ends up in a code repository. But here we're
taking the minimal route and thus are cutting some corners!
`KERKO_ZOTERO_LIBRARY_TYPE`: These variables are required for Kerko to be
able to access your Zotero library. See [Configuration
variables](#configuration-variables) for details on how to properly set
these variables.
* `KERKO_DATA_DIR`: This variable specifies the directory where to store the
search index and the file attachments. If the specified directory does not
already exists, Kerko will try to create it.
* `KERKO_COMPOSER`: This variable specifies key elements needed by Kerko,
e.g., fields for display and search, facets for filtering. These are
defined by instantiating the `Composer` class. Your application may
manipulate the resulting object at configuration time to add, remove or
alter fields, facets, sort options, search scopes, record download formats,
or badges. See [Kerko Recipes](#kerko-recipes) for some examples.
3. Also configure the Flask-Babel and Bootstrap-Flask extensions:
from flask_babel import Babel
from flask_bootstrap import Bootstrap
babel = Babel(app)
bootstrap = Bootstrap(app)
See the respective docs of [Flask-Babel][Flask-Babel_documentation] and
[Bootstrap-Flask][Bootstrap-Flask_documentation] for more details.
4. Instantiate the Kerko blueprint and register it in your app:
from kerko import blueprint as kerko_blueprint
app.register_blueprint(kerko_blueprint, url_prefix='/bibliography')
The `url_prefix` argument defines the base path for every URL provided by
5. In the same directory as `hello_kerko.py` with your virtual environment
active, run the following shell commands:
export FLASK_APP=hello_kerko.py
flask kerko sync
Kerko will retrieve your bibliographic data from zotero.org. If you have a
large bibliography or large attachments, this may take a while (and there is
no progress indicator). In production use, that command is usually added to
the crontab file for regular execution (with enough time between executions
for each to complete before the next one starts).
To list all commands provided by Kerko:
flask kerko --help
6. Run your application:
flask run
7. Open in your browser and explore the
You have just built a really minimal application for Kerko. This code example is
available at [KerkoStart]. See also [KerkoApp] for a slightly more complete
## Configuration variables
The variables below are required and have no default values:
* `KERKO_COMPOSER`: An instance of the `kerko.composer.Composer` class.
* `KERKO_DATA_DIR`: The directory where to store the search index and the file
attachments. Subdirectories `index` and `attachments` will be created if they
do not already exist.
* `KERKO_ZOTERO_API_KEY`: Your API key, as [created on
* `KERKO_ZOTERO_LIBRARY_ID`: The identifier of the library to get data from. For
your personal library this value should be your _userID_, as found on
https://www.zotero.org/settings/keys (you must be logged-in). For a group
library this value should be the _groupID_ of the library, as found in the URL
of that library (e.g., in https://www.zotero.org/groups/2348869/kerko_demo,
the _groupID_ is `2348869`).
* `KERKO_ZOTERO_LIBRARY_TYPE`: The type of library to get data from, either
`'user'` for your personal library, or `'group'` for a group library.
Any of the following variables may be added to your configuration if you wish to
override their default value:
* `KERKO_CSL_STYLE`: The citation style to use for formatted references. Can be
either the file name (without the `.csl` extension) of one of the styles in the
[Zotero Styles Repository][Zotero_styles] (e.g., `apa`) or the URL of a remote
CSL file. Defaults to `'apa'`.
* `KERKO_DOWNLOAD_ATTACHMENT_NEW_WINDOW`: Open attachments in new windows, i.e.,
add the `target="_blank"` attribute to attachment links. Defaults to `False`.
* `KERKO_DOWNLOAD_CITATIONS_LINK`: Provide a record download button on search
results pages. Defaults to `True`.
* `KERKO_DOWNLOAD_CITATIONS_MAX_COUNT`: Limit over which the record download
button should be hidden from search results pages. Defaults to `0` (i.e. no
* `KERKO_FACET_COLLAPSING`: Allow collapsible facets. Defaults to `False`.
* `KERKO_FULLTEXT_SEARCH`: Allow full-text search of PDF attachments. Defaults
to `True`. To get consistent results, see [Ensuring full-text indexing of your
attachments in
* `KERKO_HIGHWIREPRESS_TAGS`: Embed [Highwire Press
tags](https://scholar.google.ca/intl/en/scholar/inclusion.html#indexing) into
the HTML of item pages. This should help search engines such as Google Scholar
index your items, but works only with book, conference paper, journal article,
report or thesis items. Defaults to `True` (i.e. enabled).
* `KERKO_PAGE_LEN`: The number of search results per page. Defaults to `20`.
* `KERKO_PAGER_LINKS`: Number of pages to show in the pager (not counting the
current page). Defaults to `4`.
* `KERKO_PRINT_ITEM_LINK`: Provide a print button on item pages. Defaults to
* `KERKO_PRINT_CITATIONS_LINK`: Provide a print button on search results
pages. Defaults to `False`.
* `KERKO_PRINT_CITATIONS_MAX_COUNT`: Limit over which the print button should
be hidden from search results pages. Defaults to `0` (i.e. no limit).
* `KERKO_RELATIONS_INITIAL_LIMIT`: Number of related items to show above the
"view all" link. Defaults to `5`.
* `KERKO_RELATIONS_LINKS`: Show item links in lists of related items. Defaults
to `False`. Enabling this only has an effect if at least one of the following
variables is also set to `True`: `KERKO_RESULTS_ATTACHMENT_LINKS`,
* `KERKO_RESULTS_ABSTRACTS`: Show abstracts on search result pages. Defaults to
`False` (abstracts are hidden).
* `KERKO_RESULTS_ABSTRACTS_TOGGLER`: Show a button letting users show or hide
abstracts on search results pages. Defaults to `True` (toggle is displayed).
* `KERKO_RESULTS_ABSTRACTS_MAX_LENGTH`: Truncate abstracts at the given length
(in number of characters). If text is to be truncated in the middle of a word,
the whole word is discarded instead. Truncated text is appended with an
ellipsis sign ("..."). Defaults to `0` (abstracts get displayed in their full
length, without any truncation).
* `KERKO_RESULTS_ABSTRACTS_MAX_LENGTH_LEEWAY`: If the length of an abstract only
exceeds `KERKO_RESULTS_ABSTRACTS_MAX_LENGTH` by this tolerance margin (in
number of characters), it will not be truncated. Defaults to `0` (no tolerance
* `KERKO_RESULTS_ATTACHMENT_LINKS`: Provide links to attachments in search
results. Defaults to `True`.
* `KERKO_RESULTS_URL_LINKS`: Provide links to online resources in search
results (for items whose URL field has a value). Defaults to `True`.
* `KERKO_RESULTS_FIELDS`: List of item fields to retrieve for search results
(most notably used by the `KERKO_TEMPLATE_SEARCH_ITEM` template). Values in
this list are keys identifying fields defined in the `kerko.composer.Composer`
instance. One probably only needs to change the default list when overriding
the template to display additional fields. Note that some fields from the
default list may be required by other Kerko functions.
* `KERKO_TEMPLATE_SEARCH`: Name of the Jinja2 template to render for the search
page with list of results. Defaults to `kerko/search.html.jinja2`.
* `KERKO_TEMPLATE_SEARCH_ITEM`: Name of the Jinja2 template to render for the
search page with a single bibliographic record. Defaults to
* `KERKO_TEMPLATE_ITEM`: Name of the Jinja2 template to render for the
bibliographic record view. Defaults to `kerko/item.html.jinja2`.
* `KERKO_TEMPLATE_LAYOUT`: Name of the Jinja2 template that is extended by the
search, search-item, and item templates. Defaults to `kerko/layout.html.jinja2`.
* `KERKO_TEMPLATE_BASE`: Name of the Jinja2 template that is extended by the
layout template. Defaults to `kerko/base.html.jinja2`.
* `KERKO_TITLE`: The title to display in web pages. Defaults to `'Kerko'`.
* `KERKO_ZOTERO_BATCH_SIZE`: Number of items to request on each call to the
Zotero API. Defaults to `100` (which is the maximum currently allowed by the
* `KERKO_ZOTERO_MAX_ATTEMPTS`: Maximum number of tries after the Zotero API
has returned an error or not responded during indexing. Defaults to `10`.
* `KERKO_ZOTERO_WAIT`: Time to wait (in seconds) between failed attempts to
call the Zotero API. Defaults to `120`.
* Localization-related variables:
* `BABEL_DEFAULT_LOCALE`: The default language of the user interface. Defaults
to `'en'`. Your application may set this variable and/or implement a locale
selector function to override it (see the [Flask-Babel
* `BABEL_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE`: The timezone to use for user facing dates.
Defaults to `'UTC'`. Your application may set this variable and/or implement
a timezone selector function to override it (see the [Flask-Babel
documentation][Flask-Babel_documentation]). Any timezone name supported by
the [pytz] package should work.
* `KERKO_USE_TRANSLATIONS`: Use translations provided by the Kerko package.
Defaults to `True`. When this is set to `False`, translations may be
provided by the application's own translation catalog.
* `KERKO_WHOOSH_LANGUAGE`: The language of search requests. Defaults to
`'en'`. You may refer to Whoosh's source to get the list of supported
languages (`whoosh.lang.languages`) and the list of languages that support
stemming (`whoosh.lang.has_stemmer()`).
* `KERKO_ZOTERO_LOCALE`: The locale to use with Zotero API calls. This
dictates the locale of Zotero item types, field names, creator types and
citations. Defaults to `'en-US'`. Supported locales are listed at
https://api.zotero.org/schema, under "locales".
* `GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID`: A Google Analytics property ID, e.g., 'UA-99999-9'.
This variable is optional and there is no default value. If set, the Google
Analytics tag is inserted into the pages.
* Development/test-related variables:
* `KERKO_ZOTERO_START`: Skip items, start at the specified position. Defaults
to `0`. Useful only for development/tests.
* `KERKO_ZOTERO_END`: Load items from Zotero until the specified position.
Defaults to `0` (no limit). Useful only for development/tests.
**Caution:** Many of the configuration variables cause changes to the structure
of Kerko's cache or search index. Changing those variables may require that you
rebuild the cache or the search index, and restart the application. See the
[command line interface](#command-line-interface-cli) for the cleaning and
synchronization commands.
## Synchronization process
Kerko does one-way data synchronization from zotero.org through a 3-step
1. Synchronize the Zotero library into a local cache.
2. Update of the search index from the cache.
3. Download the file attachments from Zotero.
The first step performs incremental updates of the local cache. After an initial
full update, the subsequent synchronization runs will request only new and
updated items from Zotero. This greatly reduces the number of Zotero API calls,
and thus the time required to complete the synchronization process.
The second step reads data from the cache to update the search index. If the
cache has changed since the last update, it performs a full update of the search
index, otherwise it skips to the next step. Any changes to the search index are
"committed" as a whole at the end of this step, thus up to that point any user
using the application sees the data that was available prior to the
synchronization run.
The third and last step reads the list of file attachments from the search
index, with their MD5 hashes. It compares those with the available local copies
of the files, and downloads new or changed files from Zotero. It also deletes
any local files that may no longer be used.
Normally, all synchronization steps are executed. But under certain
circumstances it can be useful to execute a given step individually. For
example, after changing some configuration settings, one may clean just the
search index and rebuild it from the cache (see [the command line
interface](#command-line-interface-cli) below), which will be much faster than
re-synchronizing from Zotero.
## Command line interface (CLI)
Kerko provides an integration with the [Flask command line interface][Flask_CLI].
The `flask` command will work with your virtual environment active, and with the
`FLASK_APP` environment variable set to tell it where to find your application.
Some frequently used commands are:
# List all commands provided by Kerko:
flask kerko --help
# Delete all of Kerko's data.
flask kerko clean
# Get help about the clean command:
flask kerko clean --help
# Synchronize everything from Zotero.
flask kerko sync
# Get help about the sync command:
flask kerko sync --help
# Delete the cache (the next sync will perform a full update from Zotero, but
# it will not re-download all file attachments).
flask kerko clean cache
# Delete just the search index.
flask kerko clean index
# Synchronize just the search index.
flask kerko sync index
## Known limitations
* The system can probably handle relatively large bibliographies (it has been
tested so far with ~15k entries), but the number of distinct facet values has
more impact on response times. For the best response times, it is recommended
to limit the number of distinct facet values to a few hundreds.
* Kerko can only manage a single bibliography per application.
* Although Kerko can be integrated in a multilingual web application were the
visitor may select a language, Zotero does not provide a way to manage tags or
collections in multiple languages. Thus, there is no easy way for Kerko to
provide those names in the user's language.
* Whoosh does not provide much out-of-the-box support for non-Western languages.
Therefore, search might not work very well with such languages.
* Zotero is the sole reference management tool supported as a back-end to Kerko.
## Design choices
* Do not build a back-end. Let Zotero act as the "content management" system.
* Allow Kerko to integrate into richer web applications.
* Only implement in Kerko features that are related to the exploration of a
bibliography. Let other parts of the web application handle all other
features that might be needed.
* Use a lightweight framework (Flask) to avoid carrying many features that are
not needed.
* Use pure Python dependencies to keep installation and deployment simple. Hence
the use of Whoosh for search, for example, instead of Elasticsearch or Solr.
* Use a classic fullstack architecture. Keep it simple and avoid asset
management. Some will want to replace the templates and stylesheets anyway.
## Kerko Recipes
*TODO: More recipes!*
### Ensuring full-text indexing of your attachments in Zotero
Kerko's full-text indexing relies on text content extracted from attachments by
Zotero. Consequently, for Kerko's full-text search to work, you must make sure
that full-text indexing works in Zotero first; see [Zotero's documentation on
Individual attachments in Zotero can be indexed, partially indexed, or
unindexed. Various conditions may cause an attachment to be partially indexed or
unindexed, e.g., file is large, has not been processed yet, or does not contain
Zotero shows the indexing status in the attachment's right pane. If it shows
"Indexed: Yes", all is good. If it shows "Indexed: No" or "Indexed: Partial",
then clicking the "Reindex Item" button (next to the indexing status) should
ensure that the attachment gets fully indexed, that is if the file actually
contains text. If there is no "Reindex Item" button, it probably means that
Zotero does not support that file type for full-text indexing (at the moment, it
only supports PDF and plain text files).
It can be tedious to go through hundreds of attachments just to find out whether
they are indexed or not. To make things easier, you could create a [saved
search](https://www.zotero.org/support/searching#saved_searches) in your Zotero
library to get an always up-to-date list of unindexed PDFs. Use the following
search conditions:
- Match *all* of the following:
- *Attachment File Type* — *is* — *PDF*
- *Attachment Content* — *does not contain* — *.* (that's a period; also
select *RegExp* in the small dropdown list, as that will make the period
match any character)
Controlling the indexing status will not only improve full-text search on your
Kerko site, but also full-text search from within Zotero!
### Providing _Cites_ and _Cited by_ relations
Zotero allows one to link items together through its _Related_ field. However,
such relations are not typed nor directed, making it impossible (1) to indicate
the nature of the relation, or (2) to distinguish which of two related items is
the citing entity, and which is the one being cited. Consequently, Kerko has its
own method for setting up those relations.
To establish _Cites_ relations in your Zotero library, you must follow the
procedure below:
* Install the [Zutilo] plugin for Zotero. Once it is installed, go to _Tools >
Zutilo Preferences..._ in Zotero. Then, under _Zotero item menu_, select
_Zotero context menu_ next to the _Copy Zotero URIs_ menu item. This
configuration step only needs to be done once.
* Select one or more items from your library that you wish to show as cited by
another. Right-click on one of the selected items to open the context menu,
and select _Copy Zotero URIs_ from that menu. This copies the references of
the selected items items to the clipboard.
* Right-click the item from your library that cites the items. Select _Add Note_
from that item's context menu to add a child note.
* In the note editor, paste the content of the clipboard. The note should then
contain a series of URIs looking like
`https://www.zotero.org/groups/9999999/items/ABCDEFGH` or
* At the bottom of the note editor, click into the _Tags_ field and type
`_cites`. That tag that will tell Kerko that this particular note is special,
that it contains relations.
At the next synchronization, Kerko will retrieve the references found in notes
tagged with `_cites`. Afterwards, proper hyperlinked citations will appear in
the _Cites_ and _Cited by_ sections of the related bibliographic records.
* Enter only the _Cites_ relations. The reverse _Cited by_ relations will be
inferred automatically.
* You may only relate items that belong to the same Zotero library.
* You may use Zotero Item Selects (URIs starting with `zotero://select/`) in the
notes, if you prefer those to Zotero URIs.
* If entered as plain text, URIs must be separated by one or more whitespace
character(s). Alternatively, URIs may be entered in HTML links, i.e., in the
`href` attribute of `<a>` elements.
* Hopefully, Zotero will provide nicer ways for handling [relation
types](https://sparontologies.github.io/cito/current/cito.html) in the future.
In the meantime, using child notes is how Kerko handles it. If relation types
are important to you, consider describing your use case in the [Zotero
* Custom Kerko applications can provide more types of relations, if desired, in
addition to _Cites_ and _Cited by_.
## Translating Kerko
Kerko can be translated using Babel's [setuptools
The following commands should be executed from the directory that contains
`setup.py`, and the appropriate [virtual environment][venv] must have been
activated beforehand.
Create or update the PO template (POT) file:
python setup.py extract_messages
Create a new PO file (for a new locale) based on the POT file. Replace
`YOUR_LOCALE` with the appropriate language code, e.g., `de`, `es`, `fr`:
python setup.py init_catalog --locale YOUR_LOCALE
Update an existing PO file based on the POT file:
python setup.py update_catalog --locale YOUR_LOCALE
Compile MO files:
python setup.py compile_catalog
You are welcome to contribute your translation. See [Submitting a
## Contributing
### Reporting issues
Issues may be submitted on [Kerko's issue tracker][Kerko_issues]. Please
consider the following guidelines:
* Make sure that the same issue has not already been reported or fixed in the
* Describe what you expected to happen.
* If possible, include a minimal reproducible example to help others identify
the issue.
* Describe what actually happened. Include the full traceback if there was an
### Making code changes
Clone the [Kerko repository][Kerko] into a local directory. Set up a [virtual
environment][venv], then install this local version of Kerko in the virtual
environment, including development and testing dependencies by running the
following command from Kerko's root directory, i.e., where `setup.cfg` resides:
pip install -e .[dev,tests]
### Running the tests
To run basic tests in your current environment:
python -m unittest
To check code coverage as well, use this command instead:
coverage run -m unittest
Then generate the coverage report:
coverage report
Note: Test coverage is still very low at the moment. You are welcome to
contribute new tests!
To run the full test suite under different environments (using the various
Python interpreters available on your machine):
### Submitting code changes
Pull requests may be submitted against [Kerko's repository][Kerko]. Please
consider the following guidelines:
* Before submitting, run the tests and make sure they pass. Add tests relevant
to your change (those should fail if ran without your patch).
* Use [Yapf](https://github.com/google/yapf) to autoformat your code (with
option `--style='{based_on_style: facebook, column_limit: 100}'`). Many
editors provide Yapf integration.
* Include a string like "Fixes #123" in your commit message (where 123 is the
issue you fixed). See [Closing issues using
* If a Jinja2 template represents a page fragment or a collection of macros,
prefix its file name with the underscore character.
### Submitting a translation
Some guidelines:
* The PO file encoding must be UTF-8.
* The header of the PO file must be filled out appropriately.
* All messages of the PO file must be translated.
Please submit your translation as a pull request against [Kerko's
repository][Kerko], or by [e-mail][Kerko_email], with the PO file included as an
attachment (**do not** copy the PO file's content into an e-mail's body, since
that could introduce formatting or encoding issues).
### Supporting the project
Nurturing an open source project such as Kerko, following up on issues and
helping others in working with the system is a lot of work, but hiring the
original developers of Kerko can do a lot in ensuring continued support and
development of the project.
If you need professional support related to Kerko, have requirements not
currently implemented in Kerko, want to make sure that some Kerko issue
important to you gets resolved, or if you just like our work and would like to
hire us for an unrelated project, please [e-mail us][Kerko_email].
## Changelog
For a summary of changes by release version, see the [changelog](CHANGELOG.md).
## Project background
Kerko was inspired by two prior projects:
* [Bibliographie sur l’histoire de
Montréal](https://bibliomontreal.uqam.ca/bibliographie/), developed in 2014 by
David Lesieur and Patrick Fournier, of Whisky Echo Bravo, for the [Laboratoire
d'histoire et de patrimoine de Montréal](https://lhpm.uqam.ca/) (Université du
Québec à Montréal, Canada).
* [Bibliography on English-speaking Quebec](http://quescren.concordia.ca/),
developed in 2017 by David Lesieur, for the [Quebec English-Speaking
Communities Research Network
(QUESCREN)](https://www.concordia.ca/artsci/scpa/quescren.html) (Concordia
University, Canada).
Later on, it became clear that other organizations needed a similar solution.
However, software from the prior projects had to be rewritten so it could more
easily be configured for different bibliographies from organizations with
different needs. That led to Kerko, whose development was made possible through
the following project:
* [Bibliographie francophone sur l'archivistique](https://bibliopiaf.ebsi.umontreal.ca/),
funded by the
[Association internationale des archives francophones (AIAF)](http://www.aiaf.org/)
and hosted by the
[École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l’information (EBSI)](https://ebsi.umontreal.ca/)
(Université de Montréal, Canada).
### Etymology
The name _Zotero_ reportedly derives from the Albanian word _zotëroj_, which
means "to learn something extremely well, that is to master or acquire a skill
in learning" (Source: Mark Dingemanse, 2008, [Etymology of
The name _Kerko_ is a nod to Zotero as it takes a similar etymological route: it
derives from the Albanian word _kërkoj_, which means "to ask, to request, to
seek, to look for, to demand, to search" and seems fit to describe a search
## Powered by Kerko
The following online bibliographies are powered by Kerko:
* [Bibliographie francophone sur l'archivistique](https://bibliopiaf.ebsi.umontreal.ca/)
* [Open Development & Education Evidence Library](https://docs.opendeved.net/)
* [The EdTech Hub Evidence Library](http://docs.edtechhub.org/)
* [University of Saint Joseph Research Output](https://research.usj.edu.mo/)
If you wish to add your Kerko-powered online bibliography to this list, please
[e-mail us][Kerko_email] or submit a pull request.
[Babel]: https://pypi.org/project/Babel/
[BM25F]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okapi_BM25
[Bootstrap]: https://getbootstrap.com/
[Bootstrap-Flask]: https://pypi.org/project/Bootstrap-Flask/
[Bootstrap-Flask_documentation]: https://bootstrap-flask.readthedocs.io/en/latest/basic.html
[COinS]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COinS
[COinS_clients]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COinS#Client_tools
[CSL]: https://citationstyles.org/
[Flask]: https://pypi.org/project/Flask/
[Flask_blueprint]: https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/latest/blueprints/
[Flask-Babel]: https://pypi.org/project/Flask-Babel/
[Flask-Babel_documentation]: https://flask-babel.tkte.ch/
[Flask_CLI]: https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/latest/cli/
[Flask-WTF]: https://pypi.org/project/Flask-WTF/
[FontAwesome]: https://fontawesome.com/icons
[HighwirePress_Google]: https://scholar.google.ca/intl/en/scholar/inclusion.html#indexing
[Jinja2]: https://pypi.org/project/Jinja2/
[jQuery]: https://jquery.com/
[Kerko]: https://github.com/whiskyechobravo/kerko
[Kerko_actions]: https://github.com/whiskyechobravo/kerko/actions
[Kerko_email]: mailto:kerko@whiskyechobravo.com
[Kerko_issues]: https://github.com/whiskyechobravo/kerko/issues
[Kerko_pypi]: https://pypi.org/project/Kerko/
[Kerko_translations]: https://github.com/whiskyechobravo/kerko/tree/master/kerko/translations
[KerkoApp]: https://github.com/whiskyechobravo/kerkoapp
[KerkoApp_demo]: https://demo.kerko.whiskyechobravo.com
[KerkoStart]: https://github.com/whiskyechobravo/kerkostart
[Popper.js]: https://popper.js.org/
[Python]: https://www.python.org/
[pytz]: https://pypi.org/project/pytz/
[Pyzotero]: https://pypi.org/project/Pyzotero/
[Snowball]: https://snowballstem.org/
[venv]: https://docs.python.org/3.8/tutorial/venv.html
[w3lib]: https://pypi.org/project/w3lib/
[Werkzeug]: https://pypi.org/project/Werkzeug/
[Whisky_Echo_Bravo]: https://whiskyechobravo.com
[Whoosh]: https://pypi.org/project/Whoosh/
[WTForms]: https://pypi.org/project/WTForms/
[Zotero]: https://www.zotero.org/
[Zotero_Connector]: https://www.zotero.org/download/connectors
[Zotero_demo]: https://www.zotero.org/groups/2348869/kerko_demo/items
[Zotero_export]: https://www.zotero.org/support/dev/web_api/v3/basics#export_formats
[Zotero_schema]: https://api.zotero.org/schema
[Zotero_styles]: https://www.zotero.org/styles/
[Zotero_web_api]: https://www.zotero.org/support/dev/web_api/start
[Zutilo]: https://github.com/willsALMANJ/Zutilo
# Changelog
## 0.8.1 (2021-11-16)
Bug fixes:
* Fix missing dependency for package building.
## 0.8 (2021-11-16)
*Warning:* Upgrading from version 0.7.x or earlier will require that you clean
and re-sync your existing search index. Use the following commands, then restart
the application:
flask kerko clean index
flask kerko sync
* Allow full-text search of PDF attachments. This can be disabled by setting
`KERKO_FULLTEXT_SEARCH` to `False`. Since this feature relies on Zotero's
full-text indexing, you must make sure that it works in Zotero first; see
* Add new search scopes "Everywhere" (to search both metadata fields and the
text content of attached documents) and "In documents" (to search the text
content of attached documents). The scope "In all fields" allows to search all
metadata fields, but not the text content of attached documents.
* Display "View on {hostname}" links under search result items, for quick access
to the items' URLs. These can be disabled by setting `KERKO_RESULTS_URL_LINKS`
to `False`.
* Move the "Read" buttons under search result items, as "Read document" links.
These can now be disabled by setting `KERKO_RESULTS_ATTACHMENT_LINKS` to
* Display DOI field values as hyperlinks (both in DOI fields, and in the Extra
field when lines are prefixed with 'DOI:').
* Add support for imported file attachments, e.g., PDF files imported in your
Zotero library through the Zotero Connector. Previously, only "attached copies
of files" were supported.
* Standalone notes and file attachments are now allowed into the search index.
Kerko filters them out of search results, but custom applications could search
them. A new view, `standalone_attachment_download`, lets one retrieve a
standalone file attachment.
* Add configuration options for truncating long abstracts in search results
* Embed Highwire Press tags in item pages. This is enabled by default but can be
disabled by setting `KERKO_HIGHWIREPRESS_TAGS` to `False`.
* Allow tracking with Google Analytics (optional).
* Allow relations in child notes to be specified as HTML links, i.e., in the
`href` attribute of `<a>` elements.
* Allow inclusion or exclusion of items based on multiple tags (previously, only
a single pattern could be checked).
Bug fixes:
* Fix irrelevant sync warnings, from extractors running on attachment items.
* Fix empty prev/next links in search pages metadata.
Other changes:
* Make synchronization from Zotero much more efficient through incremental
updates. Instead of performing a full synchronization each time, Kerko now
retrieves just the newly added or updated items. This dramatically reduces the
number of Zotero API calls (and time) required to update Kerko's search index.
Note: **More work is planned** to eliminate some Zotero API calls that Kerko
still makes early in the synchronization process and that could be avoided
when its cache is already up-to-date.
* Add a `sync cache` command to the command line interface.
* On narrow screens, stack search form controls for better usability.
* Respond with an HTTP 503 (Service Unavailable) when the search index is empty
or unreadable.
* Make sorts more efficient by setting the `sortable` Whoosh flag on relevant
* Leading and trailing underscore characters (`_`) are now trimmed from facet
value labels. This happens _after_ sorting the values, which means that the
underscore can still be used as a prefix to alter the alphabetical order.
* Support more timezone names. Timezone names such as 'US/Eastern' or
'Europe/London' previously did not work, and times could not be converted
to daylight saving times.
* Change labels:
* "Print this citation" → "Print this record" (on item pages)
* "Download this citation" → "Download this record" (on item & search pages)
* Inject blocks in item Jinja2 template to facilitate theming.
* Slightly increase some top/bottom margins.
* Add the `type` HTML attribute to record download links.
* Add the `rel="alternate"` HTML attribute to record download links on item
pages. Also add a corresponding `link` element to the page `head`.
* Added utilities for running automated integration tests. This will allow
testing many areas of Kerko that previously could hardly be tested.
Backwards incompatible changes:
* Remove deprecated `kerko index` CLI command (use `kerko sync` instead).
Possibly backwards incompatible changes (more or less internal API changes):
* Upgrade many dependencies, including new major versions of Flask (2.x), Jinja2
(3.x), Werkzeug (2.x), Click (8.x).
* The default list for the `KERKO_RESULTS_FIELDS` setting now includes the
`'url'` field. If you have overridden that setting in your application and
`KERKO_RESULTS_URL_LINKS` is enabled, you'll probably have to add `'url'` too.
* The schema field `item_type` has been renamed to `item_type_label`. If you
have custom templates, please review any use of `item.item_type`.
* The structure of the `kerko/_search-result.html.jinja2` template has changed
somewhat. If you have overridden it, you'll need to review the changes.
* The `ItemContext` class has been eliminated. The `Extractor.extract()` method
now receives an item's dictionary instead of an `ItemContext` object, and if
an item has children these are now available directly in the item (with the
`children` key). If you have created custom extractor classes, their
`extract()` method will need to be adapted accordingly.
* Some extractor classes have been renamed:
* `BaseAttachmentsExtractor` → `BaseChildAttachmentsExtractor`
* `BaseNotesExtractor` → `BaseChildNotesExtractor`
* `LinkedURIAttachmentsExtractor` → `ChildLinkedURIAttachmentsExtractor`
* `NotesTextExtractor` → `ChildNotesTextExtractor`
* `RawNotesExtractor` → `RawChildNotesExtractor`
* `RelationsInNotesExtractor` → `RelationsInChildNotesExtractor`
* `StoredFileAttachmentsExtractor` → `ChildFileAttachmentsExtractor`
* A view has been renamed:
* `item_attachment_download` → `child_attachment_download`
* A default field has been renamed:
* `alternateId` → `alternate_id`
## 0.7.1 (2021-02-04)
Security fixes:
* Fix unescaped date fields, causing a vulnerability to XSS attacks. This
vulnerability was introduced in version 0.7.
Bug fixes:
* Fix wrong locale separator in the HTML lang attribute.
Other changes:
* Remove unwanted spacing after dropdown labels.
Documentation changes:
* Fix missing info about library groupID in configuration docs. Thanks
[@drmikeuk](https://github.com/drmikeuk) for reporting the issue.
## 0.7 (2021-01-08)
*Warning:* Upgrading from version 0.6 or earlier will require that you clean and
re-sync your existing search index. Use the following commands, then restart the
flask kerko clean index
flask kerko sync
* Allow users to toggle the display of abstracts on search results pages.
* Allow inclusion or exclusion of items based on their tags
* Show attached links to URIs on item pages.
* Show relations on item pages. The relation types provided by default are:
* _Related_, based on Zotero's _Related_ field.
* _Cites_, managed through child notes containing Zotero URIs and tagged with
the `_cites` tag.
* _Cited by_, automatically inferred from _Cites_ relations.
* The Extra field is now searched when searching "in any fields".
* Items that have a DOI, ISBN or ISSN identifier can be referenced by appending
their identifier to your Kerko site's base URL.
* Requests for the older URL of an item whose ID has changed are now
automatically redirected to the item's current URL. This relies on the
`dc.replaces` relation that's managed internally by Zotero on some operations
such as item merges.
* Help users who might mistakenly bookmark a search result's URL rather than the
item's permanent URL: Add an `id` parameter to the search result URLs, and
redirect the user to that item's permanent URL if the search result no longer
matches because of database changes.
* Redirect to the parent item's page when the user tries to request an
attachment that no longer exists.
* Improve accessibility based on WCAG recommendations and WAI-ARIA standards:
* Add labels to search form elements.
* Add landmark role `search` to the search form.
* Make the purpose of various links more obvious through improved or added
* Add the `aria-label` attribute to many elements.
* Add text to indicate the current value of widgets.
* Add the `aria-current` attribute to indicate the current value of widgets.
* Remove useless link to the current page from the pagination widget.
Bug fixes:
* Fix crash when trying to sync a link attachment
* Fix unhandled exception during sync when an attachment cannot be downloaded.
* Fix page numbers greater than the page count in search URLs generating wrong
page numbers for search result item URLs.
* Fix secondary keys getting sorted in reverse order with some sort options,
e.g., when sorting by newest first, results having the same date were then
sorted by creator name in reverse alphabetical order instead of alphabetical
* Fix empty HTML element taking up horizontal space when there are no badges.
Other changes:
* Display ISO 8601 calendar dates in a more readable format, using the
formatting style of the locale.
* Show a timezone abbreviation along with time of last update from Zotero.
* Add German translation. Thanks [@mmoole](https://github.com/mmoole).
* Fix broken "Getting started" example in README.
* Migrate most package distribution options and metadata from `setup.py` to
* Migrate project to a `src` layout.
* Use Flask-Babel instead of its fork Flask-BabelEx, now that is has merged the
translation domain features from Flask-BabelEx.
Backwards incompatible changes:
* Drop support for Python 3.6. Kerko is no longer being tested under Python 3.6.
Known issue with 3.6 at this point: some ISO 8601 dates cannot be parsed and
reformatted; instead of being displayed in a locale-sensitive manner, these
get displayed as is. More issues might arise in the future with Python 3.6 as
Kerko continues to evolve.
* All values of the `pager` dict passed to the `_pager.html.jinja2` template are
now lists. Previously, only the values at keys `'before'` and `'after'` were
lists; now the values at keys `'previous'`, `'first'`, `'current'`, `'last'`,
and `'next'` are lists as well.
* The words `'blacklist'` and `'whitelist'` in variable names are replaced with
`'exclude'` and `'include'`.
* The `KERKO_RESULTS_ABSTRACT` configuration variable is replaced by two
variables, `KERKO_RESULTS_ABSTRACTS` (note the now plural form) and
* Citation download URLs now have the form
`{url_prefix}/{itemID}/export/{format}` for individual items (`'export'` has
been inserted), and `{url_prefix}/export/{format}/` for search result pages
(`'download'` has been replaced by `'export'`).
* The `Extractor` class' interface has changed, improving consistency and
separation of concerns:
* All arguments to `__init__()` must now be specified as keyword arguments.
* The `extract()` method no longer have a `document` argument, and the `spec`
argument is now the last one. The method now returns a value instead of
assigning it to the document.
* The new `extract_and_store()` method handles extraction, encoding, and
assignment to the document, assigning the value only when it is not `None`.
* The `AttachmentsExtractor` class has been renamed to
* `InCollectionExtractor` now extends collection membership to subcollections.
To preserve the previous behavior, set the `check_subcollections` parameter to
`False` when initializing the extractor.
Possibly backwards incompatible changes (more or less internal API changes):
* The `search_results` variable passed to the `search.html.jinja2` template is
now an iterator of tuples, where the first element of each tuple is a result,
and the second element the URL of the result.
## 0.6 (2020-06-15)
Security fixes:
* Fix multiple vulnerabilities to XSS attacks. **All previous versions of Kerko
were vulnerable, thus an upgrade is highly recommended.**
Backwards incompatible changes:
* Remove default value for the `KERKO_DATA_DIR` configuration variable. KerkoApp
users don't need to worry about this as KerkoApp takes care of it, but custom
apps that did not already set this variable now have to.
* Open PDF documents in the browser's built-in PDF viewer (instead of opening
the browser's file download popup).
* Add buttons for opening documents directly from search result pages (these
replace the previous paperclip badges).
* Add button at the top of item pages for opening documents (makes the
availability of such documents much more obvious).
* Add the `KERKO_DOWNLOAD_ATTACHMENT_NEW_WINDOW` configuration variable to
control whether to open documents in a new window or in the same window.
* Display the date and time of the last successful synchronization from Zotero
at the bottom of search results.
Bug fixes:
* Preserve newlines when displaying the value of the Extra field.
* Preserve newlines when displaying abstracts in search result pages.
* Fix filters missing on search pages that have no results.
* Avoid empty box in print media when there is no search criteria.
* Avoid empty box when the search index is missing.
* Fix pluralization in CLI time elapsed messages.
Other changes:
* Refer to attachments as "documents" in the interface, and replace the
paperclip icon with a file icon.
* Remove CSRF token from search form. Token expiration can impede legitimate
users, and the token is unnecessary as the form does not change the
application's state.
* Add a proper message when none of the filters provided in the URL are
* Improve documentation.
* Add INFO-level log message to report successful synchronization from Zotero.
* Add blocks in templates to facilitate theming.
Possibly backwards incompatible changes (more or less internal API changes):
* Rename the `content_with_badges` template macro as `badges`, and leave it to
the caller to display content.
* Remove badges that are related to attachments.
## 0.5 (2019-11-19)
*Warning:* Upgrading from version 0.4 or earlier will require that you clean and
re-sync your existing search index. Use the following commands:
flask kerko clean index
flask kerko sync
* Add support for Zotero attachments.
* Allow configuration of badges on items. The 'attachment' badge is provided by
default, displaying an icon on items that have one or more attachments.
* Add help modal.
* Improve customizability:
* Add `KERKO_TEMPLATE_*` configuration variables for page template names.
* Use configurable, separate templates to render facets and badges (see the
`renderer` argument to `kerko.specs.FacetSpec`, `kerko.specs.BadgeSpec`).
* Add the `KERKO_RESULTS_FIELDS` configuration variable to specify which
fields to retrieve with search queries.
* Add building blocks for creating boolean facets based on collection membership
(new class `kerko.extractors.InCollectionExtractor`, new parameters for
Bug fixes:
* Fix facets not ordered by weight on item page.
* Preserve newlines in abstract display.
* Fix incorrect use of bookmark link on item pages, set canonical link instead.
* Prevent text overflow in some browsers on citations containing long URLs.
Other changes:
* Deprecate CLI command `kerko index` in favor of new command `kerko sync`.
* Change title of the "Refine" panel to "Explore".
* Change labels of the "Print" and "Download" buttons to "Print this citation"
and "Download this citation", to prevent any confusion with attachment
* Show the facets in a more robust and accessible Bootstrap modal, on small
screens, instead of the home-built drawer.
* Use compact pagination widget on small screens.
* Tweak sizing, positioning, and spacing of various UI elements.
* Improve accessibility of various UI elements.
* Make citation stand out more in item page.
* Hide some elements and decorations in print media.
* Make search query more efficient on item page.
Possibly backwards incompatible changes (more or less internal API changes):
* Force keyword arguments with `kerko.composer.Composer.__init__()`.
* Rename `kerko.composer.Composer.__init__()` arguments
`default_note_whitelist_re` as `default_child_whitelist_re`,
`default_note_blacklist_re` as `default_child_blacklist_re`.
* Rename method `kerko.views.item()` as `kerko.views.item_view()`.
* Rename template file `_facet.html.jinja2` as `_facets.html.jinja2`.
* Replace argument `checkboxes` in template macro `field()` with `add_link_icon`
and `remove_link_icon`.
## 0.4 (2019-09-28)
* Allow search term boosting in relevance score calculation, e.g. `faceted^2
search browsing^0.5`.
Security fixes:
* Update minimum Werkzeug version to 0.15.3. See
[CVE-2019-14806](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2019-14806): "Pallets
Werkzeug before 0.15.3, when used with Docker, has insufficient debugger PIN
randomness because Docker containers share the same machine id."
Other changes:
* Update jQuery version to 3.4.1.
* Update French translations (translate boolean search operators).
* Improve search form validation and error display.
* Disable not-so-intuitive boolean search operators (`AndNot`, `AndMaybe`,
`Require` were unwanted but enabled by default by Whoosh's `OperatorsPlugin`).
* Improve documentation.
* Code cleanup.
## 0.3 (2019-07-29)
* Exporting: users may export individual citations as well as complete
bibliographies corresponding to search results. By default, download links are
provided for the RIS and BibTeX formats, but applications may be configured to
export any format supported by the Zotero API.
Bug fixes:
* Fix bad alignment of field names in print mode.
* Remove warning when indexing an item with no authors
Other changes:
* Move print button to bottom of search pages (next to the new download
* Improve documentation.
* Compile message catalog before building sdist and wheel.
Possibly backwards incompatible changes (more or less internal API changes):
* Method `kerko.composer.Composer.get_ordered_specs()` replaces
`get_ordered_scopes()`, `get_ordered_facets()` and `get_ordered_sorts()`.
## 0.3alpha1 (2019-07-17)
* Fix broken links in documentation.
## 0.3alpha0 (2019-07-16)
* First PyPI release.