| Key | Badge |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| Testing Status | [](https://www.codacy.com/manual/allansifuna/Flask-Mpesa?utm_source=github.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=allansifuna/Flask-Mpesa&utm_campaign=Badge_Grade) [](https://coveralls.io/github/allansifuna/Flask-Mpesa?branch=master) |
| Size | |
| Compatibility |    |
| Version Info. |   |
| Licence |  |
# Flask-Mpesa
Flask-Mpesa provides a simple intergration for flask Applications with Mpesa Daraja API.
## Installation
Use the package manager [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/) to install flask-mpesa.
pip install Flask-Mpesa
## QuickStart
from flask import Flask
from flask_mpesa import MpesaAPI
## if you are using blueprints
from flask_mpesa import MpesaAPI
### Be sure to set the following variables in the app.config
app.config["API_ENVIRONMENT"] = "sandbox" #sandbox or production
app.config["APP_KEY"] = "..." # App_key from developers portal
app.config["APP_SECRET"] = "..." #App_Secret from developers portal
## Usage
For the api requests to be processed by safaricom, they need to be secure. This means that your urls should
use https instead of http protocal. I recommend use of a port tunneling app like Ngrok.
## Sample Credentials
For testing your application, You should acquire test cedentials from [Daraja API's Portal](https://developer.safaricom.co.ke)
but if you the credentials don't work for you, you can use the credentials below:-
| Key | Value |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| app_key | vbxsneeZ9IMFoyKKIgOIQQZFlawAADnP |
| app_secret | WAzDhQVhitIXwiTc |
| initiator_name | testapi364 |
| party_a | 600364 |
| security_credential | TziD/ydlT52Fm6SOH1ebrzUFwy3cP6OGplsrWja+X/1roQy2AzMsj5QGuqu9O+IFR1E6l16Jm87tg4bhnxoIhAufCEWusQI1wJZ6YLzpN0cHZAY/8SN1JfHdgEkrmksAY14pejHyfntyLT9Sg51kBjaj6J7/2+gHl2e64klnJAhlfPJWxC18zwEzsg58zFmypcovPPB6MHkPLyHQNFbu4oXC0e2gkZrIAWXTNN7PpYt4m/w39s5txU7/6P7hTzXgYAgqk4kxfPBIBeEmKhH5tSGxMD+xnSpZIXLovFgopexq8S76pmdLMjr2CdR60GlwXnAPnKJ5U9CIxRRewuoksQ== |
| business_shortcode | 174379 |
| passcode | bfb279f9aa9bdbcf158e97dd71a467cd2e0c893059b10f78e6b72ada1ed2c919 |
NOTE: These credentials are for a sample sandbox application and cannot be used in production.
### B2C Api
This returns a json response to your result_url.
def b2c_transact():
data={"initiator_name": "[InitiatorName]",
"security_credential": "[SecurityCredential]",#from developers portal
"amount": "1000",
"party_a": "[PartyA]",
"party_b": "[PartyB]",
"remarks": "[Remarks]",
"queue_timeout_url": "YOUR_URL" ,
"result_url": "YOUR_URL",
"occassion": "[Occassion]"
mpesa_api.B2C.transact(**data) # ** unpacks the dictionary
### B2B Api
This returns a json response to your result_url.
def b2b_transact():
data={"initiator": "[Initiator]",
"security_credential": "[SecurityCredential]",#from developers portal
"amount": "1000",
"party_a": "[PartyA]",
"party_b": "[PartyB]",
"remarks": "[Remarks]",
"queue_timeout_url": "YOUR_URL" ,
"result_url": "YOUR_URL",
"account_reference": "[AccountReference]"
mpesa_api.B2B.transact(**data) # ** unpacks the dictionary
### C2B api
def c2b_transact():
reg_data={"shortcode": "600364",
"response_type": "Completed",
"confirmation_url": "https://example.com/confirmation",
"validation_url": "https://example.com/validation"
v=mpesa_api.C2B.register(**reg_data) # ** unpacks the dictionary
##use v to capture the response
#This method allows you to test a mock payment and see the result so it can be avoided in production mode.
test_data={"shortcode": "600364",
"command_id": "CustomerPayBillOnline",
"amount": "100",
"msisdn": "254708374149",
"bill_ref_number": "account"
new_v = mpesa_api.C2B.simulate(**test_data) # ** unpacks the dictionary
#use new_v to capture the response
return render_template('home.html')
def c2b_confirmation():
#save the data
request_data = request.data
#Perform your processing here e.g. print it out...
### MpesaExpress api
def simulate_stk_push():
data = {
"business_shortcode": "[BusinessShortcode]", #from developers portal
"passcode": "[Passcode]",#from developers portal
"amount": "[Amount]", # choose amount preferrably KSH 1
"phone_number":"[PhoneNumber]", #phone number to be prompted to pay
"reference_code": "[Reference Code]",#Code to inform the user of services he/she is paying for.
"callback_url": "[YOUR_URL]", # cllback url should be exposes. for testing putposes you can route on host and set the callback url to be https://youripaddress:yourport/endpoint
"description": "[Description]" #a description of the transaction its optional
resp = mpesa_api.MpesaExpress.stk_push(**data) # ** unpacks the dictionary
##use resp to capture the response
return render_template('home.html')
def callback_url():
#get json data set to this route
json_data = request.get_json()
#get result code and probably check for transaction success or failure
#if result code is 0 you can proceed and save the data else if its any other number you can track the transaction
return jsonify(message),200
### Balance api
def balance():
data = {"initiator": "",
"security_credential": "",
"command_id": "AccountBalance",
"party_a": "",
"identifier_type": "",
"remarks": "",
"queue_timeout_url": "",
"result_url": ""
balance_response = mpesa_api.Balance.get_balance(**data) # ** unpacks the dictionary
# use balance_response to capture the response
### TransactionStatus api
def transaction_status():
data = {"initiator": "",
"transaction_id": "",
"party_a": "",
"security_credential": "",
"identifier_type": "",
"remarks": "",
"queue_timeout_url": "",
"result_url": "",
"occassion": ""
status = mpesa_api.TransactionStatus.check_transaction_status(**data)
# use status to capture the response
## Contributing
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
## License