A bridge between IRC and Django's ``channels``.
run ``pip install channels_irc`` to install the library and set up the command line interface
Full docs available at `django-channels-irc.readthedocs.io
- `Django Channels 3+
Follow these steps to set up **Django Channels IRC** in your project
Add the library to ``INSTALLED_APPS``::
Create a Consumer
**Django Channels IRC** contains two consumers for interacting with the
IRC interface server: ``IrcConsumer`` and ``AsyncIrcConsumer``::
from channels_irc import IrcConsumer
class MyIrcConsumer(IrcConsumer):
def welcome(self, channel):
Optional hook for actions on connection to IRC Server
print('Connected to IRC with nickname'.format(nickname)
def disconnect(self, server, port):
Optionl hook for actions on disconnect from IRC Server
print('Disconnect from server {}:{}'.format(server, port)
def my_custom_message(self):
Use built-in functions to send basic IRC messages
self.send_message('my-channel', 'here is what I wanted to say')
def my_custom_command(self):
You can also use built-in functions to send basic IRC commands
self.send_command('join', channel='some-other-channel')
Add your consumer(s) to your router
You can use the ``irc`` type in channels ``ProtocolTypeRouter`` to connect
your new consumer to the interface server, and ensure
your ``irc`` messages are delivered to the right place::
from channels.routing import ProtocolTypeRouter
from myapp.consumers import MyIrcConsumer
application = ProtocolTypeRouter({
'irc': MyIrcConsumer.as_asgi(),
Start the interface server
The interface server can be started by simply running this in the command line::
The server requires that the ``server``, ``nickname``, and ``application`` properties be
set. The ``application`` should be an import string pointing to the location of
your app's ASGI application. Hence, if your app was named ``myapp``, contained an
ASGI file called ``asgi.py``, and your ASGI application is named ``my_application``,
you could start the server by running::
channels-irc -s 'irc.freenode.net' -n 'my_irc_nickname' -a 'myapp.asgi:my_application'
You can also set these values using the env variables