# Channels-Discord
**Django Channels Discord** is a bridge between Discord (currently using the [pycord](https://github.com/Pycord-Development/pycord) Python library, but this may be a stopgap while we wait for the dust to settle after discord.py's [implosion](https://gist.github.com/Rapptz/4a2f62751b9600a31a0d3c78100287f1)) and Django's [channels](https://github.com/django/channels)). It contains both a new interface server for connecting to Discord and Channels consumers -- everything you need to turn your Django app into an Discord chatbot, chat monitoring/moderating service, or whatever else you might use a real-time Discord client to do.
This project is more of a stub right now, and will be more further fleshed out as new features are wired up from discord.py.
## Requirements
Most of the requirements can be found in setup.py, but the most important note is that this requires library requires [Django Channels 3+](https://channels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) -- Channels 1.x and 2.x are not supported.
## Installation
Install the package from github:
pip install channels-discord
## Basic Usage
1. Add the library to `INSTALLED_APPS`:
2. Create a Consumer
Create a new consumer by inheriting from `DiscordConsumer`:
from channels_discord import DiscordConsumer
class MyDiscordConsumer(DiscordConsumer):
def ready(self):
Optional hook for actions on connection to Discord
print('You are now connected to discord!')
def my_custom_message(self):
Use built-in functions to send basic discord actions
self.send_action('dm', user_id='SOME_DISCORD_USER_ID', text='your message')
text='your message'
3. Add your consumer(s) to your router
You can use the `discord` type in channels `ProtocolTypeRouter` to connect your new consumer to the interface server, and ensure your `discord` messages are delivered to the right place:
from channels.routing import ProtocolTypeRouter
from myapp.consumers import MyDiscordConsumer
application = ProtocolTypeRouter({
'discord': MyDiscordConsumer,
4. Start the interface server
The interface server can be started by simply running this in the command line:
The server requires that the `token` and `application` properties be set:
- `token`: Either a bot auth token or a user access token from user OAuth access. For information on how to acquire these tokens, please see Discord's [developer documentation](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/topics/oauth2).
- `application`: An import string pointing to the location of your app's ASGI application. Hence, if your app was named `myapp`, contained an ASGI filed called `asgi.py`, and your ASGI application is named `my_application`, you could start the server by running:
channels-discord -t 'MY_LONG_BOT_TOKEN' -a 'myapp.asgi:my_application'
You can also set these values using the env variables `CHANNELS_DISCORD_APPLICATION` and `DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN`.