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تبلیغات ما
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مشاهده بیشترتبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشتر
توضیح خلاصه
South: Migrations for Django
A Wormhole Krab Fleet tracking system for Alliance Auth
Let users take part in your tours
Alliance Auth Plugin
Vaultier project backend
Adjutant User Interface
Namespaces based configuration for Apphooks
Adds header and tail scripts from addons.
Core utilities for Asymmeric Base Framework
AX3 OTP Auth is a very simple Django library for generating and verifying one-time passwords using HTOP guidelines.
An extension that allows re-usable apps to provide sets of templates and staticfiles for different boilerplates.
You can handle your storage files to MINIO, S3 or Local through Settings
An extension for django.contrib.sites, featuring domain redirects and automatic population of the django.contrib.sites.Site table based on settings.
Basic events for Armstrong CMS
A high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.
A package used to return django form validation errors without refreshing the page
Tools needed for development and testing of Armstrong
A learning algorithm for the 20 questions game.
Discord Announcements via Alliance Auth. Write announcements and manage who can write announcements on your corporation or alliance Discord through Alliance Auth.
CAS Authentication at the ENS
Django-Select2 extended with dependant widgets
Add loaddata like csv support at Django Admin Site
Set of helpers for easy testing of Django apps.
Automated Library is a software to ease the entire library-book issuing process contributing to overall standards of the library and ensuring transparent and smooth conduction of the library processes
A Reddit / Hacker News clone for Django.
Ambition Trial EDC (https://doi.org/10.1186/ISRCTN72509687)
Templatetags for thumbnail generation, with automatic rotation based on EXIF.Orientation.
Export data from the Ambition Edc
An unassuming ARK minter, binder, and resolver
Open-source platform built on top of Django Web Framework, provides useful apps and tools for the most common features to save your time and let you focus just on your specific needs.
Standing sync for non-alliance characters - app for for Alliance Auth
RestAuth server
OMERO.web app to animate multi-dimensional microscopy using 3Dscript, directly from within the OMERO environment.
Alliance Auth Plugin
Metadata rules for ambition/edc project
Java style enums for Python
The self-hosted internet archive.
A city selector for django xadmin
A Faster Collectstatic
This is a shop managing package
swagger analog
An extension framework for Django and REST frameworks.
Swagger UI for Django REST Framework 3.5+
Constellation Suite - Order Management
Authentication and Permissions
Java style enums for Python
Create forms and embed them on CMS pages
A Python3 wrapper for the Printful.com API.
Googletrans google translation django app
Multiple dynamic sistes with Django
Extends Django to work with sqlalchemy and make it behave like Flask
Alliance Auth Plugin
Log view hits over time so that you know who enter this view and when.
Provides a way to store, relate to, extract metadata and embed content from external URLs via a modular backend system
Adds Bootstrap 3 components as plugins.
Utilities to help development of sites that utilize Edge Side Includes
A GeoJSON web service for Mapnik
A Django app for serving libraries of links from spreadsheets.
Plugin for aldryn to include awesome animations from WOW.js and Animate.css
Single sign on integration for Divio Cloud.
Django App to create a django-app out of a SIRAD Package.
JavaScript tools for Django
An app that gives you tag input field for forms
Alliance Auth module to post news from RSS feeds to your Discord
Python Google Chart Wrapper
Django apps that sound good together
Base views for Django
Interface between MQTT broker and ASGI
AllianceAuth Market Management Tool
This packages provides images for the Armstrong CMS
Buyback program management app for Alliance Auth
Adds blogging and newsing capabilities to django CMS
Gnotty ties the knot between the web and IRC. It is a web client and message archive for IRC.
Adrest - Another Django REST. Simple application for quick build REST API.
Templatetags for thumbnail generation, with automatic rotation based on EXIF.Orientation. Among other things.
Makes it super easy to add extra content to mezzanine pages and also add extended functionality. Check out the example app.
Django app yang digunakan untuk mempermudah penggunaan rabbit mq
Same as django-storages, but with IBM COS support
Freight is an Alliance Auth app for running a freight service
Example Plugin for Alliance Auth (GitHub Version)
collection of code fragments
Library to support object-level actions in the Django admin interface.
199fix exception logger for Django
Simplified background worker for django.
A Django app for email verification.
This Package is used to Predict house prices in Aus based on house type
Subject/Participant models for ambition/edc.
Redj Log Server
Stripe integration for Django-based projects
Provides a concrete implementation of ContentBase
Publish job openings on your site
Red social para la gestión de comunidades de Software Libre.
Django app to aid in the import of the academic schedule from the UW Student Web Service
Discipline: model version control for Django
An events app for Aldryn
Provides a concrete implementation of ContentBase
Generator: generators for Django