## BottleOIDC - OIDC Service Provider for Bottle
**BottleOIDC** is an OpenID Connect module providing authentication and authorization for [Bottle web Framework](https://bottlepy.org) web apps.
**BottleOIDC** supports OIDC auto discovery to simplify configuration and deployment.
### Installing
# pip install BottleOIDC
This loads the necessary python modules including bottle and BottleSessions, requests, and PyJWT.
### Using BottleOIDC
from bottle import Bottle
from BottleSessions import BottleSessions
from BottleOIDC import BottleOIDC
from config import oidc_config
app = Bottle()
auth = BottleOIDC(app, config=oidc_config)
def login():
return f'hello {auth.my_username}'
return 'You must be bob'
if __name__ == '__main__:
#### Signature and Parameters
auth = BottleOIDC(app, config)
**`app`** - the Bottle() application context object. **Required.**
**`config`** - a python `dict` of configuration parameters and options. **Required.**
### Configuration Options
**BottleOIDC** is configured by passing a python `dict` with the necessary parameters:
> Example Configuration
oidc_config = {
"discovery_url": "https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenentid>/V2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration",
"client_id": "1b170767-1234-5678-abcd-90ff90ff90ff",
"client_secret": "MYCLIENTsecret",
"client_scope": ["openid", "email", "profile", ],
"user_attr" : "email",
**`discovery_url`** - oidc auto discovery url of the IdP. **Required.**
**`client_id`** - oidc client identifier of the app registered with IdP. **Required.**
**`client_secret`** - oidc client secret for the app provided by the IdP. **Required.**
**`client_scope`** - a Python `list` of requested scopes. Default is *['openid', 'email', 'profile']*).
**`user_attr`** - attribute to set username. Default is `email`
**`logout_idp`** - on logout, initiate IdP logout process. Default is `False`.
#### BottleOIDC Object Properties
**`auth.is_authenticated`** - Is `True` if the current session is authenticated.
**`auth.my_username`** - Returns None if the user is not authenticated. Returns `user_attr` value from the Id token, or 'AuthenticatedUser' if the attribute was not available in the Id token.
**`auth.my_attrs`** - Returns dict of attrs returned in the Id token, or {} if not authenticated.
> Example using object properties:
def view():
if auth.is_authenticated:
return {
'user': auth.my_username,
'data': auth.my_attrs
return 'You are not Authenticated.'
### BottleSaml methods
#### auth.initiate_login()
return auth.initiate_login(next, force_reauth, userhint)
`init_login()` returns OIDC code grant request redirect to iDP that initiates login. Arguments:
**`next`** - URL to redirect after login completed. Optional.
**`force_reauth`** - `True` requests IdP to require full reauth for this login. Default `False`
**`userhint`** - (where possible) provides the iDP with username hint. Default `None`
#### auth.initiate_logout()
return auth.initiate_logout(next)
`initiate_logout()` clears the Session data to log the user out locally. (To logout from IdP set the **`logout_idp`** config option to `True`.)
**`next`** - URL to redirect after logout completed. Default is '/', *Optional.*
def logout():
return auth.initiate_logout()
#### @auth.login_required
def view():
return 'logged in'
Decorates a function to initiate login if the session is not authenticated. On successful authentication the browser will be redirected to the view.
#### @auth.add_login_hook
def hook(username, attrs):
return username, attrs
Decorates a function to runs after OIDC authentication is completed and tokens have been retrieved.
Login hooks can process and filter username and Id token attributes before the data is stored in the session. Hooks are run in the order they are added.
#### @auth.require_user
@auth.require_user(['bob', 'alice'])
def view():
return 'only bob or alice can get here'
Decorator adds authorization requirement to a view. If the sessions `username` is in the list, the view is reached and processed. Otherwise returns a `403 Unauthorized` error if the user is not in the list.
#### @auth.require_attr(attr, value)
@auth.require_attr(attr='groups', value=['sysadmin', 'netadmin'])
def view():
return 'you are in sysadmin or netadmin'
Decorator adds authorization requirement to a view. If the session has the desired attribute (in the id token) and it matches one of the values listed, the view is reached and processed. Otherwise returns a `403 Unauthorized` error.