# <p align="center">Asyncsteampy</p>
> ### This library is a soft fork of [bukson/steampy](https://github.com/bukson/steampy) ⚠ and created only to provide asynchronous methods and proxies support.
> #### Docs, examples you can read from original [README](https://github.com/bukson/steampy#readme). Differences of usage and new features listed below 📖
> #### Must work with python 3.6 and above like origin, but tested only on `3.10` ⚡
## Navigation
- [**Installation**](#installation)
- [**Login&Init**](#logininit)
- [**AsyncIO**](#asyncio)
- [**Proxy support**](#proxy-support)
- [**Tests**]()
## Installation
pip install asyncsteampy
pipenv install asyncsteampy
poetry add asyncsteampy
## Login&Init
Now you don't need to pass `username`, `password`, `steamguard` args to `login` method, you can do this in constructor.
from asyncsteampy.client import SteamClient as AsyncSteamClient
Instead of passing `str` path or `pathlib.Path` to `steamguard.txt` file or even json serialized string you can just use
dict object:
steamguard = {
"steamid": "YOUR_STEAM_ID_64",
"shared_secret": "YOUR_SHARED_SECRET",
"identity_secret": "YOUR_IDENTITY_SECRET",
## AsyncIO
All methods that require connection to steam network now have asyncio support (it
uses [aiohttp](https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp)) and are asynchronous : `client`, `market`, `chat`.
from asyncsteampy.client import SteamClient as AsyncSteamClient
await async_steam_client.login()
buy_order_id = "some_buy_order_id"
response = await async_steam_client.market.cancel_buy_order(buy_order_id)
# do other async work
await async_steam_client.close()
If you end your operations, ⚠️ `keep in mind`, you always need to close your `async_steam_client`. This will do `logout`
and close `aiohttp` [session](https://docs.aiohttp.org/en/stable/client_reference.html#client-session) properly. Also,
you can `await async_steam_client.logout()` without closing session if you need this for some reason.
Async context manager usage example:
from asyncsteampy.client import SteamClient as AsyncSteamClient
api_key="API_KEY") as async_steam_client:
await async_steam_client.do_what_you_need()
There you don't need to call `close`, async context manager do it automatically when execution passes the block of code.
## Proxy support
If your proxy type is socks4/5 you should look at this small but precious
library [aiohttp-socks](https://github.com/romis2012/aiohttp-socks), if proxy type http/https, or you don't
like `aiohttp-socks` you can use [aiohttp-proxy](
https://github.com/Skactor/aiohttp-proxy) instead.
import aiohttp
from aiohttp_socks import ProxyConnector
from asyncsteampy.client import SteamClient as AsyncSteamClient
connector = ProxyConnector.from_url('proxy_type://proxy_url_with_or_no_auth')
session_with_proxy = aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=connector)
# Finally, pass session object in AsyncSteamClient
async_steam_client = AsyncSteamClient(..., session=session_with_proxy)
async with AsyncSteamClient(..., session=session_with_proxy) as async_steam_client:
## Tests
To run tests clone repo, install with dev dependencies
poetry install
Create env variables listed in [tests/data](tests/data.py) and run `pytest` from project dir: