# Asynchronous FFmpeg
Supports async / await pattern for FFmpeg operations.
## Advantage
1. Support async / await pattern for FFmpeg operations
2. Support Ctrl + C
### 1. Support async / await pattern for FFmpeg operations
This package supports FFmpeg asynchronously invoke with async / await pattern
wrapping [`ffmpeg.run_async()`] of [ffmpeg-python] and returned [`subprocess.Popen`].
The async / await syntax makes asynchronous code as:
- Simple
- Readable
### 2. Support Ctrl + C
User can stop FFmpeg process gracefully by Ctrl + C.
This works as same as sending `q` key to running FFmpeg.
This action is guaranteed by pytest.
## Quickstart
### 1. Install
pip install asyncffmpeg
### 2. Implement
`asyncffmpeg.FFmpegCoroutine` class has asynchronous method: `execute()`.
To run concurrently, it requires not multi threading but multi processing
since FFmpeg process is CPU-bound operation.
The package [`asynccpu`] is helpful to simple implement.
import ffmpeg
from asynccpu import ProcessTaskPoolExecutor
from asyncffmpeg import FFmpegCoroutineFactory, StreamSpec
async def create_stream_spec_copy() -> StreamSpec:
stream = ffmpeg.input("input.mp4")
return ffmpeg.output(stream, "output1.mp4", c="copy")
async def create_stream_spec_filter() -> StreamSpec:
stream = ffmpeg.input("input.mp4")
stream = ffmpeg.filter(stream, "scale", 768, -1)
return ffmpeg.output(stream, "output2.mp4")
async def main() -> None:
ffmpeg_coroutine = FFmpegCoroutineFactory.create()
with ProcessTaskPoolExecutor(max_workers=3, cancel_tasks_when_shutdown=True) as executor:
awaitables = (
executor.create_process_task(ffmpeg_coroutine.execute, create_stream_spec)
for create_stream_spec in [create_stream_spec_copy, create_stream_spec_filter]
await asyncio.gather(*awaitables)
if __name__ == "__main__":
#### Why not [`asyncio`] but [`asynccpu`] ?
Unfortunately High-level APIs of [`asyncio`] doesn't support CPU-bound operations
since it works based on not [`ProcessPoolExecutor`] but [`ThreadPoolExecutor`].
When we want to run CPU-bound operations concurrently with [`asyncio`],
we need to use Low-level APIs which need finer control over the event loop behavior.
### Note
The argument of [`Coroutine`] requires not "raw [`Coroutine`] object" but "[`Coroutine`] function"
since raw [`Coroutine`] object is not picklable.
This specification is depend on the one of Python [`multiprocessing`] package:
[multiprocessing — Process-based parallelism]
> Note When an object is put on a queue, the object is pickled
> and a background thread later flushes the pickled data to an underlying pipe.
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See: [Answer: Python multiprocessing PicklingError: Can't pickle <type 'function'> - Stack Overflow]
## API
### FFmpegCoroutineFactory
class FFmpegCoroutineFactory:
def create(
time_to_force_termination: int = 8
) -> FFmpegCoroutine:
#### time_to_force_termination: int = 8
The time limit (second) to wait stopping FFmpeg process gracefully
when send Ctrl + C.
At first, subprocess will try to send `q` key to FFmpeg process.
In case when FFmpeg process doesn't stop gracefully by time limit,
subprocess will terminate process.
### FFmpegCoroutine
class FFmpegCoroutine:
async def execute(
create_stream_spec: Callable[[], Awaitable[StreamSpec]],
after_start: Optional[Callable[[FFmpegProcess], Awaitable]] = None
) -> None:
#### create_stream_spec: Callable[[], Awaitable[StreamSpec]]
[`Coroutine`] function to create [stream spec] for FFmpeg process.
Created [stream spec] will be set the first argument of [`ffmpeg.run_async()`] of [ffmpeg-python] inside of `FFmpegCoroutine`.
[stream spec] is a Stream, list of Streams, or label-to-Stream dictionary mapping
in [ffmpeg-python].
#### after_start: Optional[Callable[[FFmpegProcess], Awaitable]] = None
[`Coroutine`] function to execute after start FFmpeg process.
## Credits
This package was created with [Cookiecutter] and the [yukihiko-shinoda/cookiecutter-pypackage] project template.
[`ffmpeg.run_async()`]: https://kkroening.github.io/ffmpeg-python/#ffmpeg.run_async
[ffmpeg-python]: https://pypi.org/project/ffmpeg-python/
[`subprocess.Popen`]: https://docs.python.org/3/library/subprocess.html#popen-objects
[`asyncio`]: https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio.html
[`ProcessPoolExecutor`]: https://docs.python.org/3/library/concurrent.futures.html#processpoolexecutor
[`ThreadPoolExecutor`]: https://docs.python.org/3/library/concurrent.futures.html#threadpoolexecutor
[`asynccpu`]: https://pypi.org/project/asynccpu/
[`Coroutine`]: https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio-task.html#coroutines
[`multiprocessing`]: https://docs.python.org/3/library/multiprocessing.html
[multiprocessing — Process-based parallelism]: https://docs.python.org/3/library/multiprocessing.html
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[Answer: Python multiprocessing PicklingError: Can't pickle <type 'function'> - Stack Overflow]: https://stackoverflow.com/a/8805244/12721873
[stream spec]: https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#Stream-specifiers-1
[Cookiecutter]: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter
[yukihiko-shinoda/cookiecutter-pypackage]: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage