# then-busboy
Promise-based wrapper around Busboy. Processes multipart/form-data request body and returns it in a single object.
## Installation
You can install `then-busboy` from npm:
npm install --save then-busboy
Or with yarn:
yarn add then-busboy
## Usage
Because then-busboy can process `multipart/form-data` bodies from AsyncIterable sources, you can use it with different HTTP frameworks, or with Node.js http module, or even with [`Response`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Response) object (see the 4th example).
1. Let's take a look at the example with `http` module from Node.js.
We'll write a simple server that will parse form-data request, read files content and then send them back as JSON:
import {createServer} from "http"
import {parse} from "then-busboy"
const handler = (req, res) => parse(req)
.then(async body => {
const result = []
for (const [path, value] of body) {
result.push([path, isFile(value) ? await value.text() : value])
res.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
.catch(error => {
res.statusCode = error.status || 500
.listen(2319, () => console.log("Server started on http://localhost:2319"))
**Note:** You can use [asynchronous function](https://github.com/tc39/ecmascript-asyncawait) syntax,
because then-busboy always returns a Promise.
2. Miniaml multipart middleware implementation for [Koa.js](https://koajs.com):
import {parse} from "then-busboy"
async function multipart(ctx, next) {
if (["post", "put"].includes(ctx.method.toLowerCase()) === false) {
return next()
if (ctx.is("multipart/form-data") === false) {
return next()
const body = await parse(ctx.req)
ctx.request.body = body.json()
return next()
export default multipart
3. You can also use `AsyncIterable` value as the input. That way you can parse FormData from other that just HTTP requests. Let's take a loook at the example with [`form-data-encoder`](https://github.com/octet-stream/form-data-encoder) and [`formdata-node`](https://github.com/octet-stream/form-data) as the input:
import {fileFromPath} from "formdata-node/file-from-path"
import {FormDataEncoder} from "form-data-encoder"
import {FormData} from "formdata-node"
import {parse} from "then-busboy"
const form = new FormData()
form.set("greeting", "Hello, World!")
form.set("file", new File(["On Soviet Moon landscape see binoculars through YOU"], "file.txt"))
form.set("fileFromPath", await fileFromPath("path/to/a/file"))
const encoder = new FormDataEncoder(form)
const body = await parse(encoder, {
headers: {
"content-type": encoder.contentType
console.log(body.json()) // -> {greeting: string, file: BodyFile, fileFromPath: BodyFile}
4. Because `then-busboy` accepts AsyncIterable as the input, you can also read [`Response`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Response) body like that:
import {Response, FormData} from "node-fetch"
import {parse} from "then-bosboy"
const form = new FormData()
form.set("greeting", "Hello, World!")
form.set("file", new File(["On Soviet Moon landscape see binoculars through YOU"], "file.txt"))
const response = new Respone(form)
// then-busboy will parse the input and return its own Body instance from which you can create a complete object by calling .json() method or a FormData using .formData() method.
// The difference with Response.formData() is that then-busboy will save all files to file system and create a *reference* to each of them,
// while Response (currently) will dump them into RAM, which can be less efficient in some scenarious
const body = await parse(response.body, {
headers: {
"content-type": response.headers.get("content-type")
body.json() // -> {greeting: string, file: BodyFile}
body.formData() // -> FormData
## API
### `parse(source[, options]) -> {Promise<Body>}`
+ **{AsyncIterable}** source – Incoming HTTP multipart/form-data source.
+ **{object}** [options = {}]
- **{boolean}** castTypes – allow to restore type of each value (default – true)
- more information about busboy options [here](https://github.com/mscdex/busboy).
### `class Body`
##### `constructor(entries) -> {Body}`
Create an object that allows to manipulate FormData fields taken `then-busboy`
#### Static methods
##### `from(entries) -> {Body}`
Create a new Body from given entries. An alias of `new Body(entries)`
- **{Array<[string[], any]>}** entries – an array of Body initial path-value pairs taken from `then-busboy`
##### `json(value) -> {object}`
Return an object with data taken from given entries or Body
- **{Body | Array<[string[], any]>}** – return an object from given Body or entries
##### `formData(value) -> {FormData}`
Return a FormData instance with data taken from given entries or Body
- **{Body | Array<[string[], any]>}** – return an FormData from given Body or entries
#### Instance properties
##### `length -> {number}`
Return an amount of entries and files in current Body instance
#### Instance methods
##### `fields() -> {Body}`
Return a new Body that contains **fields** only
##### `files() -> {Body}`
Return a new Body that contains **files** only
##### `json() -> {object}`
Return an object with data taken the current Body instance
##### `formData() -> {FormData}`
Return a FormData with data taken the current Body instance
##### `entries() -> {Array<[string[], any]>}`
Return an array of entries in current Body instance
##### `values() -> {Iterator}`
Return an iterator allows to go through the Body values
##### `keys() -> {Iterator}`
Return an iterator allows to go through the Body fields path
### `interface BodyFile`
This interface reflects internal representation of a File. It is not meant to be constructed manually, but since it's compatible with files from the browsers, you can use these in Body if you need to.
#### Instance properties
##### `name`
Contains original name of file taken from the filename property within the form-data.
##### `type`
File MIME type
##### `enc`
Contains a value from transfer encoding header
##### `path`
Path to the file on disk
#### Instance methods
##### `stream() -> {Readable}`
Returns a Readable stream allowing to consume file's content
### `class BodyField`
BodyField class in the internal representation of a regular FormData value.
##### `constructor(value: unknown, name: string[, options]) -> {BodyField}`
Creates a new instance of the BodyField class.
#### Instance properties
##### `name`
Returns the name of the field.
##### `fieldnameTruncated`
Indicates whether the fieldname was truncated.
##### `valueTruncated`
Indicates whether the value was truncated.
##### `enc`
Returns a value from Content-Transfer-Encoding header.
##### `type`
Returns a value from Content-Type header.
#### Instance methods
##### `valueOf() -> {unknown}`
Returns the value of the BodyField.
##### `toString() -> {string}`
Returns string representation of the BodyField value.
## Fields format
then-busboy can restore an object structure from form-data field names
if you will follow the naming formats with dots or square brackets:
### Dot notation
This notation looks similarly to JS object properties accessiong syntax:
# Flat objects looks the same in both notations
# Note that the following notation examples is just a pseudo code
name = "John Doe"
age = 25
then-busboy will return the this object for an example from above:
name: "John Doe",
// By default, non-string values will be converted to their initial type.
// So, "25" -> 25, "null" -> null, "false" -> false etc.
age: 25
For deep objects or collections, use dot or brackets as a separator.
**But don't mix them.**
rootField.nestedField = "Some text here"
rootField: {
nestedField: "Some text here"
### Bracket notation
rootField[nestedField] = "I beat Twilight Sparkle and all I got was this lousy t-shirt"
rootField: {
nestedField: "I beat Twilight Sparkle and all I got was this lousy t-shirt"
You can also send an arrays and collections using bracket format:
message[sender] = "John Doe"
message[text] = "Some whatever text message."
message[attachments][0][file] = <here is the file content>
message[attachments][0][description] = "Here is a description of the file"
then-busboy returns the following object:
message: {
sender: "John Doe",
text: "Some whatever text message.",
attachments: [
"file": File, // this field will be represended as a File instance
"description": "Here is a description of the file"
Collections allowed too:
[0][firstName] = "John"
[0][lastName] = "Doe"
[0][dob][day] = "1"
[0][dob][month] = "Jan."
[0][dob][year] = "1989"
[0][skills][0] = "Node.js"
[0][skills][1] = "CoffeeScript"
[0][skills][2] = "JavaScript"
[0][skills][3] = "Babel"
[1][firstName] = "Max"
[1][lastName] = "Doe"
[1][dob][day] = "12"
[1][dob][month] = "Mar."
[1][dob][year] = "1992"
[1][skills][0] = "Python"
[1][skills][1] = "Flask"
[1][skills][2] = "JavaScript"
[1][skills][3] = "Babel"
[1][skills][4] = "React"
[1][skills][5] = "Redux"
Then you will receive:
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
dob: {
day: 1,
month: "Jan.",
year: 1989
skills: ["Node.js", "CoffeeScript", "JavaScript", "Babel"]
}, {
firstName: "Max",
lastName: "Doe",
dob: {
day: 12,
month: "Mar.",
year: 1992
skills: ["Python", "Flask", "JavaScript", "Babel", "React", "Redux"]
## Limits
When`limits` options are set, `then-busboy` may reject with HTTP 413 error if specified limit(s) exceeded. That will be a regular error from object [`http-errors`](https://npmjs.com/http-errors) package.
## Related links
* [formdata-node](https://github.com/octet-stream/form-data) spec-compliant [FormData](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FormData) implementation for Node.js
* [@octetstream/object-to-form-data](https://github.com/octet-stream/object-to-form-data) converts JavaScript object to FormData.
## License