# unimported
**Find unused source files in javascript / typescript projects.**

While adding new code to our projects, we might forget to remove the old code. Linters warn us for unused code in a module, but they fail to report unused files.
`unimported` analyzes your code by following the require/import statements starting from your entry file.
The result is a report showing which files are unimported, which dependencies are missing from your `package.json`, and which dependencies can be removed from your `package.json`.
## Usage
Run the following command in the root of your project (next to `package.json`). The result will be as shown under [example](#example)
npx unimported
When running unimported from a directory that doesn't contain a `package.json`, it will run from the first parent directory that does. To override this behavior, and run from an alternative work directory, use the `[cwd]` positional argument:
npx unimported ~/dev/leaflet-geosearch
By providing the path as argument, unimported will start looking for the project root, starting at that location.
## Options
Output all options in your terminal:
npx unimported --help
### Init
This option will write the default ignore patterns to the `.unimportedrc.json` settings files. This will enable you to easily adjust them to your needs.
npx unimported --init
### Update
Update, will write the current results to the ignore lists in `.unimportedrc.json`. You want to use this option **after running and verifying** a full scan. Ignore lists are used to ignore certain false positives that could not be resolved properly. This is especially useful when running `unimported` on a regular basis, or for example as part of a CI pipeline.
npx unimported --update
### Flow Type
By default, flow types are stripped from files containing the `@flow` pragma. When the `--flow` argument is provided, types will be stripped from all files, regardless of the pragma. This flag defaults to false, but when `flow-bin` is detected in one of the dependency lists in `package.json`.
npx unimported --flow
## CI Usage
You can drop in `npx unimported` into your CI. It will fail if it finds any unimported files that are not explicitly set up in the `unimported` config file.
### Cache
Unimported uses a caching system to speed up recurring checks. This cache can be disabled using `--no-cache`. Note that the cache should only be disabled if you are experiencing caching related problems.
npx unimported --no-cache
If you need to clear the cache, use `--clear-cache`.
### Clear Cache
Delete the cache file and then exits without running. Note that clearing the cache will reduce performance.
npx unimported --clear-cache
### Show Config
Show the runtime config and then exists without running. The config displayed is a working copy created by merging arguments, your config file, and the applied preset.
npx unimported --show-config
### Show Preset
Show the preset being used and then exists without running. Note that presets are dynamic and based on your project structure. The same preset can show a different setup for different projects based on the installed packages and available files.
npx unimported --show-preset react
Omit the preset name to get a list of available presets.
npx unimported --show-preset
### Example Config File
Save the file as `.unimportedrc.json` in the root of your project (next to `package.json`)
"entry": ["src/main.ts", "src/pages/**/*.{js,ts}"],
"extensions": [".ts", ".js"],
"ignorePatterns": ["**/node_modules/**", "private/**"],
"ignoreUnresolved": ["some-npm-dependency"],
"ignoreUnimported": ["src/i18n/locales/en.ts", "src/i18n/locales/nl.ts"],
"ignoreUnused": ["bcrypt", "create-emotion"]
**Custom module directory**
You can also add an optional `moduleDirectory` option to your configuration file to resolve dependencies from other directories than `node_modules`. This setting defaults to `node_modules`.
"moduleDirectory": ["node_modules", "src/app"]
**Custom aliases**
If you wish to use aliases to import your modules & these can't be imported
directly (e.g. `tsconfig.json` in the case of Typescript or `jsconfig.json` if you have one), there is an option `aliases` to provide the correct path mapping:
"aliases": {
"@components/*": ["./components", "./components/*"]
_Note:_ you may wish to also add the `rootDir` option to specify the base path to
start looking for the aliases from:
"rootDir": "./src"
**Path transformations**
If you wish to transform paths before module resolution, there is an option `pathTransforms` to specify regex search patterns and corresponding replacement values. Search patterns will be applied with the global flag and should **_not_** be enclosed by `/` characters. Replacement values support all special replacement patterns supported by [String.prototype.replaceAll()](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/replaceAll#specifying_a_string_as_a_parameter).
Here is an example for transforming the extension for relative imports from ".js" to ".ts" (this is useful for TypeScript projects configured to output pure ESM).
"pathTransforms": {
"(\\..+)\\.js$": "$1.ts"
## Report
The report will look something like [below](#example). When a particular check didn't have any positive results, it's section will be excluded from the output.
### summary
Summary displays a quick overview of the results, showing the entry points that were used, and some statistics about the outcome.
### unresolved imports
These import statements could not be resolved. This can either be a reference to a local file. Or to a `node_module`. In case of a node module, it can be that nothing is wrong. Maybe you're importing only types from a `DefinitelyTyped` package. But as `unimported` only compares against `dependencies`, it can also be that you've added your module to the `devDependencies`, and that's a problem.
To ignore specific results, add them to `.unimportedrc.json#ignoreUnresolved`.
### unused dependencies
Some dependencies that are declared in your package.json, were not imported by your code. It should be possible to remove those packages from your project.
But, please double check. Maybe you need to move some dependencies to `devDependencies`, or maybe it's a peer-dependency from another package. These are hints that something might be wrong. It's no guarantee.
To ignore specific results, add them to `.unimportedrc.json#ignoreUnused`.
### unimported files
The files listed under `unimported files`, are the files that exist in your code base, but are not part of your final bundle. It should be safe to delete those files.
For your convenience, some files are not shown, as we treat those as 'dev only' files which you might need. More about that [below](#how).
To ignore specific results, add them to `.unimportedrc.json#ignoreUnimported`.
### example
entry file 1 : src/client/main.js
entry file 2 : src/server/main.js
unresolved imports : 2
unused dependencies : 29
unimported files : 86
│ 2 unresolved imports
1 │ geojson
2 │ csstype
│ 29 unused dependencies
1 │ @babel/polyfill
2 │ @babel/runtime
.. │ ...
│ 7 unimported files
1 │ src/common/components/Button/messages.ts
2 │ src/common/configs/sentry/graphql.js
.. │ ...
## How
`Unimported` follows your import statements starting from one or more entry files. For nextjs projects, the entry files default to `pages/**`. For Meteor projects, the entry files are read from the `package.json#meteor.mainModule` key. Meteors eager loading is not supported, as that mode will load all files within your directory, regardless of import statements.
For all other project types, the entry point is looked up in the following order:
1. `./package.json#source`
1. `./src/index`
1. `./src/main`
1. `./index`
1. `./main`
1. `./package.json#main`
The last option is most likely never what you want, as the main field often points to a `dist` folder. Analyzing a bundled asset is likely to result in false positives.
To specify custom entry points, add them to `.unimportedrc.json#entry`.
The resolver scans for files with the following extensions, in this specific order:
1. `.js`
1. `.jsx`
1. `.ts`
1. `.tsx`
All other files are ignored.
To specify custom extensions, add your own list to .unimportedrc.json#extensions`. Note that`unimported` won't merge settings! The custom list needs to be the full list of extension that you want to support.
Also ignored are files with paths matching the following patterns:
In case `unimported` is running in a `Meteor` project, the following paths are being ignored as well:
To specify custom ignore paths, add your own patterns to `.unimportedrc.json#ignorePatterns`. Note that `unimported` won't merge settings! The custom list needs to be the full list of patterns that you want to ignore.
## Troubleshooting
Common issues or known limitations of unimported.
### Export default
At this moment, we don't support the `export default from './x'` export syntax. Parsing files that contain those exports, will result in an error with a message like `'\';\' expected`. If you make use of that part of the [export default from proposal](https://github.com/tc39/proposal-export-default-from#exporting-a-default-as-default), you can consider a find/replace before running `unimported`.
Please search for:
export default from
and replace it with
export { default } from
### Unexpected results / stale cache
Please try [clearing the cache](#cache) if you have unexpected results, or keep getting the same results after changing the config file.
npx unimported --clear-cache
### TypeScript declaration files
If you import declaration (`.d.ts`) files in a TypeScript project you will need to add it as an extension to `.unimportedrc.json`. Otherwise you will get "unresolved imports" warnings for imported declaration files.
"extensions": [".ts", ".d.ts"]
## See Also
- [depcheck](https://www.npmjs.com/depcheck)
- [unrequired](https://npmjs.com/unrequired)
- [trucker](https://npmjs.com/trucker)
- [ts-unused-exports](https://www.npmjs.com/ts-unused-exports)
- [no-unused-export](https://www.npmjs.com/no-unused-export)
- [ts-prune](https://www.npmjs.com/ts-prune)
## License
## Contributors ✨
Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)):
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