Super test manager for JavaScript.
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T-man is a refactor version of [mocha](http://mochajs.org/), but more lightweight, more flexible. In most case, you can use `tman` replace of `mocha` directly.
- [T-man](#t-man)
- [Summary](#summary)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Simple tests](#simple-tests)
- [Mocha style tests](#mocha-style-tests)
- [Es-next tests with babel](#es-next-tests-with-babel)
- [Tests in source code](#tests-in-source-code)
- [Practical tests](#practical-tests)
- [Complex tests](#complex-tests)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Use as CLI](#use-as-cli)
- [Use with npm package.json](#use-with-npm-packagejson)
- [Assertions](#assertions)
- [Suites and tests](#suites-and-tests)
- [tman.suite(title, fn), tman.describe(title, fn)](#tmansuitetitle-fn-tmandescribetitle-fn)
- [tman.test(title, fn), tman.it(title, fn)](#tmantesttitle-fn-tmanittitle-fn)
- [Hooks](#hooks)
- [tman.before(fn)](#tmanbeforefn)
- [tman.after(fn)](#tmanafterfn)
- [tman.beforeEach(fn)](#tmanbeforeeachfn)
- [tman.afterEach(fn)](#tmanaftereachfn)
- [Exclusive or inclusive tests](#exclusive-or-inclusive-tests)
- [tman.suite.only(title, fn)](#tmansuiteonlytitle-fn)
- [tman.it.only(title, fn)](#tmanitonlytitle-fn)
- [tman.suite.skip(title, fn)](#tmansuiteskiptitle-fn)
- [tman.it.skip(title, fn)](#tmanitskiptitle-fn)
- [tman.grep(pattern)](#tmangreppattern)
- [tman.exclude(pattern)](#tmanexcludepattern)
- [Timeouts](#timeouts)
- [Write tests in source code](#write-tests-in-source-code)
- [tman(title, fn)](#tmantitle-fn)
- [tman.only(title, fn)](#tmanonlytitle-fn)
- [tman.skip(title, fn)](#tmanskiptitle-fn)
- [Run tests](#run-tests)
- [tman.run([callback])](#tmanruncallback)
- [tman.mocha()](#tmanmocha)
- [tman.reset()](#tmanreset)
- [tman.loadFiles(filePath, sort)](#tmanloadfilesfilepath-sort)
- [tman.globals(globals)](#tmanglobalsglobals)
- [T-man CLI](#t-man-cli)
- [T-man test mode](#t-man-test-mode)
- [TypeScript Typings](#typescript-typings)
- [Reporters](#reporters)
- [spec](#spec)
- [dot](#dot)
- [base](#base)
- [FAQ](#faq)
- [How to run CoffeeScript (or TypeScript) tests?](#how-to-run-coffeescript-or-typescript-tests)
- [License](#license)
## Examples
### [Simple tests](https://github.com/thunks/tman/tree/master/example/simple.js)
It define test cases in top level, and no suites.
const assert = require('assert')
const tman = require('tman')
const Rx = require('rxjs')
var count = 0
tman.it('synchronous test', function () {
assert.strictEqual(count++, 0)
tman.it('callback style asynchronous test', function (done) {
assert.strictEqual(count++, 1)
setTimeout(done, 100)
tman.it('promise style asynchronous test', function () {
assert.strictEqual(count++, 2)
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
assert.strictEqual(count++, 3)
setTimeout(resolve, 100)
tman.it('thunk style asynchronous test', function () {
assert.strictEqual(count++, 4)
return function (done) {
assert.strictEqual(count++, 5)
setTimeout(done, 100)
tman.it('generator style asynchronous test', function * () {
assert.strictEqual(count++, 6)
yield function (done) { setTimeout(done, 50) }
yield new Promise(function (resolve) { setTimeout(resolve, 50) })
assert.strictEqual(count++, 7)
tman.it('Rx.Observable asynchronous test', function () {
assert.strictEqual(count++, 8)
return Rx.Observable.fromPromise(new Promise(function (resolve) {
assert.strictEqual(count++, 9)
setTimeout(resolve, 100)
// Node.js v8
tman.it('async/await style asynchronous test', async function () {
assert.strictEqual(count++, 10)
await new Promise(function (resolve) { setTimeout(resolve, 50) })
assert.strictEqual(count++, 11)
Run by T-man CLI (need `npm i tman -g`):
tman example/simple
### [Mocha style tests](https://github.com/thunks/tman/tree/master/example/mocha.js)
It is a mocha style tests. It only can be run by T-man CLI: `tman example/mocha`.
Through T-man CLI, some method are registered to node global object.
And you can use generator as well, it is equal to `mocha` + `thunk-mocha`.
const assert = require('assert')
var count = 0
describe('mocha style', function () {
before(function () {
assert.strictEqual(count++, 0)
after(function () {
assert.strictEqual(count++, 9)
it('synchronous test', function () {
assert.strictEqual(count++, 1)
it('callback style asynchronous test', function (done) {
assert.strictEqual(count++, 2)
setTimeout(done, 100)
it('promise style asynchronous test', function () {
assert.strictEqual(count++, 3)
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
assert.strictEqual(count++, 4)
setTimeout(resolve, 100)
it('thunk style asynchronous test', function () {
assert.strictEqual(count++, 5)
return function (done) {
assert.strictEqual(count++, 6)
setTimeout(done, 100)
it('generator style asynchronous test', function * () {
assert.strictEqual(count++, 7)
yield function (done) { setTimeout(done, 100) }
assert.strictEqual(count++, 8)
### [Es-next tests with babel](https://github.com/thunks/tman/tree/master/example/es-next.es)
`tman -r babel-register -r babel-polyfill example/es-next.es`:
import assert from 'assert'
import tman from 'tman'
var count = 0
// async "after hook"
tman.after(async () => {
assert.strictEqual(await Promise.resolve(count++), 4)
tman.it('async/await asynchronous test', async function () {
assert.strictEqual(await Promise.resolve(count++), 0)
assert.strictEqual(await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100)
}), 1)
tman.it('generator asynchronous test', function * () {
// yield Promise
assert.strictEqual(yield Promise.resolve(count++), 2)
// yield thunk function
assert.strictEqual(yield (done) => {
setTimeout(() => {
done(null, count++)
}, 100)
}, 3)
### [Tests in source code](https://github.com/thunks/tman/tree/master/example/tests-in-source-code.js)
It shows writing tests in source code. The tests will run in [test mode](#t-man-test-mode).
### [Practical tests](https://github.com/thunks/tman/tree/master/example/nested.js)
It includes nested suites and tests, just simulate practical use case.
### [Complex tests](https://github.com/thunks/tman/tree/master/test/index.js)
It is the test of `tman`, not only nested suites and tests, but also several `tman` instance compose!
## Usage
### Use as CLI
T-man is easiest to use when installed with [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/tman):
npm install tman -g
Run test in `myproject_dir`:
cd myproject_dir && tman
T-man will try to load `myproject_dir/test/*.{js,ts,es,coffee}` and run it.
### Use with npm package.json
npm script in `package.json`(, also with `istanbul`):
"scripts": {
"test": "tman",
"test-cov": "istanbul cover _tman"
Then run:
npm test
npm run test-cov
The `tman` will try to load tests with glob `test/*.js` and run them.
You may also run tests with your own globs: `tman test/index.js test/service/*.js test/api/*.js`.
### Assertions
T-man has no built-in assertion method, but allows you to use any assertion library you want, if it throws an error, it will work! You can utilize libraries such as:
- [assert](https://nodejs.org/api/assert.html) Node.js built-in assertion module
- [should.js](https://github.com/shouldjs/should.js) BDD style shown throughout these docs
- [expect.js](https://github.com/LearnBoost/expect.js) expect() style assertions
- [chai](http://chaijs.com/) expect(), assert() and should style assertions
### Suites and tests
#### tman.suite(title, fn), tman.describe(title, fn)
You may use `suite` to organize huge scale tests. `describe` is an alias of `suite`. You can define any level of nested suites and test cases.
tman.suite('User', function () {
tman.suite('#save()', function () {
tman.it('should save without error', function * () {
yield new User('Tman').save()
#### tman.test(title, fn), tman.it(title, fn)
Define test logic, support synchronous or asynchronous test. `it` is an alias of `test`.
tman.it('synchronous test', function () {
// test body
tman.it('callback style asynchronous test', function (done) {
// test body
setTimeout(done, 100)
tman.it('promise style asynchronous test', function () {
// test body
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
// test body
setTimeout(resolve, 100)
tman.it('thunk style asynchronous test', function () {
// test body
return function (done) {
// test body
setTimeout(done, 100)
tman.it('generator style asynchronous test', function * () {
// test body
yield thunk.delay(100)
// test body
### Hooks
This hooks can be used to set up preconditions and clean up after your tests. All of them support synchronous or asynchronous function, just like `tman.it`. You can define any level hooks for `suite` or `test`.
#### tman.before(fn)
#### tman.after(fn)
#### tman.beforeEach(fn)
#### tman.afterEach(fn)
tman.suite('hooks', function () {
tman.before(function () {
// runs before all tests in this block
tman.after(function () {
// runs after all tests in this block
tman.beforeEach(function () {
// runs before each test in this block
tman.afterEach(function () {
// runs after each test in this block
// test cases
tman.it('test', function () {
// ...
### Exclusive or inclusive tests
`only` and `skip` will work as your expectation. If you have more than one `only` in your tests or suites, only the first `only` will take effect, all other will not be read.
#### tman.suite.only(title, fn)
#### tman.it.only(title, fn)
#### tman.suite.skip(title, fn)
#### tman.it.skip(title, fn)
tman.suite('Array', function () {
tman.suite('#indexOf()', function () {
tman.it.only('should return -1 unless present', function () {
// ...
tman.it('should return the index when present', function () {
// ...
#### tman.grep(pattern)
Sets grep pattern and run tests matching pattern, same as `--grep <pattern>` CLI option.
#### tman.exclude(pattern)
Sets exclude pattern and exclude tests matching pattern, same as `--exclude <pattern>` CLI option.
### Timeouts
Default timeout is `2000ms`.
Suite-level timeouts may be applied to entire test "suites", or disabled via this.timeout(0). This will be inherited by all nested suites and test-cases that do not override the value.
tman.suite('a suite of tests', function () {
tman.it('should take less than 500ms', function (done) {
setTimeout(done, 300)
tman.it('should take less than 500ms as well', function (done) {
setTimeout(done, 200)
Test-specific timeouts may also be applied, or the use of this.timeout(0) to disable timeouts all together.
tman.it('should take less than 500ms', function (done) {
setTimeout(done, 300)
### Write tests in source code
#### tman(title, fn)
#### tman.only(title, fn)
#### tman.skip(title, fn)
You can write tests in your source code:
exports.stringify = function (val) {
return val == null ? '' : String(val)
tman('test in source code', function () {
const assert = require('assert')
tman.it('stringify', function () {
assert.strictEqual(exports.stringify(), '')
assert.strictEqual(exports.stringify(null), '')
assert.strictEqual(exports.stringify(0), '0')
assert.strictEqual(exports.stringify(false), 'false')
assert.strictEqual(exports.stringify(NaN), 'NaN')
The tests will only run in `test mode`.
### Run tests
#### tman.run([callback])
You can run the tests programmatically:
// Run: `node example.js`
tman.suite('User', function () {
tman.suite('#save()', function () {
tman.it('should save without error', function * () {
yield new User('Tman').save()
// others
**If you run tests with CLI, you will not need to use `tman.run`,** the `tman` command will run tests automatically.
#### tman.mocha()
Enable mocha compatible mode, same as `--mocha` CLI option.
#### tman.reset()
Clear all tests of tman instance.
#### tman.loadFiles(filePath, sort)
Load test files to tman, it will clear previous tests file that in `require.cache`.
#### tman.globals(globals)
Set the given globals.
#### T-man CLI
$ tman --help
Usage: tman [debug] [options] [files]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-c, --colors force enabling of colors
-C, --no-colors force disabling of colors
-d, --debug enable node\'s debugger, synonym for node --debug
-e, --exclude <pattern> exclude tests matching <pattern>
-g, --grep <pattern> run tests matching <pattern>
-gc, --expose-gc expose gc extension
-r, --require <name> require the given module
-R, --reporter <name> specify the reporter to use [spec]
-t, --timeout <ms> set test-case timeout in milliseconds [2000]
--debug-brk enable node\'s debugger breaking on the first line
--es_staging enable all staged features
--globals <names> allow the given comma-delimited global [names]
--harmony<_classes,_generators,...> all node --harmony* flags are available
--icu-data-dir include ICU data
--mocha Mocha compatible mode
--no-sort don\'t sort test files
--no-timeout disables timeouts, given implicitly with --debug
--no-exit require a clean shutdown of the event loop: T-man will not call process.exit
--opts <path> specify opts path
--perf-basic-prof enable perf linux profiler (basic support)
--preserve-symlinks Instructs the module loader to preserve symbolic links when resolving and caching modules
--reporters display available reporters
--throw-deprecation throw an exception anytime a deprecated function is used
--trace trace function calls
--trace-deprecation show stack traces on deprecations
--use_strict enforce strict mode
#### T-man test mode
There are 3 ways to run with `test mode`:
1. `tman example/test_in_source_code.js`
2. `node example/test_in_source_code.js --test`
3. `TEST=* node example/test_in_source_code.js`
### TypeScript Typings
import * as tman from 'tman'
import { tman, suite, it, before, after, beforeEach, afterEach } from 'tman'
### Reporters
#### spec

#### dot

#### base

### FAQ
### How to run CoffeeScript (or TypeScript) tests?
Use `--require` option:
1. `tman -r coffee-script/register test/*.coffee`
2. `tman -r ts-node/register test/*.ts`
[Here](https://github.com/thunks/tman/tree/master/example/simple.coffee) is a simple example. You can require one more modules.
### License
T-man is licensed under the [MIT](https://github.com/thunks/tman/blob/master/LICENSE) license.
Copyright © 2016-2020 thunks.
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