# sauce-test
The easy way to run unit tests on sauce-labs and in chromedriver
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## Installation
npm install sauce-test
## Usage
For basic usage, see test.js in this repo. For more advanced usage, see test/browser.js in https://github.com/then/then-jsonp
var runTests = require('sauce-test');
runTests(entries, remote, options).done(function (results) {
If you want to write your own custom webdriver tests:
var runTestsAtLocation = require('sauce-test').runTestsAtLocation;
runTestsAtLocation({url: 'http://example.com'}, remote, {
testComplete: () => Promise.resolve(true),
testPassed: (cabbie) => {
return cabbie.getSyncDriver().then(driver => {
const window = driver.browser().activeWindow();
const title = window.getElement('h1');
assert(title.isDisplayed() === true);
assert(title.getText().trim() === 'Example Domain');
return true;
}).catch(ex => {
return false;
}).done(function (results) {
### entries
Entries should be an array of file names or JavaScript code. e.g.
runTests(__dirname + '/test.js', remote, options).done(function (results) {
runTests('TESTS_PASSED = 40 + 2 === 42;TESTS_COMPLETE = true;', remote, options).done(function (results) {
runTests([__dirname + '/assert.js', 'assert(40 + 2 === 42);TESTS_PASSED = true;TESTS_COMPLETE = true;'], remote, options).done(function (results) {
See also the `browserify` option.
### remote
Remote is the url of the selenium web driver server you want to run your tests on. You can also enter `'chromedriver'` to automatically start up chromedriver and run your tests in google chrome or `'saucelabs'` (along with the `username` and `accessKey` options) to run your tests on saucelabs.
### options
#### Publishing code
sauce-test publishes your code to https://tempjs.org automatically for you. You can control how the code is served using these options.
- **browserify** - set this to true to browserify the scripts before sending them to tempjs.org (set it to an object to pass options to browserify).
- **libraries** - an array of urls to load as script tags on the page before the JavaScript to be tested
- **style** - a string of css to include on the web page
- **stylesheets** - an array of urls or file paths to css stylesheets
- **html** - a string to override the default html template (should contain `{{styles}}` and `{{scripts}}` placeholders
- **disableSSL** - set this to true to use `http://` instead of `https://` to load the tests
You can also manually just publish code (without running any tests) via:
var test = require('sauce-test');
test.publishCode(__dirname + '/test.js', options).done(function (res) {
console.log('To view tests in a browser, navigate to: ' + res.url);
#### Sauce Labs options
The following options are specific to saucelabs and are ignored by other remotes:
- **username** - your sauce labs username
- **accessKey** - your sauce labs access key
- **filterPlatforms** - if you don't specify a set of platforms, sauce-test will automatically load the complete list of platforms. You can filter these by providng a `filterPlatforms` function. e.g.
filterPlatforms: (platform, defaultFilter) => platform.browserName === 'chrome' && defaultFilter(platform)
The default is to omit development and beta browsers, and only test every 5th version of chrome and firefox below 35 and 30 respectively.
- **choosePlatforms** - if you don't specify a set of platforms, sauce-test will automatically load the complete list of platforms. The `choosePlatforms` function takes an array of identical browsers for different operating systems and allows you to return just the platforms you actually want to test on. By default, a random platform is selected using code like:
choosePlatforms: (platforms) => [platforms[Math.floor(Math.random() * platforms.length)]]
- **jobInfo** - jobInfo to send to sauce labs. Can be either an object or a function that takes a plaform and returns the jobInfo object. Defaults to:
name: path.basename(process.cwd()),
build: process.env.TRAVIS_JOB_ID
#### Other options
- **testComplete** - a string that to execute on the web browser to determine whether tests have finished or a function that takes the cabbie driver and returns a Promise for either `true` or `false`. The default is `'return window.TESTS_COMPLETE'` (which works great with the [test-result](https://www.npmjs.com/package/test-result) library).
- **testPassed** - a string that to execute on the web browser to determine whether tests have passed or a function that takes the cabbie driver and returns a Promise for either `true` or `false`. The default is `'return window.TESTS_PASSED && !window.TESTS_FAILED'` (which works great with the [test-result](https://www.npmjs.com/package/test-result) library).
- **parallel** - the maximum number of tests to run in parallel (defaults to `3`)
- **throttle** - overrides parallel e.g.
throttle: require('throat')(3)
- **capabilities** - an object to be mixed in with each platform to set additional capabilities e.g.
capabilities: {
'record-video': false,
'record-screenshots': true,
'capture-html': false
- **bail** - run tests one at a time (or one at a time per browser) and stop running new tests when one version fails.
- **allowExceptions** - by default, tests are considered to have failed if `window.onError` is called, set this to `true` to disable that behaviour.
- **debug** - enable debugging output for the underlying cabbie driver
- **timeout** - defaults to `'20s'` and is passed to the [ms](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ms) library
- **platforms** - the set of platforms to test on
- **onQueue** - function to be called when a new test is queued (given the platform object) - defaults to a no-op
- **onStart** - function to be called when a new test is started (given the platform object) - defaults to a no-op
- **onResult** - function to be called when a test is finished (given the platform object along with a `passed` property) - defaults to a function that logs the result, pass `false` or `{silent: true}` to disable.
- **onBrowserResults** - given an array of platforms once a given browser has finished - defaults to a function that logs the results, pass `false` or `{silent: true}` to disable.
- **onAllResults** - called once all tests have completed, and passed the end results - defaults to a function that logs the results, pass `false` or `{silent: true}` to disable.
## License