# proxyquireify [](http://travis-ci.org/thlorenz/proxyquireify)
browserify `>= v2` version of [proxyquire](https://github.com/thlorenz/proxyquire).
Proxies browserify's require in order to make overriding dependencies during testing easy while staying **totally unobstrusive**. To run your tests in both Node and the browser, use [proxyquire-universal](https://github.com/bendrucker/proxyquire-universal).
<!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
**Table of Contents** *generated with [DocToc](https://github.com/thlorenz/doctoc)*
- [Features](#features)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Example](#example)
- [With Other Transforms](#with-other-transforms)
- [API](#api)
- [proxyquire.plugin()](#proxyquireplugin)
- [proxyquire.browserify()](#proxyquirebrowserify)
- [Deprecation Warning](#deprecation-warning)
- [proxyquire(request: String, stubs: Object)](#proxyquirerequest-string-stubs-object)
- [Important Magic](#important-magic)
- [noCallThru](#nocallthru)
- [More Examples](#more-examples)
<!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
## Features
- **no changes to your code** are necessary
- non overriden methods of a module behave like the original
- mocking framework agnostic, if it can stub a function then it works with **proxyquireify**
- "use strict" compliant
- [automatic injection](https://github.com/thlorenz/proxyquireify#important-magic) of `require` calls to ensure the
module you are testing gets bundled
## Installation
npm install proxyquireify
To use with browserify `< 5.1` please `npm install proxyquireify@0.5` instead. To run your tests in PhantomJS, you may need to [use a shim](https://github.com/bendrucker/phantom-ownpropertynames).
## Example
var bar = require('./bar');
module.exports = function () {
return bar.kinder() + ' ist ' + bar.wunder();
var proxyquire = require('proxyquireify')(require);
var stubs = {
'./bar': {
wunder: function () { return 'wirklich wunderbar'; }
, kinder: function () { return 'schokolade'; }
var foo = proxyquire('./src/foo', stubs);
var browserify = require('browserify');
var proxyquire = require('proxyquireify');
.require(require.resolve('./foo.test'), { entry: true })
.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + '/bundle.js'));
load it in the browser and see:
schokolade ist wirklich wunderbar
## With Other Transforms
If you're transforming your source code to JavaScript, you must apply those transforms before applying the proxyquireify plugin:
.require(require.resolve('./test.coffee'), { entry: true })
.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + '/bundle.js'));
proxyquireify needs to parse your code looking for `require` statements. If you `require` anything that's not valid JavaScript that [acorn](https://github.com/marijnh/acorn) can parse (e.g. CoffeeScript, TypeScript), you need to make sure the relevant transform runs before proxyquireify.
## API
### proxyquire.plugin()
**proxyquireify** functions as a browserify plugin and needs to be registered with browserify like so:
var browserify = require('browserify');
var proxyquire = require('proxyquireify');
.require(require.resolve('./test'), { entry: true })
.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + '/bundle.js'));
Alternatively you can register **proxyquireify** as a plugin from the command line like so:
browserify -p proxyquireify/plugin test.js > bundle.js
### proxyquire.browserify()
#### Deprecation Warning
This API to setup **proxyquireify** was used prior to [browserify plugin](https://github.com/substack/node-browserify#bpluginplugin-opts) support.
It has not been removed yet to make upgrading **proxyquireify** easier for now, but it **will be deprecated in future
versions**. Please consider using the plugin API (above) instead.
To be used in build script instead of `browserify()`, autmatically adapts browserify to work for tests and injects
require overrides into all modules via a browserify transform.
.require(require.resolve('./test'), { entry: true })
.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + '/bundle.js'));
### proxyquire(request: String, stubs: Object)
- **request**: path to the module to be tested e.g., `../lib/foo`
- **stubs**: key/value pairs of the form `{ modulePath: stub, ... }`
- module paths are relative to the tested module **not** the test file
- therefore specify it exactly as in the require statement inside the tested file
- values themselves are key/value pairs of functions/properties and the appropriate override
var proxyquire = require('proxyquireify')(require);
var barStub = { wunder: function () { 'really wonderful'; } };
var foo = proxyquire('./foo', { './bar': barStub })
#### Important Magic
In order for browserify to include the module you are testing in the bundle, **proxyquireify** will inject a
`require()` call for every module you are proxyquireing. So in the above example `require('./foo')` will be injected at
the top of your test file.
### noCallThru
By default **proxyquireify** calls the function defined on the *original* dependency whenever it is not found on the stub.
If you prefer a more strict behavior you can prevent *callThru* on a per module or per stub basis.
If *callThru* is disabled, you can stub out modules that weren't even included in the bundle. **Note**, that unlike in
proxquire, there is no option to prevent call thru globally.
// Prevent callThru for path module only
var foo = proxyquire('./foo', {
path: {
extname: function (file) { ... }
, '@noCallThru': true
, fs: { readdir: function (..) { .. } }
// Prevent call thru for all contained stubs (path and fs)
var foo = proxyquire('./foo', {
path: {
extname: function (file) { ... }
, fs: { readdir: function (..) { .. } }
, '@noCallThru': true
// Prevent call thru for all stubs except path
var foo = proxyquire('./foo', {
path: {
extname: function (file) { ... }
, '@noCallThru': false
, fs: { readdir: function (..) { .. } }
, '@noCallThru': true
## More Examples
- [foobar](https://github.com/thlorenz/proxyquireify/tree/master/examples/foobar)