# Phantomic
- Pipes stdin to [PhantomJS](http://phantomjs.org)
- Writes script console output to stdout
- Writes script errors to stderr
- Exit code 0 if nothing threw, otherwise 1
## Install
npm install -g phantomic
## Usage
Phantomic does not include PhantomJS itself. Make sure the `phantomjs`
executable is in your `PATH` or specify with `--phantomjs`.
Usage: phantomic [options] [file]
--debug Launch the WebKit debugger in a browser
--port <num> Explicit port binding for temporary web server. If
no port is specified, a random free port is used.
--phantomjs <path> Use specified phantomjs binary
--web-security <bool> Enables PhantomJS web security and forbids
cross-domain XHR (default is true)
--brout Assume brout is part of the JS
--ignore-ssl-errors <bool> Tell PhantomJS to ignore SSL certificate errors
when network requests are made (default is false)
--viewport-width <num> Tell PhantomJS about the desired viewport width
--viewport-height <num> Tell PhantomJS about the desired viewport
Pipe any script to phantomic:
phantomic < ./test.js
Opening a file:
phantomic ./test.js
If you are using phantomic from a Makefile with a local install, you will have
to include it in the PATH:
BIN = ./node_modules/.bin
PATH := $(BIN):$(PATH)
browserify ./test.js | phantomic
## Debugging
Put a `debugger;` statement somewhere and run:
phantomic --debug < ./test.js
This will open the WebKit inspector in your browser.
## Exit detection
By default, phantomic will report an error if anything was logged to
`console.error`. Program termination is detected by observing delays in the
event queue and the last log statement that was received.
To make exit detection more reliable, [brout][] can be used. If brout is part
of the given script, run phantomic with `--brout` to install handlers for the
`out`, `err` and `exit` events. Also make sure `process.exit(code)` is called.
## API
You can use phantomic from your own node scripts like this:
var phantomic = require('phantomic');
phantomic(process.stdin, {
debug : false,
port : 0,
brout : false,
'web-security': false,
'ignore-ssl-errors': true,
'viewport-width': 1024,
'viewport-height': 768
}, function (code) {
## Run the test cases
npm install
## Compatibility
- Node 0.10 or later
- PhantomJS 1.9 / 2.0
## License
[SemVer]: http://img.shields.io/:semver-%E2%9C%93-brightgreen.svg
[License]: http://img.shields.io/npm/l/phantomic.svg
[brout]: https://github.com/mantoni/brout.js