# nexpect
`nexpect` is a node.js module for spawning child applications (such as ssh) and
seamlessly controlling them using javascript callbacks. nexpect is based on the
ideas of the [expect][0] library by Don Libes and the [pexpect][1] library by
Noah Spurrier.
## Motivation
node.js has good built in control for spawning child processes. `nexpect` builds
on these core methods and allows developers to easily pipe data to child
processes and assert the expected response. `nexpect` also chains, so you can
compose complex terminal interactions.
## Installation
``` bash
$ npm install --save nexpect
## Usage
### require('nexpect')
The module exposes a single function, `.spawn`.
### function spawn (command, [params], [options])
* command {string|Array} The command that you wish to spawn, a string will be
split on `' '` to find the params if params not provided (so do not use the
string variant if any arguments have spaces in them)
* params {Array} **Optional** Argv to pass to the child process
* options {Object} **Optional** An object literal which may contain
- cwd: Current working directory of the child process.
- env: Environment variables for the child process.
- ignoreCase: Ignores the case of any output from the child process.
- stripColors: Strips any ANSI colors from the output for `.expect()` and `.wait()` statements.
- stream: Expectations can be written against 'stdout', 'stderr', or 'all', which runs expectations against both stdout and stderr
(defaults to 'stdout')
- verbose: Writes the stdout for the child process to `process.stdout` of the current process,
and any data sent with sendline to the `process.stdout` of the current
Top-level entry point for `nexpect` that liberally parses the arguments
and then returns a new chain with the specified `command`, `params`, and `options`.
### function expect (expectation)
* expectation {string|RegExp} Output to assert on the target stream
Expect that the next line of output matches the expectation.
Throw an error if it does not.
The expectation can be a string (the line should contain the expected value as
a substring) or a RegExp (the line should match the expression).
### function wait (expectation, callback)
* expectation {string|RegExp} Output to assert on the target stream
* callback {Function} **Optional** Callback to be called when output matches stream
Wait for a line of output that matches the expectation, discarding lines
that do not match.
Throw an error if no such line was found.
The expectation can be a string (the line should contain the expected value as
a substring) or a RegExp (the line should match the expression).
The callback will be called for every line that matches the expectation.
### function sendline (line)
* line {string} Output to write to the child process.
Adds a write line to `context.process.stdin` to the `context.queue`
for the current chain.
### function sendEof ()
Close child's stdin stream, let the child know there are no more data coming.
This is useful for testing apps that are using inquirer,
as `inquirer.prompt()` calls `stdin.resume()` at some point,
which causes the app to block on input when the input stream is a pipe.
### function run (callback)
* callback {function} Called when child process closes, with arguments
* err {Error|null} Error if any occurred
* output {Array} Array of lines of output examined
* exit {Number|String} Numeric exit code, or String name of signal
Runs the `context` against the specified `context.command` and
## Example
Lets take a look at some sample usage:
``` js
var nexpect = require('nexpect');
nexpect.spawn("echo", ["hello"])
.run(function (err, stdout, exitcode) {
if (!err) {
console.log("hello was echoed");
nexpect.spawn("ls -la /tmp/undefined", { stream: 'stderr' })
.expect("No such file or directory")
.run(function (err) {
if (!err) {
console.log("checked that file doesn't exists");
nexpect.spawn("node --interactive")
.run(function (err) {
if (!err) {
console.log("node process started, console logged, process exited");
else {
If you are looking for more examples take a look at the [examples][2], and [tests][3].
## Tests
All tests are written with [vows][4]:
``` bash
$ npm test
## Authors
[Elijah Insua][5] [Marak Squires][6], and [Charlie Robbins][7].
[0]: http://search.cpan.org/~rgiersig/Expect-1.21/Expect.pod
[1]: http://pexpect.sourceforge.net/pexpect.html
[2]: https://github.com/nodejitsu/nexpect/tree/master/examples
[3]: https://github.com/nodejitsu/nexpect/tree/master/test/nexpect-test.js
[4]: http://vowsjs.org
[5]: http://github.com/tmpvar
[6]: http://github.com/marak
[7]: http://github.com/indexzero