# grunt-release
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[Grunt](http://gruntjs.com) plugin for automating all the release steps of your node lib or bower component, with optional publishing to npm.
## Repetition Killed the Cat
Releasing a new version of your killer Node/Bower/Component/JS lib looks something like this:
1. bump the version in your `package.json` file.
2. stage the package.json file's change.
3. commit that change with a message like "release 0.6.22".
4. create a new git tag for the release.
5. push the changes out to GitHub.
6. also push the new tag out to GitHub.
7. create a .zip release on GitHub.
8. publish the new version to npm.
Cool, right? No! What's wrong with you? Automate all that:
grunt release
Done. No more GitHub issues from angry people reminding you how often you forget to do one or more of the steps.
## Setup
If you haven't used [Grunt](http://gruntjs.com/) before, be sure to check out the [Getting Started](http://gruntjs.com/getting-started) guide, as it explains how to create a [Gruntfile](http://gruntjs.com/sample-gruntfile) as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-release --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
## Using grunt-release
**Patch Release:**
grunt release
grunt release:patch
**Minor Release:**
grunt release:minor
**Major Release:**
grunt release:major
**Specific Version Release:**
grunt release:1.2.3
grunt release:prerelease
`prerelease` will just update the number after `MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH` (eg: `1.0.0-1`)
If you want to add an alphanumeric identifier, you will need to add it by hand.
Example: add `-alpha.0` to get something like `1.0.0-alpha.0`. Calling `grunt release:prerelease` will just update the last number to `1.0.0-alpha.1`.
**Releasing Unstable/Beta Versions**
Sometimes it is useful to publish an 'unstable' or 'beta' version to `npm`, while leaving your last stable release as the default that gets installed on an `npm install`.
`npm` accomplishes this using the `--tag myUnstableVersion` flag. You can enable this flag in grunt-release either by setting the `npmtag` option:
release: {
options: {
npmtag: 'canary',
or by passing the CLI arg:
grunt release --npmtag canary
NOTE: If the tag you pass is **true**, then the tag will be the *new* version number after the bump. Otherwise it will be the string you provided.
**Bump multiple files at once**
Sometimes you may need to bump multiple files while releasing.
release: {
options: {
additionalFiles: ['bower.json']
You can also provide multiple files in this array or provide a string with multiple file paths separated by comma (`,`).
The version to bump is set in the master file defined with option 'file' (default : package.json).
This version will be propagated to every additionalFiles.
**Dry Run:**
To see what grunt-release does, without really changing anything, use `--no-write` option.
grunt release --no-write
You'll see something like:
>> Release dry run
>> bumped version to 0.8.0
>> staged package.json
>> committed package.json
>> created new git tag: 0.8.0
>> pushed to remote git repo
>> pushed new tag 0.8.0 to remote git repo
>> published version 0.8.0 to npm
>> created 0.8.0 release on github.
Done, without errors.
## Options
The following are all the release steps, you can disable any you need to:
release: {
options: {
bump: false, //default: true
changelog: true, //default: false
changelogText: '<%= version %>\n', //default: '### <%= version %> - <%= grunt.template.today("yyyy-mm-dd") %>\n'
file: 'component.json', //default: package.json
add: false, //default: true
commit: false, //default: true
tag: false, //default: true
push: false, //default: true
pushTags: false, //default: true
npm: false, //default: true
npmtag: true, //default: no tag
indentation: '\t', //default: ' ' (two spaces)
folder: 'folder/to/publish/to/npm', //default project root
tagName: 'some-tag-<%= version %>', //default: '<%= version %>'
commitMessage: 'check out my release <%= version %>', //default: 'release <%= version %>'
tagMessage: 'tagging version <%= version %>', //default: 'Version <%= version %>',
beforeBump: [], // optional grunt tasks to run before file versions are bumped
afterBump: [], // optional grunt tasks to run after file versions are bumped
beforeRelease: [], // optional grunt tasks to run after release version is bumped up but before release is packaged
afterRelease: [], // optional grunt tasks to run after release is packaged
updateVars: [], // optional grunt config objects to update (this will update/set the version property on the object specified)
github: {
apiRoot: 'https://git.example.com/v3', // Default: https://github.com
repo: 'geddski/grunt-release', //put your user/repo here
accessTokenVar: 'GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKE', //ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE that contains GitHub Access Token
// Or you can use username and password env variables, we discourage you to do so
usernameVar: 'GITHUB_USERNAME', //ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE that contains GitHub username
passwordVar: 'GITHUB_PASSWORD' //ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE that contains GitHub password
If you want to use multiline commit messages just pass an array to the `commitMessage` option instead of a string.
### Notes on GitHub Releases:
1. Yes, you have to use environment variables.
2. The [GitHub Releases API](http://developer.github.com/v3/repos/releases/) is still unstable and may change in the future.
3. You should use an environment variable to set an [access token](https://help.github.com/articles/creating-an-access-token-for-command-line-use) and "link" it via `accessTokenVar`.
4. You can use environment variables for username (referenced in `usernameVar`) and password (`passwordVar`).
5. We don't encourage you to use username and password for the GitHub release.
For node libs, leave `file` option blank as it will default to `package.json`. For Bower components, set it to `bower.json`.
## License