# grunt-jasmine-node-coverage
> Runs jasmine with Istanbul code coverage
A [Grunt](http://gruntjs.com/) task to run your [Jasmine](http://jasmine.github.io/)
feature suite using [jasmine-npm](https://github.com/jasmine/jasmine-npm)
and [Istanbul](https://github.com/gotwarlost/istanbul) for code coverage reports.
The minimum supported Node.js version is `4.2.0` (LTS), and while works also in `0.10.x`, no quarantees are given.
## Getting Started
Install this grunt plugin next to your project's `Gruntfile.js` with:
npm install grunt-jasmine-node-coverage --save-dev
Then add these lines to your project's `Gruntfile.js` configuration file:
jasmine_node: {
task_name: {
options: {
forceExit: true,
coverage: {
includeAllSources: true
jasmine: {
spec_dir: 'tests',
spec_files: [
src: ['src/**/*.js']
grunt.registerTask('default', 'jasmine_node');
## Configuring tasks
Grunt tasks should be configured by following
[the multi task configuration](http://gruntjs.com/creating-tasks#multi-tasks)
form, thus wrapping each configuration in an object inside the `jasmine_node` root object.
### Task configuration options
#### options.jasmine
Type: `object`
Default: see below
Jasmine specific configuration. Use empty object,
`{}` to use the defaults that are shown below.
spec_dir: 'spec',
spec_files: ['**/*[sS]pec/.js'],
helpers: [],
reporters: {
spec: {}
See the [jasmine docs](http://jasmine.github.io/2.4/node.html#section-Configuration) for more information on the supported configuration.
The `reporters` property allows the following properties:
* `spec`: used to configure the [Jasmine spec reporter](https://github.com/bcaudan/jasmine-spec-reporter).
* `teamcity` set it to `true` in order to use [Jasmine Reporters - TeamCityReporter](https://github.com/larrymyers/jasmine-reporters).
* `junitXml` set it to a object to use [Jasmine Reporters - JUnitXmlReporter](https://github.com/larrymyers/jasmine-reporters). See the jasmine-reporters
documentation for additional configuration options.
If `teamcity` reporter is set `spec` reporter will be disabled and `teamcity` reporter will be added to the coverage reporters as well.
Example of using `teamcity` reporter:
spec_dir: 'spec',
spec_files: ['**/*[sS]pec/.js'],
helpers: [],
reporters: {
teamcity: true
Example of using `junitXml` reporter:
spec_dir: 'spec',
spec_files: ['**/*[sS]pec/.js'],
helpers: [],
reporters: {
junitXml: {
savePath: "reports",
consolidateAll: true
#### options.coverage
Type: `object`
Default: see below
Istanbul specific configuration. Use empty object,
`{}` to use the defaults that are shown below.
reportFile: 'coverage.json',
relativize: true,
thresholds: {
statements: 0,
branches: 0,
lines: 0,
functions: 0
watermarks: {
statements: [50, 80],
lines: [50, 80],
functions: [50, 80],
branches: [50, 80],
includeAllSources: false,
reportDir: 'coverage',
report: [
collect: [ // false to disable, paths are relative to 'reportDir'
excludes: []
* The `excludes` list will automatically include `'**/node_modules/**'` internally.
* Setting the `thresholds` values greater than `0` will cause the task to fail if the specified threshold is not met.
* The `watermarks` config changes the thresholds at which the reports are displayed in red, yellow and green. It does not affect the outcome of the task.
* Setting the `report` list will allow different types of istanbul report to be set.
#### options.projectRoot
Type: `string`
Default: `process.cwd()`
See http://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_cwd
#### options.forceExit
Type: `boolean`
Default: `false`
Exit on failure by skipping any asynchronous tasks pending.
#### options.captureExceptions
Type: `boolean`
Default: `false`
If set to `true`, will log all uncaught exceptions.
#### options.isVerbose
Type: `boolean`
Default: `false`
When `true`, istanbul will print more information when running.
## Bugs
Help us to squash them by submitting an issue that describes how you encountered it;
please be as specific as possible including operating system, `node`, `grunt`, and
`grunt-jasmine-node-coverage` versions.
npm --versions
## Migration notes
### v1.x -> v2.x
The `spec` reporter configuration has changed for v2 of this plugin. The following is an example of the change in configuration that is needed. This is not an exhaustive list: refer to the [jasmine-spec-reporter](https://github.com/bcaudan/jasmine-spec-reporter) for a full reference of the configuration options.
// v1
reporters: {
spec: {
colors: true,
displayStacktrace: 'summary',
displaySuccessfulSpec: true
// v2
reporters: {
spec: {
colors: {
enabled: true
summary: {
displayStacktrace: true
spec: {
displaySuccessful: true
### v0.x -> v1.x
If you are updating to `v1.x`, you'll need to update your Gruntfile.
The following example outlines the changes needed. It assumes the following folder structure:
├── src/
│ ├── abacus.js
│ └── calculator.js
└── test/
├── helpers.js
└── specs/
├── abacus.spec.js
└── calculator.spec.js
// v0.5.0 config
jasmine_node: {
task_name: {
options: {
match: '.',
matchAll: true,
specFolders: ['test'],
extensions: 'js',
specNameMatcher: 'spec',
useHelpers: true
// v1.0.0 config
jasmine_node: {
task_name: {
options: {
jasmine: {
spec_dir: 'test',
spec_files: [
helpers: [
Please note that the junit reporter is no longer available. If you are using this reporter and wish to update to v1, please open a new issue and we'll see if we can get it added back in. Even better, submit a PR :smile:
## Release History
* `v2.0.1` (2017-09-20)
- Looks like the compatibility between different dependencies requires to use `jasmine` of version `2.5.2`, which is not the latest (`2.5.3`)
* `v2.0.0` (2017-09-20)
- **Breaking changes alert! Ensure you read the migration guide before updating from previous versions**
- Updated to jasmine-spec-reporter `v3.3.0`. Older style configuration needs to be updated, see migration guide for more details.
- Removed support for Node.js `v0.10`
* `v1.2.0` (2017-04-30)
- Was compatible with Grunt `0.4` all the time, hence lowering the dependency requirement #60
* `v1.1.1` (2016-08-29)
- Istanbul `v0.4.5` and using `data.src` instead of `fileSrc` for compatibility #59
* `v1.1.0` (2016-08-23)
- Add Node.js `v0.10.0` support back by using `var` instead of `const` and `let`, #55
- Teamcity reporter for Jasmine, #56
* `v1.0.0` (2016-07-23)
- **Breaking changes alert! Ensure you read the migration guide before updating from previous versions**
- Minimum supported Node.js version is `4.2.0` (LTS), removed testing against `0.10`
- Migrated from `jasmine-node` to `jasmine-npm` #35 #48
- Support `includeAllSources` istanbul coverage option #45 #50
- Support thresholds for passing/failing build #25
- Removed junit reporter
* `v0.5.0` (2016-05-03)
- Grunt.js version 1.0 support
- ESLint configuration migration to 2.0
- Remove bin path #29
- Update license property for todays requirements
- Do not always make `lcov` output
* `v0.4.1` (2015-02-27)
- Reports should be collected from where they were written #42
* `v0.4.0` (2015-02-19)
- Other Grunt tasks were not ran when this failed, #40
* `v0.3.2` (2015-02-04)
- Fixes for failure cases and documentation, #33, #36, #37 and #38
* `v0.3.1` (2014-11-21)
- Installation failed
- Should fix #30
* `v0.3.0` (2014-11-09)
- Grunt usage as multi task
- Fixes #12 and #18
* `v0.2.0` (2014-11-03)
- Better Grunt API usage
- Fixes #10, #13, #14, #16, #19 and #20
* `v0.1.11` (2014-05-15)
- Task name fix for `grunt.renametask` use case
* `v0.1.10` (2014-04-07)
- JSHint configuration and task exit fixes
* `v0.1.9` (2014-04-02)
- Configuration for `jasmine_node.options.isVerbose` was not working
* `v0.1.8` (2014-03-03)
- Add captureExceptions support and quit on exception
* `v0.1.7` (2013-12-13)
- Istanbul update, threshold configuration and JUNit output
* `v0.1.6` (2013-07-26)
- Change `isVerbose` option to `verbose`
* `v0.1.5` (2013-07-15)
- Initial coverage with Istanbul release, originally forked from `grunt-jasmine-node`
## License
Copyright (c) 2013 "jribble" Jarrod Ribble & contributors.
Based on [grunt-jasmine-node](https://github.com/jasmine-contrib/grunt-jasmine-node).
Copyright (c) 2012 "s9tpepper" Omar Gonzalez & contributors.
Licensed under the MIT license.
[jasmine-node]: https://github.com/mhevery/jasmine-node "Integration of Jasmine Spec framework with Node.js"