# grunt-contrib-internal v8.0.1 [![Build Status](https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-internal/workflows/Tests/badge.svg)](https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-internal/actions?workflow=Tests)
> Internal tasks for managing the grunt-contrib projects
_Note that this is not an official Grunt plugin release! If you want to use this in a project, please be sure to follow the instructions for installing development versions, as outlined in the [Installing Grunt](https://gruntjs.com/installing-grunt) guide._
## Getting Started
If you haven't used [Grunt](https://gruntjs.com/) before, be sure to check out the [Getting Started](https://gruntjs.com/getting-started) guide, as it explains how to create a [Gruntfile](https://gruntjs.com/sample-gruntfile) as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-contrib-internal --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
_This plugin is used internally by grunt-contrib plugins, and shouldn't be used externally._
##### Skipping Existing CI Configs If They Exist
If you have needed customizations to the `.github/workflows/test.yml` file,
use the following to skip normalizing that file if it exists:
grunt.registerTask('default', ['jshint', 'contrib-core', 'contrib-ci:skipIfExists']);
## Release History
* 2022-10-21 v8.0.0 Drop node 12, test on node 18. Update dependencies.
* 2021-07-08 v7.0.0 Update GitHub Actions config. Update dependencies.
* 2021-02-15 v6.0.1 Update GitHub Actions config.
* 2020-12-30 v6.0.0 Update dependencies.
* 2020-12-30 v5.0.2 Update CI config.
* 2020-09-09 v5.0.1 Update dependencies.
* 2020-07-04 v5.0.0 Switch to GitHub Actions CI. Drop Node.js 8.x. Add Node.js 14.x. Update dependencies.
* 2019-10-10 v4.0.1 Use esversion 6 instead of the deprecated esnext option.
* 2019-09-27 v4.0.0 Drop Node.js 6. Add Node.js 12. Tweak CI configs.
* 2018-07-28 v3.1.0 Add Node.js 10.
* 2017-11-26 v2.0.0 Update major version since the Node.js 0.10 removal is a breaking change.
* 2017-11-23 v1.4.2 Update CI configs; add Node.js 9.
* 2017-10-31 v1.4.1 Update CI configs; remove Node.js 0.10.
* 2017-06-10 v1.3.0 Update CI configs; add Node.js 8, remove 7.
* 2016-11-23 v1.2.3 Update CI configs; add Node.js 7, remove 0.12, 5 and iojs.
* 2016-07-13 v1.2.2 Add Node.js 6 in CI configs.
* 2016-04-14 v1.2.1 Fix CI normalization regression.
* 2016-04-06 v1.1.0 Fix "skipIfExists" argument to contrib-ci. Break out tasks into separate files.
* 2016-04-06 v1.0.1 Include missing files from the npm package.
* 2016-04-04 v1.0.0 Remove peerDependencies. Add task for normalizing CI configs.
* 2014-11-22 v0.4.13 Various minor fixes.
* 2014-11-22 v0.4.11 Use SVG badges.
* 2014-05-05 v0.4.10 Lock dependency for 0.8.
* 2014-04-08 v0.4.9 Add AppVeyor badges.
* 2014-03-12 v0.4.8 Copy CONTRIBUTING.md from itself rather than grunt.
* 2014-02-18 v0.4.7 Update repository parsing. Adds official npm parsing lib.
* 2013-08-16 v0.4.6 Display current version of plugins in README.
* 2013-04-28 v0.4.5 Get Travis CI URL from package.json.
* 2013-04-01 v0.4.4 Changelog date timezone is localized.
* 2013-02-20 v0.4.3 Fix typo in readme template.
* 2013-02-17 v0.4.2 Moving overview text to the correct file. Mentioned `grunt.loadNpmTasks` in readme.
* 2013-02-17 v0.4.1 Adding support for npm peerDependencies.
* 2012-10-03 v0.1.0 Work in progress, not yet officially released.
Task submitted by ["Cowboy" Ben Alman](http://benalman.com/)
*This is a generated file.*