# grunt-contrib-compress v2.0.0 [![Build Status](https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-compress/workflows/Tests/badge.svg)](https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-compress/actions?workflow=Tests)
> Compress files and folders
## Getting Started
If you haven't used [Grunt](https://gruntjs.com/) before, be sure to check out the [Getting Started](https://gruntjs.com/getting-started) guide, as it explains how to create a [Gruntfile](https://gruntjs.com/sample-gruntfile) as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-contrib-compress --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
*This plugin was designed to work with Grunt >= 0.4.x. If you're still using grunt v0.3.x it's strongly recommended that [you upgrade](http://gruntjs.com/upgrading-from-0.3-to-0.4), but in case you can't please use [v0.3.2](https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-compress/tree/grunt-0.3-stable).*
## Compress task
_Run this task with the `grunt compress` command._
Task targets, files and options may be specified according to the grunt [Configuring tasks](http://gruntjs.com/configuring-tasks) guide.
Node Libraries Used:
[archiver](https://github.com/ctalkington/node-archiver) (for zip/tar)
[zlib](https://nodejs.org/api/zlib.html#zlib_options) (for gzip).
### Options
#### archive
Type: `String` or `Function`
Modes: `zip` `tar`
This is used to define where to output the archive. Each target can only have one output file.
If the type is a Function it must return a String.
*This option is only appropriate for many-files-to-one compression modes like zip and tar. For gzip for example, please use grunt's standard src/dest specifications.*
#### mode
Type: `String`
This is used to define which mode to use, currently supports `gzip`, `deflate`, `deflateRaw`, `tar`, `tgz` (tar gzip),`zip` and `brotli`.
Automatically detected per `dest:src` pair, but can be overridden per target if desired.
#### level
Type: `Integer`
Modes: `zip` `gzip`
Default: `1`
Sets the level of archive compression.
#### brotli
Configure brotli compression settings:
Type: `Object`
[zlib.constants.BROTLI_PARAM_MODE]: 0,
[zlib.constants.BROTLI_PARAM_QUALITY]: 11,
[zlib.constants.BROTLI_PARAM_LGWIN]: 22,
[zlib.constants.BROTLI_PARAM_LGBLOCK]: 0
Do not forget require `zlib` for `zlib.constants`, example:
const zlib = require('zlib');
##### mode
Type: `Integer`
* `0`: generic mode
* `1`: text mode
* `2`: font mode
Default: `0`
##### quality
Controls the compression-speed vs compression-density tradeoffs. The higher the quality, the slower the compression. Range is 0 to 11.
Type: `Integer`
Default: `11`
##### lgwin
Base 2 logarithm of the sliding window size. Range is 10 to 24.
Type: `Integer`
Default: `22`
##### lgblock
Base 2 logarithm of the maximum input block size. Range is 16 to 24. If set to 0, the value will be set based on the quality.
Type: `Integer`
Default: `0`
#### pretty
Type: `Boolean`
Default: `false`
Pretty print file sizes when logging.
#### createEmptyArchive
Type: `Boolean`
Default: `true`
This can be used when you don't want to get an empty archive as a result, if there are no files at the specified paths.
It may be useful, if you don't clearly know if files exist and you don't need an empty archive as a result.
### File Data
The following additional keys may be passed as part of a `dest:src` pair when using an Archiver-backed format.
All keys can be defined as a `Function` that receives the file name and returns in the type specified below.
#### date
Type: `Date`
Modes: `zip` `tar` `tgz`
Sets the file date.
#### mode
Type: `Integer`
Modes: `zip` `tar` `tgz`
Sets the file permissions.
#### store
Type: `Boolean`
Default: `false`
If true, file contents will be archived without compression.
#### comment
Type: `String`
Modes: `zip`
Sets the file comment.
#### gid
Type: `Integer`
Modes: `tar` `tgz`
Sets the group of the file in the archive
#### uid
Type: `Integer`
Modes: `tar` `tgz`
Sets the user of the file in the archive
### Usage Examples
// make a zipfile
compress: {
main: {
options: {
archive: 'archive.zip'
files: [
{src: ['path/*'], dest: 'internal_folder/', filter: 'isFile'}, // includes files in path
{src: ['path/**'], dest: 'internal_folder2/'}, // includes files in path and its subdirs
{expand: true, cwd: 'path/', src: ['**'], dest: 'internal_folder3/'}, // makes all src relative to cwd
{flatten: true, src: ['path/**'], dest: 'internal_folder4/', filter: 'isFile'} // flattens results to a single level
// gzip assets 1-to-1 for production
compress: {
main: {
options: {
mode: 'gzip'
expand: true,
cwd: 'assets/',
src: ['**/*'],
dest: 'public/'
// compress a file to a different location than its source
// example compresses path/the_file to /the_file inside archive.zip
compress: {
main: {
options: {
archive: 'archive.zip'
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: 'path/',
src: ['the_file'],
dest: '/'
// use custom extension for the output file
compress: {
main: {
options: {
mode: 'gzip'
// Each of the files in the src/ folder will be output to
// the dist/ folder each with the extension .gz.js
files: [{
expand: true,
src: ['src/*.js'],
dest: 'dist/',
ext: '.gz.js'
// use a function to return the output file
compress: {
main: {
options: {
archive: function () {
// The global value git.tag is set by another task
return git.tag + '.zip'
files: [{
expand: true,
src: ['src/*.js'],
dest: 'dist/'
// brotlify assets 1-to-1 for production using default options
compress: {
main: {
options: {
mode: 'brotli'
expand: true,
cwd: 'assets/',
src: ['**/*.js'],
dest: 'public/',
extDot: 'last',
ext: '.js.br'
// brotlify assets 1-to-1 for production specifying text mode
// and using default options otherwise
compress: {
main: {
options: {
mode: 'brotli',
brotli: {
mode: 1
expand: true,
cwd: 'assets/',
src: ['**/*.js'],
dest: 'public/',
extDot: 'last',
ext: '.js.br'
## Release History
* 2020-12-12 v2.0.0 Remove iltorb dependency, now uses zlib brotli features. Requires node >=10.16. Dependency and test updates.
* 2019-10-21 v1.6.0 Update iltorb dependency
* 2018-04-24 v1.5.0 Update to node 4 as minimum version update tar to 4.4.8
* 2017-05-20 v1.4.3 Update pretty-bytes to v4.0.2. Add option to not to create empty archive.
* 2017-05-20 v1.4.2 Update archiver to v1.3.0.
* 2017-01-20 v1.4.1 Make brotli support optional.
* 2017-01-18 v1.4.0 Add support for brotli.
* 2016-05-24 v1.3.0 Update archiver to v1.0. Fix node 6 support.
* 2016-03-24 v1.2.0 Dependency update.
* 2016-03-08 v1.1.1 Fix verbose output.
* 2016-03-04 v1.1.0 Add ability to replace file in the same location.
* 2016-02-15 v1.0.0 Update archiver, chalk and pretty-bytes.
* 2015-10-23 v0.14.0 Change to verbose output. Dependency updates archiver 0.16.
* 2014-12-25 v0.13.0 Update archiver to v0.13. Small fixes.
* 2014-09-23 v0.12.0 Output update. Prevent zipping dot files and allow for forcing through `fail.warn` within loop.
* 2014-08-26 v0.11.0 Update archiver to v0.11.0.
* 2014-07-14 v0.10.0 Don't apply extensions automatically (use `ext` or `rename`).
* 2014-05-20 v0.9.1 Allow directories to pass-through to archiver via filter.
* 2014-05-20 v0.9.0 Update archiver to v0.9.0.
* 2014-04-09 v0.8.0 Update archiver to v0.8.0.
* 2014-02-17 v0.7.0 Update archiver to v0.6.0.
* 2014-01-12 v0.6.0 Update archiver to v0.5.0.
* 2013-11-27 v0.5.3 Allow archive option to be a function.
* 2013-06-03 v0.5.2 Allow custom extensions using the `ext` option.
* 2013-05-28 v0.5.1 Avoid gzip on folders.
* 2013-04-23 v0.5.0 Add support for `deflate` and `deflateRaw`.
* 2013-04-15 v0.4.10 Fix issue where task finished before all data was compressed.
* 2013-04-09 v0.4.9 Bump Archiver version.
* 2013-04-07 v0.4.8 Open streams lazily to avoid too many open files.
* 2013-04-01 v0.4.7 Pipe gzip to fix gzip issues. Add tests that undo compressed files to test.
* 2013-03-25 v0.4.6 Fix Node.js v0.8 compatibility issue with gzip.
* 2013-03-20 v0.4.5 Update to archiver 0.4.1 Fix issue with gzip failing intermittently.
* 2013-03-19 v0.4.4 Fixes for Node.js v0.10. Explicitly call `grunt.file` methods with `map` and `filter`.
* 2013-03-14 v0.4.3 Fix for gzip; continue iteration on returning early.
* 2013-03-13 v0.4.2 Refactor task like other contrib tasks. Fix gzip of multiple files. Remove unused dependencies.
* 2013-02-22 v0.4.1 Pretty print compressed sizes. Logging each addition to a compressed file now only happens in verbose mode.
* 2013-02-15 v0.4.0 First official release for Grunt 0.4.0.
* 2013-01-23 v0.4.0rc7 Updating grunt/gruntplugin dependencies to rc7. Changing in-development grunt/gruntplugin dependency versions from tilde version ranges to specific versions.
* 2013-01-14 v0.4.0rc5 Updating to work with grunt v0.4.0rc5. Conversion to grunt v0.4 conventions. Replace `basePath` with `cwd`.
* 2012-10-12 v0.3.2 Rename grunt-contrib-lib dep to grunt-lib-contrib.
* 2012-10-09 v0.3.1 Replace zipstream package with archiver.
* 2012-09-24 v0.3.0 General cleanup. Options no longer accepted from global config key.
* 2012-09-18 v0.2.2 Test refactoring. No valid source check. Automatic mode detection.
* 2012-09-10 v0.2.0 Refactored from grunt-contrib into individual repo.
Task submitted by [Chris Talkington](http://christalkington.com/)
*This file was generated on Sat Dec 12 2020 14:15:27.*