# ghooks
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Simple git hooks
## Installation
npm install ghooks --save-dev
_It is not advised to install `ghooks` as a production dependency, as it will install git hooks in your production environment as well. Please install it under the `devDependencies` section of your `package.json`._
_Please also note, that it is absolutely **not advised** to install `ghooks` globally. To work as expected, make it a development dependency of your project(s)._
## Setup
Add a `config.ghooks` entry in your `package.json` and simply specify which git hooks you want and their corresponding commands, like the following:
"config": {
"ghooks": {
"pre-commit": "gulp lint",
"commit-msg": "validate-commit-msg",
"pre-push": "make test",
"post-merge": "npm install",
"post-rewrite": "npm install",
**Note:** _The hooks' working directory is relative to the git root (where you have your `.git` directory). This means that if your package.json is in a subdirectory of your git repo, you'll need to cd into the directory before running any npm scripts. E.g.:_
"pre-commit": "cd path/to/folder && npm run test"
## opt-in/out
One of the last things you want is to raise the barrier to contributing to your open source project. So [Andreas Windt](https://github.com/ta2edchimp) developed the [opt-cli](https://npmjs.com/package/opt-cli) package to allow you to turn your hooks into opt-in/out scripts. See this project's [`package.json`](package.json) for an example of how to do that.
## All [documented](http://git-scm.com/docs/githooks) hooks are available:
* applypatch-msg
* pre-applypatch
* post-applypatch
* pre-commit
* prepare-commit-msg
* commit-msg
* post-commit
* pre-rebase
* post-checkout
* post-merge
* pre-push
* pre-receive
* update
* post-receive
* post-update
* pre-auto-gc
* post-rewrite
## Common Issues
* [Usage with git GUI clients](https://github.com/ghooks-org/ghooks/issues/18) – Thanks to [@JamieMason](https://github.com/JamieMason)
## Credits
This module is heavily inspired by [__@nlf__](https://github.com/nlf)'s [precommit-hook](https://www.npmjs.org/package/precommit-hook)
## Contributors
Huge thanks to everyone listed [here](https://github.com/ghooks-org/ghooks/graphs/contributors)!
## License
This software is licensed under the MIT license