# forking-tap [](https://travis-ci.org/jamestalmage/forking-tap) [](https://coveralls.io/github/jamestalmage/forking-tap?branch=master)
> Run every single tap test in its own process.
`forking tap` takes a single tap-mocha test file:
var foo = 'bar';
describe('foo', function () {
function fooHelper() {}
it('foo-1', function () {});
it('foo-2', function () {});
describe('bar', function () {
function barHelper() {}
it('bar-1', function () {});
And splits it into multiple files with one test each:
var foo = 'bar';
describe('foo', function () {
function fooHelper() {}
it('foo-1', function () {});
var foo = 'bar';
describe('foo', function () {
function fooHelper() {}
it('foo-2', function () {});
var foo = 'bar';
describe('bar', function () {
function barHelper() {}
it('bar-1', function () {});
Notice how all the appropriate helper functions and shared variables make it into each test. `tap` already forks and runs each file in a new process, so you just need to run the standard `tap` command and pass in the generated files.
## Install
$ npm install --save forking-tap
## Usage
const forkingTap = require('forking-tap');
const results = forkingTap(fs.readFileSync('./all-the-tests.js', 'utf8'));
results.forEach((result, testNum) => {
fs.writeFileSync('./test-number-' + testNum, result.code);
*Note: * `forking-tap` currently only provides a transform. It does not provide a means of reading in file(s) or writing the results to disk. That may change in the future. (Help wanted!)
## API
### testList = forkingTap(source, [options])
Returns `testList` an array of `testResult` objects that represent the input `source` split into individual test files with one test per file.
#### source
Type: `string`
The original source code.
#### options
##### options.filename
Type: `string`
The name of the file being split up. Required for source map support.
##### options.sourceMaps
Type: `boolean`
Default: `true`
Forcefully turn off source map support by setting this to `false`. Otherwise, source map support is turned on if the `filename` option is present.
##### options.attachComment
Type: `boolean`
Default: `false`
Automatically attach an inline source map comment to the end of the generated code.
### testResult
##### testResult.code
Type: `string`
The full source code for an individual test
##### testResult.map
Type: `object`
The source map descriptor object for the transform (or `undefined` if `filename` was not provided, or `options.sourceMaps === false`).
##### testResult.nestedName
Type: `Array.<string>`
A representation of the test name. The last element of the array will always be the string value passed to `it(str, fn)` test. The preceding elements of the array represent the names of any enclosing `describe` blocks.
For example, the following:
describe('foo', function () {
describe('bar', function () {
it('baz', function () { /* ... */ });
would produce a `nestedName` of`:
['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
## License
MIT © [James Talmage](http://github.com/jamestalmage)