# esm-utils
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> Utilities you'll need when migrating to ESModule.
## Install
yarn add esm-utils
## Usage
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
import createEsmUtils from 'esm-utils'
const {
} = createEsmUtils(import.meta)
/* Those named exports only accept absolute path or URL */
import {
} from 'esm-utils'
## API
### `createEsmUtils(import.meta | URL | 'string')`
Returns an `object` with the following properties:
- `dirname` (alias `__dirname`)
- `filename` (alias `__filename`)
- `require`
- `importModule` (alias `import`)
- `resolve`
- `readJson` (alias `loadJson`)
- `readJsonSync` (alias `loadJsonSync`)
**Please read [this note](#you-dont-need-dirname-and-filename) before you use `dirname` and `filename`**
Sync version of `readJson`.
### `utils.importModule(string | URL, options?)`
Same as `import()`, but accepts absolute path (on Windows, `import('C:\\foo.js')` error throws when pass a absolute path starts with a drive letter).
#### `options.traceSyntaxError`
type: `boolean`\
default: `false`
Due to [this Node.js issue](https://github.com/nodejs/modules/issues/471), Node.js does not emit the location of the syntax error in the error thrown in dynamic `import()`.
When set `traceSyntaxError: true`, we'll try to get a better error message by running `node <file>` in a child process.
### `utils.readJson(string | URL)`
Returns `Promise<jsonObject>`.
### `utils.readJsonSync(string | URL)`
Sync version of `utils.readJson`
### `utils.resolve(string | URL)`
Ponyfill for [`import.meta.resolve`](https://nodejs.org/api/esm.html#esm_import_meta_resolve_specifier_parent).
If `import.meta.resolve` exits, use it directly, otherwise returns a simple wrapper of [import-meta-resolve](https://github.com/wooorm/import-meta-resolve).
## Import json file
With [`Import Assertions`](https://github.com/tc39/proposal-import-assertions)
import foo from './foo.json' assert {type: 'json'}
await import('./foo.json', {assert: {type: 'json'}})
With `require`, like CommonJS
import createEsmUtils from 'esm-utils'
const {require} = createEsmUtils(import.meta)
const foo = require('./foo.json')
With `readJson` or `readJsonSync`
import createEsmUtils from 'esm-utils'
const {readJson} = createEsmUtils(import.meta)
const foo = await readJson('./foo.json')
import createEsmUtils from 'esm-utils'
const {readJsonSync} = createEsmUtils(import.meta)
const foo = readJsonSync('./foo.json')
## `importModule()`
Same as `utils.importModule()`, but only accept absolute path or URL.
## `readJson()` (alias `loadJson`)
Same as `utils.readJson()`, but only accept absolute path or URL.
## `readJsonSync()` (alias `loadJsonSync`)
Same as `utils.readJsonSync()`, but only accept absolute path or URL.
## You don't need `dirname` and `filename`
The `dirname` and `filename` supposed to be a quick solution when migrating to ES Modules. In most cases, you don't need them, because many APIs accept `URL` directly.
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
/* BAD */
import fs from 'node:fs/promises'
import path from 'node:path'
import createEsmUtils from 'esm-utils'
const {dirname} = createEsmUtils(import.meta)
const buffer = await fs.readFile(
path.join(dirname, './path/to/file')
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
/* GOOD */
import fs from 'node:fs/promises'
const buffer = await fs.readFile(
new URL('./path/to/file', import.meta.url)