<p align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/ttmarek/consolemock">
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<p align="center">
<i>A tool for testing console logs</i>
<p align="center">
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## Installation
with yarn
yarn add --dev consolemock
or with npm
npm install --save-dev consolemock
## API
import makeConsoleMock from 'consolemock';
console = makeConsoleMock();
console.log('a message');
console.group('a group');
console.info('maybe an object?', { a: 'str', b: false, c: [1, 2, 3], d: { a: 'b' } });
console.warn('something useful');
console.error('something unexpected');
console.group('%c a nested group with styling', 'color: #1da1f2; font-weight: bold;');
console.log('%c a nested log with styling', 'color: #D63230;');
console.log('almost done');
console.info('%c fin', 'font-weight: bold;');
console.debug('some debug statement');
### ↳ `console.history();`
{ LOG: ['a message'] },
{ GROUP: ['a group'] },
{ _INFO: ['maybe an object?', { a: 'str', b: false, c: [1, 2, 3], d: { a: 'b' } }] },
{ _WARN: ['something useful'] },
{ _ERROR: ['something unexpected'] },
{ _GROUP: ['%c a nested group with styling', 'color: #1da1f2; font-weight: bold;'] },
{ __LOG: ['%c a nested log with styling', 'color: #D63230;'] },
{ _LOG: ['almost done'] },
{ INFO: ['%c fin', 'font-weight: bold;'] },
{ DEBUG: ['some debug statement'] }
### ↳ `console.printHistory();`
"LOG a message
GROUP a group
INFO maybe an object?, {a: 'str', b: false, c: [1, 2, 3], d: {a: 'b'}}
WARN something useful
ERROR something unexpected
GROUP %c a nested group with styling, color: #1da1f2; font-weight: bold;
LOG %c a nested log with styling, color: #D63230;
LOG almost done
INFO %c fin, font-weight: bold;
DEBUG some debug statement"
### ↳ `console.clearHistory()`
console.history() // returns [{ LOG: ['apple'] }]
### ↳ `console.print(message, [message1, ..., messageN])`
Logs messages to the console when debugging. Provide `makeConsoleMock` with the
native `console` object when creating the mock:
import makeConsoleMock from 'consolemock';
console = makeConsoleMock(console);
## Uses
### ⚡ Use `consolemock` With Snapshot Testing
The output of `printHistory` works great with
[Jest's snapshot testing](http://facebook.github.io/jest/docs/en/snapshot-testing.html#snapshot-testing-with-jest).
Create the mock console, log a few messages, then save the output of
`printHistory` as a snapshot.
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<img src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/7446702/24484314/93995c3a-14cb-11e7-9075-563d6e200a92.png" width="650">