# @cfware/nyc [![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url]
NYC configurations used by my projects.
## Usage
Create `nyc.config.cjs` in your project:
'use strict';
module.exports = require('@cfware/nyc')
All instance methods are also exposed static methods which construct a new object and
run the method. For example:
const assert = require('assert');
const NYCConfig = require('@cfware/nyc');
const config1 = NYCConfig.all();
const config2 = new NYCConfig().all();
(async () {
// This will pass
assert.deepStrictEqual(await config1, await config2);
All methods return `this` to allow chaining.
### new NYCConfig(customSettings = {})
Construct a new instance overwriting some nyc configuration options. No validation is
performed. It is not needed to explicitly call the constructor unless:
* You need to eliminate some default `exclude` globs.
* You need to provide options not directly supported by this module.
### NYCConfig.defaultExclude
This property is static only, returns a copy of the default `exclude` list.
This is the [nyc default excludes] with some additional paths:
* `fixtures/**`
* `helpers/**`
* `tap-snapshots/**`
### NYCConfig#all(enable = true)
Enable or disable `all`. Enabling can cause difficulties in current versions of node.js
when the repository contains ES modules which are not ignored.
### NYCConfig#checkCoverage(enable = true)
Enable or disable `checkCoverage`.
### NYCConfig#perFile(enable = true)
Enable or disable `perFile` (only effective if `checkCoverage` is enabled)
### NYCConfig#require(...modules)
Append the `require` configuration array.
### NYCConfig#include(...globs)
Append the `include` configuration array.
### NYCConfig#exclude(...globs)
Append the `exclude` configuration array.
### NYCConfig#excludeNodeModules(enable = true)
Enable or disable `excludeNodeModules`.
### NYCConfig#reporter(...reporters)
Add one or more coverage reporters to run. Note the first call to this function will replace
the nyc default.
## Defaults
The defaults provided by this module are:
tempDir: 'coverage/.nyc_output',
require: [],
include: [],
exclude: NYCConfig.defaultExclude,
lines: 100,
statements: 100,
functions: 100,
branches: 100
nyc will apply additional defaults for keys not listed here.
[npm-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@cfware/nyc.svg
[npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/@cfware/nyc
[nyc default excludes]: https://github.com/istanbuljs/schema/blob/master/default-exclude.js