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تبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشترتبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشتر
توضیح خلاصه
Remap sequential sourcemaps through transformations to point at the original source code
Helper functions on Babel compilation targets
Babel helper functions for implementing ES6 module transformations
Collection of helper functions used by Babel transforms.
Generate an AST from a string template.
The Babel Traverse module maintains the overall tree state, and is responsible for replacing, removing, and adding nodes
Transform test runner for @babel/helper-fixtures module
Allow parsing of the flow syntax
TypeScript definitions for gensync
General utilities for plugins to use
Babel helper for ensuring that access to a given value is performed through simple accesses
Helper function to support test runner
This plugin contains helper functions that’ll be placed at the top of the generated code
Allow parsing of class static blocks
Babel plugin to transpile import() to a deferred require(), for node
Validate plugin/preset options
Rename destructuring parameter to workaround https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=220517
Transform optional chaining operators to workaround https://crbug.com/v8/11558
Turn async generator functions into ES2015 generators
Transform class static blocks
Transform import() expressions
Compile export namespace to ES2015
Escape U+2028 LINE SEPARATOR and U+2029 PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR in JS strings
Transforms logical assignment operators into short-circuited assignments
Remove nullish coalescing operator
Remove numeric separators from Decimal, Binary, Hex and Octal literals
Compile optional catch bindings
Transform optional chaining operators into a series of nil checks
This plugin transforms private class methods
This plugin transforms checks for a private property in an object
Compile Unicode property escapes in Unicode regular expressions to ES5.
Allow parsing of import()
Allow parsing of export namespace from
Allow parsing of the module assertion attributes in the import statement
Allow parsing of the U+2028 LINE SEPARATOR and U+2029 PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR in JS strings
Allow parsing of the logical assignment operators
Allow parsing of the nullish-coalescing operator
Allow parsing of Decimal, Binary, Hex and Octal literals that contain a Numeric Literal Separator
Allow parsing of optional properties
Allow parsing of '#foo in obj' brand checks
Allow parsing of top-level await in modules
Compile ES2015 arrow functions to ES5
Turn async functions into ES2015 generators
Babel plugin to ensure function declarations at the block level are block scoped
Compile ES2015 block scoping (const and let) to ES5
Compile ES2015 classes to ES5
Compile ES2015 computed properties to ES5
Compile ES2015 destructuring to ES5
Compile regular expressions using the `s` (`dotAll`) flag to ES5.
Compile objects with duplicate keys to valid strict ES5
Compile exponentiation operator to ES5
Compile ES2015 for...of to ES5
Apply ES2015 function.name semantics to all functions
Compile ES2015 unicode string and number literals to ES5
Ensure that reserved words are quoted in property accesses
This plugin transforms ES2015 modules to AMD
This plugin transforms ES2015 modules to SystemJS
This plugin transforms ES2015 modules to UMD
Compile regular expressions using named groups to ES5.
Transforms new.target meta property
Compile ES2015 object super to ES5
Compile ES2015 default and rest parameters to ES5
Ensure that no reserved words are used.
Compile ES2015 shorthand properties to ES5
Compile ES2015 spread to ES5
Compile ES2015 sticky regex to an ES5 RegExp constructor
Compile ES2015 template literals to ES5
This transformer wraps all typeof expressions with a method that replicates native behaviour. (ie. returning “symbol” for symbols)
Compile ES2015 Unicode escapes to ES5
Compile ES2015 Unicode regex to ES5
A Babel preset that targets modern browsers by fixing engine bugs.
A Babel plugin to inject imports to core-js@2 polyfills
A Babel plugin to inject imports to core-js@3 polyfills
A Babel plugin to inject imports to regenerator-runtime
Babel helper functions for inserting module loads
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The most efficient JS implementation calculating the Levenshtein distance, i.e. the difference between two strings.
Raw browser/feature support data from caniuse.com
Provides a list of electron-to-chromium version mappings
Raw kangax/compat-table data without unnecessary dependencies.
Compile ES2015 constants to ES5
Recursively (deep) clone JavaScript native types, like Object, Array, RegExp, Date as well as primitives.
An ES6 string tag that strips indentation from multi-line strings
ESLint config for babel
Flowtype linting rules for ESLint.
Transform pipeline operator into call expressions
Allow parsing of export default from
Allow parsing of import.meta
The lodash method `_.pickBy` exported as a module.
Solves the problem of false positives with `no-undef` and `no-unused-vars` when using babel-eslint
The lodash method `_.assign` exported as a module.
Extracts string messages for translation from modules that use React Intl.
plug'n'play resolver for Webpack
ReactIntlPlugin for webpack
Babel preset including es2015+
Mocha loader for webpack
The known options used in Grunt
The Grunt 0.4.x logger.
Some old grunt utils provided for backwards compatibility.
Convert character encodings in pure javascript.